Another Muslim In Oklahoma Arrested For Threatening To Behead Coworker

Shariah in iran hangs gays , drops them off cliffs and causes death to gays by other nasty means . Kansas adopts a law that say [example , guess] that a religious wedding cake maker can't be FORCED to make a cake for a gay couple . Is that about right Coyote ??

Uganda's religious leaders with support from American churches have imposed strict religious laws against homosexuals, their friends and anyone who doesn't report them. The original set of laws included the death penalty but the outcry from the international community was intense enough that they backed off of it. Now they only publish homosexuals in the newspapers so the mobs can lynch them.

I don't want to see that in the US either.
yeah , its the same Constitution that secures the USA borders !! We'll see wot happens Coyote as I think that I'll be long gone before there is much for me to be concerned with . Still , I like thinking ahead and I do talk to lefties , progressives that tell me , hey , the constitution is just a piece of paper .

Don't believe everything you read from chicken-little pundits.

Do you have any evidence there is widespread support for Sharia in our system of laws or even that Sharia overides state and constitutional law?

did someone say that shariah overrides state and constitutional law in the USA?-----In the minds of lots of muslims it does-----In several muslim countries the CONSTITUTION includes a clause stating that the country will ignore any international demands that are
not in accordance with SHARIAH ----muslim countries have ---on that basis---rejected UN---universal rights of man (not that I care)

I have run into muslims who---do MUSLIM stuff that is not in accordance with----usa law.---family stuff

Where talking about the US, not other countries. Since you know what Muslims think (I assumed you've talked to all of them) perhaps you can find me some evidence for significant support of Sharia over US law amongst American Muslims?

are you ok? where what? voices tell you that I have spoken to all the muslims of the USA---------nope----in fact I specifically stated that I have spoken to a FAIR SAMPLING-----have you ever studied the issue of STATISTICS? does the term
PROBABLITY mean anything to you? ----how about chi (squared) " p value " ???

over the past 45 years-----I have learned about what muslims learn-----what they are
taught in muslim schools-----especially in
south east asia-------mainly---there ain't nuthin so WONDERFUL for everyone as
SHARIAH LAW-----the most fair and the most
right, the most DIVINE------and it makes
EVERYONE happy-----even non muslims who are DELIGHTED to be subjugated to
ISLAAAAAM. ----the only persons who told me all this stuff were muslims LIVING (at the
time--) in the USA. Muslims from INDIA--
know it. ----------hindus don't but according to
muslims they should. People from the land
of hubby's birth also "KNOW" that hubby's community over there was DELIGHTED with
it. -----------statistically the information I have is SIGNIFICANT-----(good "p" value)----
anything to you?
yeah , but the few lefties that I mention in passing look at shariah as unthreatening to the USA but that's just my opinion as I read their cwazy comments Bodecca !!


Sharia offers no threat to the US. Our system of laws and constitution prevent that. There is virtually no (if any) support within the US Muslim community for the imposition of Sharia over state and constitutional law. Given that Christian groups have been trying for decades to impose religion into our system of laws and despite their overwelming demographic majority - have failed, I think it's hysterical that anyone would be concerned about Sharia in this country.

What religious laws have Christians tried to force upon us?

Just a few examples, the Kansas’ House of Representatives passed a bill that would allow people and business' to deny services to same sex couples if it violated their religious belief - effectively sanctioning discrimination against gay Americans because same sex marriage is anti-Biblical. Similar bills were pending in Mississippi, Idaho, and Arizona - not sure if they passed or not.

Santorum's comments on religion and law:

Santorum's comments opposing same sex marriage (an opposition that is almost entirely based on religion): that the laws in our country must “comport” with God’s law. Santorum also argued in opposition to marriage equality, that our nation’s values “are based on Biblical truth… And, those truths don’t change just because people’s attitudes may change.”

Huckabee (from the same source): ...proclaimed during his 2008 presidential race that our laws should be in accordance with God’s. In fact, Huckabee, an ordained Southern Baptist minister, went as far as to say: “…I believe it’s a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God. And that’s what we need to do is amend the Constitution so it’s in God’s standards rather than trying to change God’s standards so it lines up with some contemporary view…”

Some more: The Religious Substitution Test The Progressive Cynic

Can North Carolina Declare an Official Religion

Other examples - anti-homosexual laws which fortunately have been declared unconstitutional but that hasn't stopped people from trying to get around it: Wave of new state bills Religious freedom or license to discriminate Al Jazeera America

Most of the time, attempts are not successful because they violate the Constitution.
Like I shit.
...When will we realize Islam and western culture simply do not mix ?
When will we learn that simpletons like you only serve to spread the message of Muslim extremists?
One needs to be able to identify the Enemy and then discuss the Enemy before one can devise a strategy to defeat the Enemy.

Remaining silent about it does no good, and actually does some considerable harm, by leaving folks snuggling warm in their shell of complacency, saying that 'things can't be that bad.'
UGANDA------as I recall IDI AMIN was a
muslim. Most of the people are Christians---but when HE ran the place----it as MUSLIM run-------in fact he was CITED as a hero of ISLAM for his good deeds in Uganda----(he killed lots of Christians) ------who runs that
hell hole now? some church in Arkansas?
UGANDA------as I recall IDI AMIN was a
muslim. Most of the people are Christians---but when HE ran the place----it as MUSLIM run-------in fact he was CITED as a hero of ISLAM for his good deeds in Uganda----(he killed lots of Christians) ------who runs that
hell hole now? some church in Arkansas?

Idi Amin was a syphilletic insane dictator.

Perhaps you can provide some sources showing he was cited as a "hero of Islam".
Seems like beheading is in vogue now. ..... :lol:

Seems like beheading is in vogue now. ..... :lol:

Yup...we've got a wave of .... two.

Even one beheading in the name of Allah is one beheading too many.

Let's hope this is not the start of Islamist inspired copycat terrorists attacks by those savages.

Yup. Two is a tidal wave. Personally - I think ANY murder is one too many.
I don't know man , things are getting too complicated even for 70 year olds that are born and lived in the USA all their lives . Ppers here and papers there , ID for everything but voting [funny] . Me , I'd rather stop importation of select groups !!

where I vote-----all you have to do is give them an ADDRESS----nearby. ------that's it.----but to get into the city municipal building---you have to have a PICTURE ID----
and undergo a METAL check. -------I had to take my little beanie off my head ---IT WAS A BAD HAIR DAY------little crocheted beanie------thin and with HOLES ---ie the spaces in crochet------what could I have possibly been hiding in the little beanie other than frizzy hair

What could the underwear or shoe bombers have been hiding in their undies or sneaks?

Oder Eaters?

Oder is the name of a river.

Odor Eaters.

Pretty funny.

So is Denial.
Shariah in iran hangs gays , drops them off cliffs and causes death to gays by other nasty means . Kansas adopts a law that say [example , guess] that a religious wedding cake maker can't be FORCED to make a cake for a gay couple . Is that about right Coyote ??

Uganda's religious leaders with support from American churches have imposed strict religious laws against homosexuals, their friends and anyone who doesn't report them. The original set of laws included the death penalty but the outcry from the international community was intense enough that they backed off of it. Now they only publish homosexuals in the newspapers so the mobs can lynch them.

I don't want to see that in the US either.

Have you figured out which Parental/Authority Entity will be better for your interests yet?

A nation half filled with loving Christians who are sometimes less loving than Christ might instruct them to be?

Or a nation ruled by religious zealots which forbid Hmosexuality by law, upon pain of death?

I tell you, it sure wouldn't take me long to figure that one out if I were Gay.

So why do Gays continue to defend Islam and Muslims?

WTF has taken them so long to start trying to save their OWN asses?


Because they are mostly Liberals and born with Liberal hardwiring which makes them irrational. Or, in boxing lingo, they lead with their emotiuons. Not their brains.

This makes most of them unfit for positions of great responsibility at the highest levels of government.

A secular constitutional republic.
A suckular constipational repubic?
Shariah in iran hangs gays , drops them off cliffs and causes death to gays by other nasty means . Kansas adopts a law that say [example , guess] that a religious wedding cake maker can't be FORCED to make a cake for a gay couple . Is that about right Coyote ??

Uganda's religious leaders with support from American churches have imposed strict religious laws against homosexuals, their friends and anyone who doesn't report them. The original set of laws included the death penalty but the outcry from the international community was intense enough that they backed off of it. Now they only publish homosexuals in the newspapers so the mobs can lynch them.

I don't want to see that in the US either.

Have you figured out which Parental/Authority Entity will be better for your interests yet?

A nation half filled with loving Christians who are sometimes less loving than Christ might instruct them to be?

Or a nation ruled by religious zealots which forbid Homosexuality by law, upon pain of death?

I tell you, it sure wouldn't take me long to figure that one out if I were Gay.

So why do Gays continue to defend Islam and Muslims?

WTF has taken them so long to start trying to save their OWN asses?


Because they are mostly Liberals and born with Liberal hardwiring which makes them irrational. Or, in boxing lingo, they lead with their emotiuons. Not their brains.

This makes most of them unfit for positions of great responsibility at the highest levels of government.
The Geys are being flamboozaled
UGANDA------as I recall IDI AMIN was a
muslim. Most of the people are Christians---but when HE ran the place----it as MUSLIM run-------in fact he was CITED as a hero of ISLAM for his good deeds in Uganda----(he killed lots of Christians) ------who runs that
hell hole now? some church in Arkansas?

Idi Amin was a syphilletic insane dictator.

Perhaps you can provide some sources showing he was cited as a "hero of Islam".

My memory------a Saudi prince so cited him----he spent his last syphilitic years in Saudi Arabia ------fixed up like a prince. ----the insanity of syphilis------is----nothing like the
insanity of your hero adolf. It manifests as
VISUAL HALLUCINATIONS-----and ---dementia in the sense of loss of cognitive skills -----and various nerve deficits----both central and peripheral-------painful stuff---
lancinating nerve pain. nutty tyrants are usually BIPOLARS with----psychotic features. I will look around for the "MUSLIM OF THE YEAR" award that idi won
For the Record:
The Support for Sharia Law Around the World

So what’s the big deal over Sharia law anyway? Shouldn’t every religion have the right to follow its own laws? Well, not exactly. Not when the laws of the religion conflict dramatically with the laws of the land.

In the case of Sharia, the laws are incompatible with Western society, which is largely based on a common Judeo-Christian culture. Other religions besides Judaism and Christianity often share a similar moral foundation, making it easier for their adherents to assimilate. Islam, however, fails miserably. Most Muslims who integrate well into our Western culture are secular, but fundamentalism is a growing trend and is more of a normality among Muslims than among other religious groups. This explains why the global support for Sharia among Muslims is so high.
Shariah in iran hangs gays , drops them off cliffs and causes death to gays by other nasty means . Kansas adopts a law that say [example , guess] that a religious wedding cake maker can't be FORCED to make a cake for a gay couple . Is that about right Coyote ??

Uganda's religious leaders with support from American churches have imposed strict religious laws against homosexuals, their friends and anyone who doesn't report them. The original set of laws included the death penalty but the outcry from the international community was intense enough that they backed off of it. Now they only publish homosexuals in the newspapers so the mobs can lynch them.

I don't want to see that in the US either.

Have you figured out which Parental/Authority Entity will be better for your interests yet?

A nation half filled with loving Christians who are sometimes less loving than Christ might instruct them to be?

Or a nation ruled by religious zealots which forbid Homosexuality by law, upon pain of death?

I tell you, it sure wouldn't take me long to figure that one out if I were Gay.

So why do Gays continue to defend Islam and Muslims?

WTF has taken them so long to start trying to save their OWN asses?


Because they are mostly Liberals and born with Liberal hardwiring which makes them irrational. Or, in boxing lingo, they lead with their emotiuons. Not their brains.

This makes most of them unfit for positions of great responsibility at the highest levels of government.
The Geys are being flamboozaled

Very clever!


Shariah in iran hangs gays , drops them off cliffs and causes death to gays by other nasty means . Kansas adopts a law that say [example , guess] that a religious wedding cake maker can't be FORCED to make a cake for a gay couple . Is that about right Coyote ??

Uganda's religious leaders with support from American churches have imposed strict religious laws against homosexuals, their friends and anyone who doesn't report them. The original set of laws included the death penalty but the outcry from the international community was intense enough that they backed off of it. Now they only publish homosexuals in the newspapers so the mobs can lynch them.

I don't want to see that in the US either.

Have you figured out which Parental/Authority Entity will be better for your interests yet?

A nation half filled with loving Christians who are sometimes less loving than Christ might instruct them to be?

Or a nation ruled by religious zealots which forbid Hmosexuality by law, upon pain of death?

I tell you, it sure wouldn't take me long to figure that one out if I were Gay.

So why do Gays continue to defend Islam and Muslims?

WTF has taken them so long to start trying to save their OWN asses?


Because they are mostly Liberals and born with Liberal hardwiring which makes them irrational. Or, in boxing lingo, they lead with their emotiuons. Not their brains.

This makes most of them unfit for positions of great responsibility at the highest levels of government.

A secular constitutional republic.

How is that different from what exists now?

How is that different from what Conservatives, the Tea Party and even RINO's want?
WTF Oklahoma ?

When will we realize Islam and western culture simply do not mix ?

Second Okla. man arrested for allegedly threatening to behead a Christian co-worker: ‘This is just what we do’

Reports have surfaced that in very “bizarre coincidence,” a second Oklahoma man was arrested Friday for threatening to behead a co-worker.

Jacob Mugambi Muriithi Photo credit: The Oklahoman

An Oklahoma City fired nursing home employee, Jacob Mugambi Muriithi, 30, is being held in the Oklahoma County jail on a terrorism complaint with bail set at $1 million, according to The Oklahoman.

“We take these threats very seriously,” Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater told The Oklahoman.

The co-worker reported that Muriithi, a native of Kenya and self-described Muslim, threatened her while they were both working at the Bellevue Nursing Home last week, a police detective wrote in an arrest warrant affidavit.

The woman, who was not identified, said that Muriithi said he “represented ISIS and that ISIS kills Christians.” When she asked him why, he replied, “This is just what we do,” according to the affidavit.

“The victim said Jacob asked her what time she got off work and she replied by asking him in a joking manner if he was going to kill her,” the detective wrote. “Jacob told the victim, ‘Yes,’ he was going to cut her head off. The victim asked Jacob what he was going to cut her head off with and he said, ‘A blade,’ then told her after he did it he was going to post it on Facebook.

“The victim said Jacob was serious when speaking and never made any statements that he was joking or playing around.”

Muriithi repeated the threat in front of another employee that he was going to use a blade as the woman left work the detective reported, according to The Oklahoman.

Coincidentally, the arrest was made the same day fired Vaughan Foods worker Alton Alexander Nolen – a Muslim convert – was arrested after he beheaded a co-worker.

Second Okla. man arrested for allegedly threatening to behead a Christian co-worker This is just what we do - BizPac Review

When will we learn that simpletons like you only serve to spread the message of Muslim extremists?

The Support for Sharia Law Around the World

So what’s the big deal over Sharia law anyway? Shouldn’t every religion have the right to follow its own laws? Well, not exactly. Not when the laws of the religion conflict dramatically with the laws of the land.

In the case of Sharia, the laws are incompatible with Western society, which is largely based on a common Judeo-Christian culture. Other religions besides Judaism and Christianity often share a similar moral foundation, making it easier for their adherents to assimilate. Islam, however, fails miserably. Most Muslims who integrate well into our Western culture are secular, but fundamentalism is a growing trend and is more of a normality among Muslims than among other religious groups. This explains why the global support for Sharia among Muslims is so high.

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