Another Group Peeling Away?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "In an interview, House minority leader Nancy Pelosi said that she believes Republican Jews are "being exploited," but she was sure to add, "And they're smart people."

2. Pelosi made the comments in response to whether Jewish voters would support President Barack Obama in the presidential election later this year.

3. "I think [Obama] will" win the Jewish vote, Pelosi said, when pressed on the subject. "I think that he will, because the fact is when the facts get out. You know, as many of the Republicans are using Israel as an excuse, what they really want are tax cuts for the wealthy. So Israel, that can be one reason they put forth."

4. The interviewer then added, "That’s why some of the Republican Jewish supporters are really active."
Pelosi: Republican Jews 'Being Exploited' | The Weekly Standard

And this.....

5. "Daniel Halper has called attention to Nancy Pelosi's remarkable interview with Al Hunt on the topic of Barack Obama and Israel. I'd note one comment in particular: Pelosi's claim that President Obama "has been there [Israel] over and over again."

6. I'm involved with the Emergency Committee for Israel. We have an ad up in several states calling attention to the fact that President Obama, who's been quite the world traveler, has never visited Israel as president.

7. Contrary to Pelosi's apparent claim, President Obama hasn't been to Israel over and over again. He's never been as president,...

8. "over and over" before becoming president, and that's what Pelosi meant to say? No. When he was senator, Obama went on two trips to Israel, once with several other freshmen members of Congress, and then as a presidential candidate. And he'd never been interested enough in Israel to visit as a private citizen. So much for the notion that Obama's been "over and over again."
Pelosi: President Obama's Been to Israel

So, what's with all the palaver?

Could there be some internal polling that doesn't look too good for 'The One'????

ONE can only hope.
You have to understand. Nancy Pelosi does not live in the same space time continuum as the rest of us. Just like the health care bill. Everything she experiences happens in reverse order from a rational viewpoint. By her saying he has been there over and over, she meant that he will have been there over and over at some point in the distant future..maybe. So she was telling the truth in her own mind.
I am really quite surprised that Obama is doing as well as he is with Jewish voters. After the shameful way he treated Netanyahu awhile back, and his lack of support for Israel.
I am really quite surprised that Obama is doing as well as he is with Jewish voters. After the shameful way he treated Netanyahu awhile back, and his lack of support for Israel.

Jillian is a perfect example she simply ignores all his negative Israeli action cause she is enamored of the "first black" President. She spent most of 2008 and 2009 calling anyone that had a problem with Obama's policies racists.
You have to understand. Nancy Pelosi does not live in the same space time continuum as the rest of us. Just like the health care bill. Everything she experiences happens in reverse order from a rational viewpoint. By her saying he has been there over and over, she meant that he will have been there over and over at some point in the distant future..maybe. So she was telling the truth in her own mind.

I am sorry to report she lost that about 10 years ago.
I am really quite surprised that Obama is doing as well as he is with Jewish voters. After the shameful way he treated Netanyahu awhile back, and his lack of support for Israel.

Jillian is a perfect example she simply ignores all his negative Israeli action cause she is enamored of the "first black" President. She spent most of 2008 and 2009 calling anyone that had a problem with Obama's policies racists.

I won't bet on it....but I'm gonna guess that she won't vote for Obama.

May not vote for Romney....but, like many who voted for him in '08, she will recuse herself.

He has been a great disappointment...and not just to the Right.
I am really quite surprised that Obama is doing as well as he is with Jewish voters. After the shameful way he treated Netanyahu awhile back, and his lack of support for Israel.

Jillian is a perfect example she simply ignores all his negative Israeli action cause she is enamored of the "first black" President. She spent most of 2008 and 2009 calling anyone that had a problem with Obama's policies racists.

I won't bet on it....but I'm gonna guess that she won't vote for Obama.

May not vote for Romney....but, like many who voted for him in '08, she will recuse herself.

He has been a great disappointment...and not just to the Right.

I believe she has answered at least one poll in which she indicated she will in fact vote for obama.
I am really quite surprised that Obama is doing as well as he is with Jewish voters. After the shameful way he treated Netanyahu awhile back, and his lack of support for Israel.

Jillian is a perfect example she simply ignores all his negative Israeli action cause she is enamored of the "first black" President. She spent most of 2008 and 2009 calling anyone that had a problem with Obama's policies racists.

Damn I missed that.....that sucks, I love it when liberals break out the isms and ists
Every four years, we have to endure these tedious rightwing fantasies,

the Jewish vote is going Republican, the black vote is going Republican, the Hispanic vote is going Republican, blah de blah de blah....
You have to understand. Nancy Pelosi does not live in the same space time continuum as the rest of us. Just like the health care bill. Everything she experiences happens in reverse order from a rational viewpoint. By her saying he has been there over and over, she meant that he will have been there over and over at some point in the distant future..maybe. So she was telling the truth in her own mind.

Really? All the ones who sit in those seats (the few times they do) are out of touch with the people. From Obama to the lowliest Representative. Some more than others sure, but most have not experienced (lived) what the majority of the people have experienced in the last 12 years.
You have to understand. Nancy Pelosi does not live in the same space time continuum as the rest of us. Just like the health care bill. Everything she experiences happens in reverse order from a rational viewpoint. By her saying he has been there over and over, she meant that he will have been there over and over at some point in the distant future..maybe. So she was telling the truth in her own mind.

Really? All the ones who sit in those seats (the few times they do) are out of touch with the people. From Obama to the lowliest Representative. Some more than others sure, but most have not experienced (lived) what the majority of the people have experienced in the last 12 years.

True, but there is a difference between being out of touch and living with half your brain in a perpendicular universe.
Every four years, we have to endure these tedious rightwing fantasies,

the Jewish vote is going Republican, the black vote is going Republican, the Hispanic vote is going Republican, blah de blah de blah....

Hard to leave that plantation full of government crack
Every four years, we have to endure these tedious rightwing fantasies,

the Jewish vote is going Republican, the black vote is going Republican, the Hispanic vote is going Republican, blah de blah de blah....

Hard to leave that plantation full of government crack

Go brush your tooth. want some more eh? Look whatever you say is not valid, even though you posted it, you dont understand what you posted....k Chuck Todd
American Jews will do what they always do, they'll vote for Dems.
There's a big difference between Israeli Jews, and American ones.
American Jews will do what they always do, they'll vote for Dems.
There's a big difference between Israeli Jews, and American ones.

yeah the US has mostly the atheist "fake" jew similar to the world council of churches "fake" christians....
I am really quite surprised that Obama is doing as well as he is with Jewish voters. After the shameful way he treated Netanyahu awhile back, and his lack of support for Israel.

Support for Israels more Radical Positions is not even Close to Universal among American Jews, or Jews in Israel for that matter.

One of the Things Liberals that Demonize Israel all the time fail to even Point out, is that Israel actually has a very Free, and Open, and Often Critical of the Government, press, and the People in Israel are not Universally Behind anything, other than the Idea they should be able to live in Peace. It's not anything like the Monolithic, Oppressive Governments that Surround and Oppose it.
I am really quite surprised that Obama is doing as well as he is with Jewish voters. After the shameful way he treated Netanyahu awhile back, and his lack of support for Israel.

I'm utterly stunned that Obama is still a contender.
I guess four years of punitive rule isn't even enough to cure that irrational sense of white guilt that so many suffer from. What else could explain this race being this close despite the dismal performance of our current "leader"?

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