Another example of climate models being wrong

Alarmists believe computer models is settled science, I kid you not. I know the world's IQ is slipping and we can see how the Left are dragging it down.
All these stupid computer models are dependent upon the proxy data that are inputted and the algorithms that are use to interpret the results. Shit in-shit out.

Lots of room for error and when you have an industry that has been proven many times to create false and cherry picked data it is a no brainer as to why they would omit something as obvious as atmospheric water vapor.
It doesn't matter how flawed the models, or the science, or the understanding of it is, or even how much fraud is created by the scammers.

The Left need climate change policies to destroy the economy, neuter our military, and usher in an all powerful Socialist government to preserve their demented idea of what a democracy should be.
I have been critical of computer models being used to predict the effects of human on the climate. The main reason is that they are always wrong and are nothing more than shit in shout models that are paid for by the Environmental Wacko lobby. Mostly in the universities but also with the government agencies like NASA and NOAA.

These are models that the Environmental Wackos refer to when they tell us we are all going to be dead in seven, or ten or 20 years because of man made warming.

The Climate Change scam research mostly is nothing more than grifting for government grants and a power-grab tool for government itself.

It looks like we have now discovered a main reason the models are always wrong. 40 years of observed data trumps some grad student's computer program, doesn't it?

New Study: Climate Models Get Water Vapor Wildly Wrong – A ‘Major Gap in Our Understanding’

By Kenneth Richard on 19. February 2024

“Here, we have demonstrated a major discrepancy between observation-based and climate model-based historical trends in near-surface atmospheric water vapor in arid and semi-ari regions.” – Simpson et al.,

A new study published in PNAS has demonstrated, once again, that climate models fail to simulate what happens in the real world with regard to fundamental climate change variables like water vapor. This is a devastating finding, as water vapor is the most significant greenhouse gas due to its alleged “feedback” capacity, accelerating warming well beyond what CO2 is said to be capable of alone.

The authors do not understate the significance of this climate modeling failure.

“This represents a major gap in our understanding and in climate model fidelity that must be understood and fixed as soon as possible in order to provide reliable hydroclimate projections for arid/semi-arid regions in the coming decades.”

Per state-of-the-art climate models, specific humidity (SH) should increase as a consequence of CO2-induced global warming. But 40 years of observations (1980-) show no increasing SH trend over arid/semi-arid regions.

Per state-of-the-art climate models, relative humidity (RH) should decline slightly as a consequence of CO2-induced global warming. But 40 years of observations (1980-) show not a slight declining trend, but a declining trend that is “about an order of magnitude more than the models on average.” In other words, the climate models are wrong by a factor of 10

The models say the tropical warming rate should have been nearly 3 times larger than the observations show – “0.389 ± 0.173°C per decade (models) and 0.142 ± 0.115°C per decade (observed)” – due to the assumed feedback response to CO2 forcing over warm regions. Instead, there is a “clear and significant tendency on the part of the models to overstate warming.”

Are you willing to back up the claims made in your post? ... or will you just play "I'm a stupid strawman" argument? ...

Warmer means wetter ... this is kitchen counter science ... at 13ºC, specific humidity is 9.3 g/kg ... at 14ºC, SH is 9.9 g/kg ... a 7% increase at this temperature, and 7% increase in latent energy ... but that's at the Earth's surface, the average for the entire atmosphere is closer to -30ºC (@ 18,000 feet = 500 mb) ... and SH closer to 0.3 g/kg ...


The journalist in the OP seems to be cherry-picking the scientific literature just like the idiot Hystericals ...

Computers can only output what they're programmed to output ... nothing else ... here's an example, and you can see why the red trace gets all the headlines, but it's the light blue trace that gets the most scientific attention ... it's all in the interpretation of these outputs ...


We've already seen a single degree temperature rise, we only expect another single degree by Year 2300 ... according to the IPCC ... nothing to shit our pants over ... I have no problem with the computer results that back up MY claims ...
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Are you willing to back up the claims made in your post? ... or will you just play "I'm a stupid strawman" argument? ...

Warmer means wetter ... this is kitchen counter science ... at 13ºC, specific humidity is 9.3 g/kg ... at 14ºC, SH is 9.9 g/kg ... a 7% increase at this temperature, and 7% increase in latent energy ... but that's at the Earth's surface, the average for the entire atmosphere is closer to -30ºC (@ 18,000 feet = 500 mb) ... and SH closer to 0.3 g/kg ...


The journalist in the OP seems to be cherry-picking the scientific literature just like the idiot Hystericals ...

Computers can only output what they're programmed to output ... nothing else ... here's an example, and you can see why the red trace gets all the headlines, but it's the light blue trace that gets the most scientific attention ... it's all in the interpretation of these outputs ...


We've already seen a single degree temperature rise, we only expect another single degree by Year 2300 ... according to the IPCC ... nothing to shit our pants over ... I have no problem with the computer results that back up MY claims ...
The stupidity that you are expressing here is accepting data from shitheads that have been caught lying many times in the past. They have even admitted that they are lying and have been caught red handed. Their data that you love so much is not credible and not based upon scientific evidence. Go read the Climategate emails where the little shits admit among themselves that they are lying. Go look at the NASA and NOAA data that was compromised with unscientific fudge factors. We see dishonesty all the time.

There is no credibility in the AGW Scammer data.

In this post glacier warming period the earth may very very well be going through a cyclical warming period like we saw in the Medieval Warming Period or the Roman Warming Period. However, there is absolutely no credible proof that humans are affecting the climate to any significant degree. None whatsoever. All we have is a silly ass correlation, shit in shit out computer models and a tremendous amount of fraudulent and cherry picked proxy data that don't mean jackshit in real science.

As an Environmental Engineer I would have no problem accepting the fact that humans are affecting the climate. I spent 30 years identifying and cleaning up real pollution. I know what real pollution is. However, there is nothing this silly ass AGW crap that is real. It is a scam without any scientifically defensible basis. Just lies and bogus data. CO2 from fossil fuels in the amounts we see now do not come anywhere close to producing a greenhouse effect. The earth buffers far more than what humans produce. The chemistry of atmospheric CO2 is far more complex than what we see in the silly ass scammer models as the article cited in the first post indicates.

By the way, CO2 is a good thing, just like O2.

Climate change is real. It is a part of Nature. AGW is a bullshit scam.
Climate change is real. It is part of Nature and has been going on since the earth came into existence.

However, there is absolutely no scientifically credible proof that humans are altering the climate. Just a stupid correlation, shit in shit out computer models funded by Environmental Wacko sources and a lot of fraudulent and cherry picked bogus proxy data from sources that been caught being dishonest.
Your opinion is becoming very popular now that climate change to warmer is too hard to deny.

It's an admission that your original position of denying was wrong.

But then you jump right our of the frying pan and into the fire with another more modified wrong position.

you're not alone, it's the popular position for denialists to take for now.

And it's safe with jesus too if that has influenced your opinion?
It's no longer a yes or no on climate change.

1. I believe climate scientists.

2. I'm a denialist on AGW.

3. I'm fully denying GW.

#3 are mostly extinct now and so we can ignore the ones that are still clutching to their extremist views.
And #2 is noticeably diminished except for the ones who scream profanities.
It's getting warmer. It is impossible to deny.

Is that a bad thing? No. It is good for some places and bad for others. Ten times more people die of cold than die of heat.

Is there anything that can be done about it? NOTHING can be done to stop or significantly slow warming; that's a fact. But Mankind will devise engineering solutions to virtually every "problem" that is caused by warming.

Coincidentally, I was playing golf yesterday (in Florida) with a French-Canadian couple from Ottawa. They were bemoaning the warmer temperatures that were making ice skating, skiing, snow-mobiling, etc., problematic in their neck of the woods. In their 70's, they had never seen anything like it before in that region. Ski resorts in both Canada and the U.S. are struggling.

Not really frightening, but inconvenient for some, eh?
In MN we are having a very warm winter after last year having one of the most brutal ever.
Yet, everyone in the northern reaches is using far less fuel to heat their houses this year. It is very noticeable on my bill compared to last year.
Less fuel use equals less carbon released.

The only climate deniers I see are the ones who believe that our climate should be locked into the present configuration at any cost neccessary.

The last great warming as the Ice Age ended literally carved the entire landscape up here leaving endless lakes and rivers we take for granted today. My house stands where a mile high wall of ice once stood. Millions of years ago it was the location of a beach of a shallow sea. There are ancient fossils of sea life found here.

Anyone who witnessed the massive warming runoff that carved huge bluffs miles apart in the northern Mississippi river valleys would have probably thought their world was ending, yet the warming directly benefited humans.
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The lack of substance in the comments pretty much say it all for the denialist side my friend.
Have you contacted a climate scientist to validate your claims yet, or are you still your own expert authority?
Calling someone a “Denier” immediately identifies the user as a Cult Member
Hate to disappoint you, but...

Despite the level of uncertainty and variation between models, studies are showing that models have been accurate in their projections. Climate models are evaluated for accuracy by “hindcasting,” or replicating the climate of the past 100 years.
Hey Jon Stewart is looking for comedy writers, would you mind if I submit the above?
Calling someone a “Denier” immediately identifies the user as a Cult Member
No, not in the real world. The fact you're missing is that those who are called 'deniers' or 'denialists' are not willing to fully own their positions or opinions.
It would be like somebody calling me a 'believer' and I wasn't willing to own the label.

Denier? Believer? Which of the two is 'cultish' as you suggest.

Don't raise this objection again, it's self-destructive.
No, not in the real world. The fact you're missing is that those who are called 'deniers' or 'denialists' are not willing to fully own their positions or opinions.
It would be like somebody calling me a 'believer' and I wasn't willing to own the label.

Denier? Believer? Which of the two is 'cultish' as you suggest.

Don't raise this objection again, it's self-destructive.
See? You BELIEVE in AGW and treat IPCC as your Messiah, it’s not science

We ask you, “please show us experiments linking changes in CO2 to temperature” and you call us “Deniers” and suggest we consult the Gospel of IPCC. Not science.

Deniers raise a valid point when we say that we closed the world economy for 2 years and CO2 continues to increase
See? You BELIEVE in AGW and treat IPCC as your Messiah, it’s not science

We ask you, “please show us experiments linking changes in CO2 to temperature” and you call us “Deniers” and suggest we consult the Gospel of IPCC. Not science.

Deniers raise a valid point when we say that we closed the world economy for 2 years and CO2 continues to increase
First, proudly own your position fully, and then you will find no embarrassment or humiliation in being called a denier.

Then after that's settled, I will be happy to address your questions from the POV of a layperson.
First, proudly own your position fully, and then you will find no embarrassment or humiliation in being called a denier.

Then after that's settled, I will be happy to address your questions from the POV of a layperson.
I’m a skeptic. I’ve been asking for experiments and get called a “Denier” by the AGWCult

Embarrassed? Humiliated? By you clowns? LOL!
The term denier is designed to shut down debate.
How unscientific...

That's not near as cruel as calling people believers. LOL

You shouldn't bought into that with him, but voila! You own it now!
I would like to see those models and who in the hell are claiming they are accurate and where they get their funding from.
That's all publicly available information but I bet a dollar to a donut that you won't spend ten seconds trying to look it up because you like making up your answers instead - less conflict with your preconceived notions.
The USDA is just another branch of the filthy ass Federal Government.
If I give you a choice between eating USDA certified food and food from any other nation on the planet, which would you choose?
That's all publicly available information but I bet a dollar to a donut that you won't spend ten seconds trying to look it up because you like making up your answers instead - less conflict with your preconceived notions.

If I give you a choice between eating USDA certified food and food from any other nation on the planet, which would you choose?
Here is some really good reading for you. Please do so. Set aside a week or two to digest it all.

The Mainstream Media does not allow open discussion and debate on The Green Agenda or putative man-made global warming, rechristened “climate change.” So you know the MSM is lying, just like they enforced censorship and obedience during the fake Covid pandemic. The following list of references focuses on one topic—climate change:

The ‘Climate Emergency’ Is a Hoax. Robert Williams

“More than 1,600 scientists and professionals, including two Nobel laureates, have signed a declaration saying that “There is no climate emergency.” The declaration is unlikely to get any attention from the mainstream media, unfortunately, but it is important for people to know about: the mass climate hysteria and the destruction of the US economy in the name of climate change need to stop.”

Sensible Environmentalism —Patrick Moore

Patrick Moore, founder of Greenpeace, interviewed on the Green Lobby’s destructive folly: “Now they’re going into agriculture and threatening to cut off the supply of food, because food is causing global warming….They will cause a ruination the likes of which the Earth has never seen, because there are over eight billion of us, and four billion of us depend on nitrogen fertiliser, which they now say is bad, because it’s a greenhouse gas or whatever… It’s all completely phoney. And so is the campaign against CO2.”

Just 0.3% of Scientists Agree Humanity is Causing Climate Change, NOT 97% as Claimed by UN

See also this.

Eight Important Facts – NOT Opinions – That Totally Debunk the Human-Caused Global Warming Hypothesis. Joe Hoft

The “Great Zero Carbon” Conspiracy and the WEF’s “Great Reset”. F. William Engdahl

“The globalist Davos World Economic Forum is proclaiming the necessity of reaching a worldwide goal of ‘net zero carbon’ by 2050….In reality it is a blueprint for a global technocratic totalitarian corporativism, one that promises huge unemployment, deindustrialization and economic collapse by design.”

Was 2023 REALLY the second hottest year since 1884? Iain Davis

“According to the UK Met Office, 2023 was the second hottest year in the UK since 1884. Quite obviously, this is complete nonsense. Unless they are troglodytes that never venture out in daylight, why would anyone in the UK believe such absurd drivel?”

Nobel Physics Laureate 2022 Slams ‘Climate Emergency’ Narrative as “Dangerous Corruption of Science”. Chris Morrison

The co-winner of the 2022 Nobel Physics prize has launched an excoriating attack on the ‘climate emergency’ narrative, calling it a “dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world’s economy and the well-being of billions of people”. Dr. John Clauser notes that misguided climate science has “metastasised into massive shock-journalistic pseudoscience.”

The Agenda behind Climate Change Catastrophism. Michael Rectenwald, The Mises Institute The Agenda behind Climate Change Catastrophism | Michael Rectenwald

Man-Made Climate Change is a Hoax. Ivan M. Paton Man-Made Climate Change is a Hoax

“…The focus on (man-made) climate change is one of the greatest misallocations of capital and human resources in history. It is based on a lot of disinformation that is repeated by the general public as dogma. The claim that man-made climate change is real. The claim that carbon dioxide from man-made emissions is the guilty party, and that carbon dioxide is dangerous. The claim that we must decarbonize, and stop using fossil fuels, and reach Net Zero by 2050. It is all dogma. Repeated endlessly. We can safely conclude that the United Nations claim that climate change is man-made and is coming from our carbon dioxide emissions is a hoax.”

Bill Gates’ dark dream of blocking sunlight from the Earth is about to be realized. Leo Hohmann Bill Gates' dark dream of blocking sunlight from the Earth is about to be realized

Technocracy: Critics Slam UN “Climate” Scientists’ Bid for Dictatorial Power. Alex Newman Technocracy: Critics Slam UN “Climate” Scientists’ Bid for Dictatorial Power

Scientist Admits to Spreading Alarm About Climate Change: “It’s a Manufactured Consensus” Scientist Admits to Spreading Alarm About Climate Change: “It’s a Manufactured Consensus” – The Daily Sceptic

Sweden Scraps WEF’s Net Zero Scheme: “Global Warming Is a Scam”

“Sweden has announced that it is scrapping the WEF’s green energy targets and has declared that man-made global warming science is a scam.”

Climate Science Spawns Serfdom. Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD Climate Science Spawns Serfdom - LewRockwell

“Climate researchers have constructed more than 100 computer models of CO2-caused climate change. None predict that global warming will stop, as is happening now despite the continued rise of atmospheric CO2 levels….Banning fossil fuels and succumbing to a ‘zero-carbon future’ is the new road to serfdom.”

Emails prove Climate Change is a Scam One moment, please...

The Club Of Rome: How Climate Hysteria Is Being Used To Create Global Governance. Brandon Smith The Club Of Rome: How Climate Hysteria Is Being Used To Create Global Governance -

Arctic Summer Sea Ice Stopped Declining a Decade Ago – But Scientists Have Hidden It Arctic Summer Sea Ice Stopped Declining a Decade Ago – But Scientists Have Hidden It – The Daily Sceptic

Top International Scientists Say Temperatures in Northern Hemisphere To Fall Over Next 25 Years Top International Scientists Say Temperatures in Northern Hemisphere To Fall Over Next 25 Years

What is motivating the controlled demolition of American energy? Jordan Schachtel What is motivating the controlled demolition of American energy?

“The Democratic Party base has a significant percentage of True Believers who are convinced the world will soon cease to exist, due to ‘climate change.’ Of course, there is no real evidence supporting that argument. Nonetheless, the ‘green transition’ rhetoric plays very well with this growing contingent, and it may inspire them to come out to the polls in November.”

The Globalist Climate Agenda is a Crime Against Humanity It is more than a misguided but well-intentioned mistake. It is a brazen lie… Edward Ring

Stop the Climate Change Fraud

More Evidence Suggests “Global Warming Ran Out of Steam” Years Ago – Experts Argue Global Temps Have Remained Flat For 20 Years More Evidence Suggests "Global Warming Ran Out of Steam" Years Ago - Experts Argue Global Temps Have Remained Flat For 20 Years | The Gateway Pundit | by Julian Conradson

“Nearly 20 years after the release of Al Gore’s ridiculous ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ documentary that warned of impending doom from global warming and served as the catalyst to all of the subsequent climate hysteria, more new data has emerged confirming that global temperatures have remained mostly ‘on pause since 1998.’…In other words, the issue was essentially nonexistent even when Gore made his ‘bold’ predictions in 2006.”

The Lies, Deceits and Hypocrisy of Climate Change. Vernon Coleman The Lies, Deceits and Hypocrisy of Climate Change |

New UN Report on Climate Change – Absolutely Nothing in This Report Is True. Rhoda Wilson New UN Report on Climate Change – Absolutely Nothing in This Report Is True

Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Climate Predictions Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions - Competitive Enterprise Institute

Earth day is coming up. It is a good time to remind the public what the predictions were 52 years ago. Jack Hellner

“On the first Earth Day, April 22, 1970, the world was warned that billions would die soon because of a disastrous ice age. The Earth had been cooling for thirty years, and it was about to get much worse. Crops would not survive the ice age, so the people couldn’t be fed….The complicit media dutifully repeated these warnings to scare the public with no questions and no research.”
I have been critical of computer models being used to predict the effects of human on the climate. The main reason is that they are always wrong and are nothing more than shit in shout models that are paid for by the Environmental Wacko lobby. Mostly in the universities but also with the government agencies like NASA and NOAA.

These are models that the Environmental Wackos refer to when they tell us we are all going to be dead in seven, or ten or 20 years because of man made warming.

The Climate Change scam research mostly is nothing more than grifting for government grants and a power-grab tool for government itself.

It looks like we have now discovered a main reason the models are always wrong. 40 years of observed data trumps some grad student's computer program, doesn't it?

New Study: Climate Models Get Water Vapor Wildly Wrong – A ‘Major Gap in Our Understanding’

By Kenneth Richard on 19. February 2024

“Here, we have demonstrated a major discrepancy between observation-based and climate model-based historical trends in near-surface atmospheric water vapor in arid and semi-ari regions.” – Simpson et al.,

A new study published in PNAS has demonstrated, once again, that climate models fail to simulate what happens in the real world with regard to fundamental climate change variables like water vapor. This is a devastating finding, as water vapor is the most significant greenhouse gas due to its alleged “feedback” capacity, accelerating warming well beyond what CO2 is said to be capable of alone.

The authors do not understate the significance of this climate modeling failure.

“This represents a major gap in our understanding and in climate model fidelity that must be understood and fixed as soon as possible in order to provide reliable hydroclimate projections for arid/semi-arid regions in the coming decades.”

Per state-of-the-art climate models, specific humidity (SH) should increase as a consequence of CO2-induced global warming. But 40 years of observations (1980-) show no increasing SH trend over arid/semi-arid regions.

Per state-of-the-art climate models, relative humidity (RH) should decline slightly as a consequence of CO2-induced global warming. But 40 years of observations (1980-) show not a slight declining trend, but a declining trend that is “about an order of magnitude more than the models on average.” In other words, the climate models are wrong by a factor of 10

The models say the tropical warming rate should have been nearly 3 times larger than the observations show – “0.389 ± 0.173°C per decade (models) and 0.142 ± 0.115°C per decade (observed)” – due to the assumed feedback response to CO2 forcing over warm regions. Instead, there is a “clear and significant tendency on the part of the models to overstate warming.”
I posted proof today that Mountains cause climate and not humans. I presented this video

Showing that the climate depends on mountains and not on humans. The weather and climate of these islands does not depend on humans because wildlife lives on them both.
The term denier is designed to shut down debate.
How unscientific...
View attachment 906589
Here is some really good reading for you. Please do so. Set aside a week or two to digest it all.

The Mainstream Media does not allow open discussion and debate on The Green Agenda or putative man-made global warming, rechristened “climate change.” So you know the MSM is lying, just like they enforced censorship and obedience during the fake Covid pandemic. The following list of references focuses on one topic—climate change:

The ‘Climate Emergency’ Is a Hoax. Robert Williams

“More than 1,600 scientists and professionals, including two Nobel laureates, have signed a declaration saying that “There is no climate emergency.” The declaration is unlikely to get any attention from the mainstream media, unfortunately, but it is important for people to know about: the mass climate hysteria and the destruction of the US economy in the name of climate change need to stop.”

Sensible Environmentalism —Patrick Moore

Patrick Moore, founder of Greenpeace, interviewed on the Green Lobby’s destructive folly: “Now they’re going into agriculture and threatening to cut off the supply of food, because food is causing global warming….They will cause a ruination the likes of which the Earth has never seen, because there are over eight billion of us, and four billion of us depend on nitrogen fertiliser, which they now say is bad, because it’s a greenhouse gas or whatever… It’s all completely phoney. And so is the campaign against CO2.”

Just 0.3% of Scientists Agree Humanity is Causing Climate Change, NOT 97% as Claimed by UN

See also this.

Eight Important Facts – NOT Opinions – That Totally Debunk the Human-Caused Global Warming Hypothesis. Joe Hoft

The “Great Zero Carbon” Conspiracy and the WEF’s “Great Reset”. F. William Engdahl

“The globalist Davos World Economic Forum is proclaiming the necessity of reaching a worldwide goal of ‘net zero carbon’ by 2050….In reality it is a blueprint for a global technocratic totalitarian corporativism, one that promises huge unemployment, deindustrialization and economic collapse by design.”

Was 2023 REALLY the second hottest year since 1884? Iain Davis

“According to the UK Met Office, 2023 was the second hottest year in the UK since 1884. Quite obviously, this is complete nonsense. Unless they are troglodytes that never venture out in daylight, why would anyone in the UK believe such absurd drivel?”

Nobel Physics Laureate 2022 Slams ‘Climate Emergency’ Narrative as “Dangerous Corruption of Science”. Chris Morrison

The co-winner of the 2022 Nobel Physics prize has launched an excoriating attack on the ‘climate emergency’ narrative, calling it a “dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world’s economy and the well-being of billions of people”. Dr. John Clauser notes that misguided climate science has “metastasised into massive shock-journalistic pseudoscience.”

The Agenda behind Climate Change Catastrophism. Michael Rectenwald, The Mises Institute The Agenda behind Climate Change Catastrophism | Michael Rectenwald

Man-Made Climate Change is a Hoax. Ivan M. Paton Man-Made Climate Change is a Hoax

“…The focus on (man-made) climate change is one of the greatest misallocations of capital and human resources in history. It is based on a lot of disinformation that is repeated by the general public as dogma. The claim that man-made climate change is real. The claim that carbon dioxide from man-made emissions is the guilty party, and that carbon dioxide is dangerous. The claim that we must decarbonize, and stop using fossil fuels, and reach Net Zero by 2050. It is all dogma. Repeated endlessly. We can safely conclude that the United Nations claim that climate change is man-made and is coming from our carbon dioxide emissions is a hoax.”

Bill Gates’ dark dream of blocking sunlight from the Earth is about to be realized. Leo Hohmann Bill Gates' dark dream of blocking sunlight from the Earth is about to be realized

Technocracy: Critics Slam UN “Climate” Scientists’ Bid for Dictatorial Power. Alex Newman Technocracy: Critics Slam UN “Climate” Scientists’ Bid for Dictatorial Power

Scientist Admits to Spreading Alarm About Climate Change: “It’s a Manufactured Consensus” Scientist Admits to Spreading Alarm About Climate Change: “It’s a Manufactured Consensus” – The Daily Sceptic

Sweden Scraps WEF’s Net Zero Scheme: “Global Warming Is a Scam”

“Sweden has announced that it is scrapping the WEF’s green energy targets and has declared that man-made global warming science is a scam.”

Climate Science Spawns Serfdom. Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD Climate Science Spawns Serfdom - LewRockwell

“Climate researchers have constructed more than 100 computer models of CO2-caused climate change. None predict that global warming will stop, as is happening now despite the continued rise of atmospheric CO2 levels….Banning fossil fuels and succumbing to a ‘zero-carbon future’ is the new road to serfdom.”

Emails prove Climate Change is a Scam One moment, please...

The Club Of Rome: How Climate Hysteria Is Being Used To Create Global Governance. Brandon Smith The Club Of Rome: How Climate Hysteria Is Being Used To Create Global Governance -

Arctic Summer Sea Ice Stopped Declining a Decade Ago – But Scientists Have Hidden It Arctic Summer Sea Ice Stopped Declining a Decade Ago – But Scientists Have Hidden It – The Daily Sceptic

Top International Scientists Say Temperatures in Northern Hemisphere To Fall Over Next 25 Years Top International Scientists Say Temperatures in Northern Hemisphere To Fall Over Next 25 Years

What is motivating the controlled demolition of American energy? Jordan Schachtel What is motivating the controlled demolition of American energy?

“The Democratic Party base has a significant percentage of True Believers who are convinced the world will soon cease to exist, due to ‘climate change.’ Of course, there is no real evidence supporting that argument. Nonetheless, the ‘green transition’ rhetoric plays very well with this growing contingent, and it may inspire them to come out to the polls in November.”

The Globalist Climate Agenda is a Crime Against Humanity It is more than a misguided but well-intentioned mistake. It is a brazen lie… Edward Ring

Stop the Climate Change Fraud

More Evidence Suggests “Global Warming Ran Out of Steam” Years Ago – Experts Argue Global Temps Have Remained Flat For 20 Years More Evidence Suggests "Global Warming Ran Out of Steam" Years Ago - Experts Argue Global Temps Have Remained Flat For 20 Years | The Gateway Pundit | by Julian Conradson

“Nearly 20 years after the release of Al Gore’s ridiculous ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ documentary that warned of impending doom from global warming and served as the catalyst to all of the subsequent climate hysteria, more new data has emerged confirming that global temperatures have remained mostly ‘on pause since 1998.’…In other words, the issue was essentially nonexistent even when Gore made his ‘bold’ predictions in 2006.”

The Lies, Deceits and Hypocrisy of Climate Change. Vernon Coleman The Lies, Deceits and Hypocrisy of Climate Change |

New UN Report on Climate Change – Absolutely Nothing in This Report Is True. Rhoda Wilson New UN Report on Climate Change – Absolutely Nothing in This Report Is True

Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Climate Predictions Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions - Competitive Enterprise Institute

Earth day is coming up. It is a good time to remind the public what the predictions were 52 years ago. Jack Hellner Earth day is coming up. It is a good time to remind the public what the predictions were 52 years ago

“On the first Earth Day, April 22, 1970, the world was warned that billions would die soon because of a disastrous ice age. The Earth had been cooling for thirty years, and it was about to get much worse. Crops would not survive the ice age, so the people couldn’t be fed….The complicit media dutifully repeated these warnings to scare the public with no questions and no research.”
Could you highlight all the peer reviewed studies in your list?

Forum List
