Another email from Bush campaign


Aug 28, 2003
New York
Here are a few highlights of the CBS News/New York Times poll released this morning that were largely missing in the story:

The President's job approval is rising. A majority of Americans, 51%, approve, while 42% disapprove, a net increase of 6 points from the 47% that approved and 44% that disapproved in the late February CBS News poll.

The President now leads Kerry by 3 points among registered voters, 46% to 43%. This is a net increase of 4 points since mid-February, when Kerry led by a point.

Against a possible Kerry-Edwards ticket, Bush-Cheney now leads by 2 points. A Bush-Cheney ticket leads a hypothetical Kerry-Edwards ticket among registered voters, 46% to 44%. This is a net increase of 10 points since late February, when the Kerry-Edwards ticket led by 8 points.

The President's support is also more intense than Kerry's. 76% of the President's supporters say that their mind is made up, while just 70% of Kerry's say the same.

President Bush is viewed more favorably by Americans. 43% of Americans view the President favorably, an increase of 3 points since mid-February. 39% view him unfavorably and 17% have no opinion of him.

More Americans now view John Kerry unfavorably. Kerry's favorability declined, from 37% favorable/28% unfavorable to 28% favorable/29% unfavorable, a net decrease of 10 points since the late February CBS News poll. 41% of voters have never heard of Kerry or have no opinion of him.

A majority of Americans now see Kerry as a man who only says what people want to hear. Just 33% say that Kerry says what he believes, while 57% say that he does not. On the other hand, a majority of Americans, 51%, see President Bush as a man who says what he believes.

The real story from this poll is Kerry's 10-point drop in favorability since the late February CBS News poll and President Bush's rise in the midst of months of negative attacks from the Democrats.
yeah i got that today too. I'm awsome like you guy's right?:D

Go Bush Go, now if he could only get those numbers out to media outlets and to the general public so the undecides can learn some real info and not the shit the dems' keep shoveling at them.
This poll was taken three days ago. From what I'm reading on this site, Bush is either leading or has already won the election. Go to and look at the job rating results on Bush from several polls, not just CBS, from December through today. They all show decline.

American Research Group, Inc.

March 12, 2004 Kerry Increases Lead Over Bush. John Kerry has increased his lead over George W. Bush among Americans registered to vote according to a nationwide survey from the American Research Group, Inc. In the ballot preference between Kerry and Bush, 50% say they would vote for Kerry and 43% say they would vote for Bush. In February, Kerry was at 48% and Bush was at 46%. When Ralph Nader is added to the ballot, 48% say they would vote for Kerry, 42% say they would vote for Bush, and 2% say they would vote for Nader.The results presented here are based on 770 completed telephone interviews conducted among a nationwide random sample of registered voters. The interviews were completed March 9 through 11, 2004. The theoretical margin of error for the total sample is plus or minus 3.5 percentage points, 95% of the time, on questions where opinion is evenly split. Support for Bush has softened slightly among Republicans since February.

Mar 11 Bush Kerry Undecided

All voters 43% 50% 7%

Republicans 81% 11% 8%
Democrats 5% 87% 8%
Independents 42% 51% 7%

Feb 2004 46% 48% 6%
Jan 2004 46% 47% 7%

A total of 17% of Republicans say they disapprove of the way Bush is handling his job as president and 18% of Republicans say they disapprove of the way Bush is handling the economy. Of all voters saying they disapprove of the way Bush is handling his job as president, 81% say they would vote for Kerry. Of all voters saying they disapprove of the way Bush is handling the economy, 81% say they would vote for Kerry.Bush leads Kerry among the 32% of voters saying the national economy is getting better, but trails Kerry among the 66% of voters saying the national economy is staying the same or is getting worse. The same is true when voters are asked to rate the financial situations in their households. Bush leads Kerry among the 23% of voters saying the financial situations in their households are getting better, while Kerry leads among the 76% of voters saying the financial situations in their households are staying the same or are getting worse.Democrats are more apt to say they would vote for Nader when his name is on the ballot, but Nader draws support from Bush among independents.

Mar 11 Bush Kerry Nader Undecided

All voters 42% 48% 2% 8%

Republicans 81% 11% - 8%
Democrats 5% 81% 5% 7%
Independents 40% 51% 1% 8%

About this Survey - Survey Sponsor: American Research Group, Inc. The American Research Group has been conducting national surveys of consumers since 1985. Sample Size: 770 completed telephone interviews among a random sample of registered voters living in telephone households in the continental United States. Sample Dates: March 9-11, 2004 Margin of Error: ± 3.5 percentage points, 95% of the time, on questions where opinion is evenly split. Question Wording:If the election for president were being held between George W. Bush, the Republican, and John Kerry, the Democrat, for whom would you vote - Bush or Kerry? (names rotated) What if the election for president were being held between George W. Bush, the Republican, and John Kerry, the Democrat, and Ralph Nader, for whom would you vote - Bush, Kerry, or Nader? (names rotated)
America Woke up on 911. We arent planning to go back to sleep anytime soon. most Americans now realize that the 90s were an illusion. The prosperity of the 90s came from cooked books and while we were busy counting our retirement money Terrorists attacked us numerous times, our military defeat in Mogadishu, sitting idly by during the Rhwandan Genocide, bombing Chinese embasses and exporting nuclear secrets, yet no American outrage. Well we are awake now. and liberals wont be taking us back to their illusion world.

Yet for the last two years all ive been hearing about is the Democrats whining about the recession they created, yet somehow its the Republicans who are greedy. Bush has jumpstarted the economy with the tax cuts just like Reagan jumpstarted Carters failed economy. Yet even if Bush hadnt restarted the economy who cares? He has been waging a war on terror. I mean what good is a great economy if you are dead? Whats the point of a great economy if you lose your freedom? Freedom and life cant be bought with money. If we lose our freedom we wont get it back without the shedding of alot of blood.

So go ahead. keep pretending the 90s illusion is reality. We will fight the war on terror, and we will win so your rights are protected and you can live in your fantasy world.

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