Annoying things to do at Wal Mart


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2004
15 Things to do at Wal-Mart while your spouse is taking her sweet time;

1. Get 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in people's carts when
they aren't looking.
>> 2. Set all the alarm clocks in House wares to go off at 5-minute
> intervals.
>> 3 Make a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the rest
>> 4 Walk up to an employee and tell him/her in an official tone, 'Code 3'
> in house wares..... and see what happens.
>> 5 Go the Service Desk and ask to put a bag of M&M's on lay away.
>> 6 Move a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area.
>> 7 Set up a tent in the camping department and tell other shoppers
you'll invite them in if they'll bring pillows from the bedding department.
>> 8 When a clerk asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask 'Why
can't you people just leave me alone?'
>> 9 Look right into the security camera; use it as a mirror, and pick
your nose.
>> 10 While handling guns in the hunting department, ask the clerk if he
> knows where the anti- depressants are.
>> 11 Dart around the store suspiciously loudly humming the "Mission
> Impossible" theme.
>> 12 In the auto department, practice your "Madonna look" using
different size funnels.
>> 13 Hide in a clothing rack and when people browse through, say "PICK
>> 14 When an announcement comes over the loud speaker, assume the fetal position and scream "NO! NO! It's those voices again!!!!"
>> ( And; last, but not least!)
>> 15 Go into a fitting room and shut the door and wait a while; and,
then, yell, very loudly, "There is no toilet paper in here!"
That was too funny. Might be even more interesting to try at Nordstroms or Bloomingdales! (Some accomodations will have to be implemented of course!)
Wal-Mart scares me. I am always afraid that one of the 90-year-old greeters is going to die in front of me.

My sister was a lot worse than me with pranks. When she was in high school, one of her friends got kicked out of a department store. So they took a large child's doll, wrapped it in a beach towel, and poured stage blood all over the towel and the floor.
They left after that, but I am sure havoc was not far behind.
Gabriella84 said:
Wal-Mart scares me. I am always afraid that one of the 90-year-old greeters is going to die in front of me.

My sister was a lot worse than me with pranks. When she was in high school, one of her friends got kicked out of a department store. So they took a large child's doll, wrapped it in a beach towel, and poured stage blood all over the towel and the floor.
They left after that, but I am sure havoc was not far behind.

I can see where that would be funny...or not. That's not much of a prank, and it should be illegal, and she should have been fined for it.
If you can fit, drive one of those children cars up to the registers and ask where the valet parking is.

Ask an employee where the laxatives are and the jumbo packs of toilet paper

Use the entire store as a soccer field and see who will join in

Randomly throw things into neighboring aisles...always a favorite if your friends are in the other aisle :)
15 Things to do at Wal-Mart while your spouse is taking her sweet time;

1. Get 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in people's carts when
they aren't looking.
>> 2. Set all the alarm clocks in House wares to go off at 5-minute
> intervals.
>> 3 Make a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the rest
>> 4 Walk up to an employee and tell him/her in an official tone, 'Code 3'
> in house wares..... and see what happens.
>> 5 Go the Service Desk and ask to put a bag of M&M's on lay away.
>> 6 Move a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area.
>> 7 Set up a tent in the camping department and tell other shoppers
you'll invite them in if they'll bring pillows from the bedding department.
>> 8 When a clerk asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask 'Why
can't you people just leave me alone?'
>> 9 Look right into the security camera; use it as a mirror, and pick
your nose.
>> 10 While handling guns in the hunting department, ask the clerk if he
> knows where the anti- depressants are.
>> 11 Dart around the store suspiciously loudly humming the "Mission
> Impossible" theme.
>> 12 In the auto department, practice your "Madonna look" using
different size funnels.
>> 13 Hide in a clothing rack and when people browse through, say "PICK
>> 14 When an announcement comes over the loud speaker, assume the fetal position and scream "NO! NO! It's those voices again!!!!"
>> ( And; last, but not least!)
>> 15 Go into a fitting room and shut the door and wait a while; and,
then, yell, very loudly, "There is no toilet paper in here!"

You must work at Walmart, or know somebody who does.

My favorite prank..but I played it on co-workers who had toilet duty, not at to wait until they're in the middle of something and then tell them, "Omigod, the men's bathroom is completely flooded."

They trudge, swearing all the way, clear to the back, to get the mop, the bucket, put on gloves, etc...and get to the bathroom.

Which is, of course, fine.

You need to have enough room to escape, however....
Did he love or hate Walmart, or just like a good joke?

I remember asking Gunny about the black ribbon on top here, and he told me who Merlin was. He sounds like a great guy!

I remember when Echo asked about Merlin. He did indeed have a great since of humor. I wish I had been around when he was still with us. We could use more of his humor on these boards, in the troubled times we are having now.

He must be smiling down on us. :)

:clap2: for Merlin ... where ever you might be. :clap2:
We meet many different people along the internet. Merlin was special in many ways. I don't think he was much of a partisan, though he leaned more right than left.

He loved to nail the hypocrisy and had a laugh whenever others failed to see it. Didn't matter which end of the spectrum.

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