Another liberal / leftist / Obama agenda goes down in flames...


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
With today's not guilty verdict in the Baltimore case. Yet president Hussein and all the liberal leftist whack jobs were sure the cops were guilty, and felt it necessary to come out in the media to declare the cops guilty and insight riots and the burning down of Baltimore, over a case that has not even been decided in a court of law yet.

I'm sure the leftist media and the liberal whackjobs are eating their soiled underwear over this case they were so heavily invested in.

Freddie Gray case: Baltimore Police Officer Edward Nero found not guilty of all charges
Yo, it doesn`t bother Immoral Socialist Democrat Pigs, they will try again and again, until they cheat Justice!!!

I've never seen an American politician race-bait the way that purple-lipped cocksucker in the WH does! First of all, it's COMPLETELY INAPPROPRIATE for a president to personally insert himself into local crime matters (even if it's legal, it's VERY unprofessional). Second of all, Typhoid Barry's despicable pattern is sooo predictable: whenever a black criminal thug gets himself killled, before any information is out, that crybaby immediately starts making speeches that it's racism. And when the subsequent investigation shows it's self-defense or honest accident, his ego gets all pissy over the egg on his face, so he sends his crooked DOJ after that community to look for & harrass them over the tiniest hints of waaaayycism with a fine-toothed-comb.

Does that above sum up the most vindictive, crybaby president in history? From the most vindictive, crybaby race in history?
I've never seen an American politician race-bait the way that purple-lipped cocksucker in the WH does! First of all, it's COMPLETELY INAPPROPRIATE for a president to personally insert himself into local crime matters (even if it's legal, it's VERY unprofessional). Second of all, Typhoid Barry's despicable pattern is sooo predictable: whenever a black criminal thug gets himself killled, before any information is out, that crybaby immediately starts making speeches that it's racism. And when the subsequent investigation shows it's self-defense or honest accident, his ego gets all pissy over the egg on his face, so he sends his crooked DOJ after that community to look for & harrass them over the tiniest hints of waaaayycism with a fine-toothed-comb.

Does that above sum up the most vindictive, crybaby president in history? From the most vindictive, crybaby race in history?
And every time President Hussein has come out and made a statement in an ongoing unresolved case, in an attempt to divide and insight riots, the court verdict has always proved him wrong. The guy is literally bad luck for any case that he steps into. But it was always too late as cities had burned down, people were killed, and properties and businesses were looted.
I've never seen an American politician race-bait the way that purple-lipped cocksucker in the WH does! First of all, it's COMPLETELY INAPPROPRIATE for a president to personally insert himself into local crime matters (even if it's legal, it's VERY unprofessional). Second of all, Typhoid Barry's despicable pattern is sooo predictable: whenever a black criminal thug gets himself killled, before any information is out, that crybaby immediately starts making speeches that it's racism. And when the subsequent investigation shows it's self-defense or honest accident, his ego gets all pissy over the egg on his face, so he sends his crooked DOJ after that community to look for & harrass them over the tiniest hints of waaaayycism with a fine-toothed-comb.

Does that above sum up the most vindictive, crybaby president in history? From the most vindictive, crybaby race in history?
And every time President Hussein has come out and made a statement in an ongoing unresolved case, in an attempt to divide and insight riots, the court verdict has always proved him wrong. The guy is literally bad luck for any case that he steps into. But it was always too late as cities had burned down, people were killed, and properties and businesses were looted.

Well, he did make black supremacist Al Sharpton his "race adviser" and has met with the violent hate group, Black-Lives-Fecal-Matter numerous times and now supports them. And both his autobiographies are filled with his insecure, VERY JEALOUS small-dick-angst against white Westerners and their accomplishments.....this is seriously the most fucking VOMITOUS president in history! The fucker has a can of worms for a mind!
Hussein Obama is probably the worst, move divisive race baiting asshole radical president ever in history.

Maybe if he kept his mouth shut at least three cities wouldn't have been burned down.

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