Ann Romney: No More Tax Returns Will Be Released


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Dave Jamieson

In an interview with NBC set to air Thursday, Ann Romney, wife of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, said her husband's campaign will not release any additional tax returns to the public ahead of the election.

"We have been very transparent to what's legally required of us," Romney told reporter Natalie Morales, according to excerpts from NBC News. "There's going to be no more tax releases given."

Defying a longstanding trend among presidential candidates, the Romney campaign has only released a single -- and likely incomplete -- tax return. Politicians and pundits from both sides of the aisle have been pressuring Romney for weeks to disclose more of his tax history, culminating with a claim from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) two weeks ago that he'd heard from an early investor in Bain Capital that Romney didn’t pay any taxes for a decade. Romney has denied that claim.

Ann Romney said that releasing more details on the family's taxes would merely give the Obama campaign "more ammunition." The Romneys' wealth is rumored to be as much as $250 million, and since much of Mitt Romney's earnings come from investments, he would pay a lower effective tax rate than many lesser-off Americans. But as for whether the campaign is trying to withhold embarrassing information, Ann Romney told NBC "there's nothing we're hiding."

More: Ann Romney: No More Tax Returns Will Be Released
If Romney did anything illegal, Obama would have set his minions from the IRS on him long ago.

Smoke and mirrors by Obiedopey merely to distract from his own lack of a record.
By Dave Jamieson

In an interview with NBC set to air Thursday, Ann Romney, wife of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, said her husband's campaign will not release any additional tax returns to the public ahead of the election.

"We have been very transparent to what's legally required of us," Romney told reporter Natalie Morales, according to excerpts from NBC News. "There's going to be no more tax releases given."

Defying a longstanding trend among presidential candidates, the Romney campaign has only released a single -- and likely incomplete -- tax return. Politicians and pundits from both sides of the aisle have been pressuring Romney for weeks to disclose more of his tax history, culminating with a claim from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) two weeks ago that he'd heard from an early investor in Bain Capital that Romney didn’t pay any taxes for a decade. Romney has denied that claim.

Ann Romney said that releasing more details on the family's taxes would merely give the Obama campaign "more ammunition." The Romneys' wealth is rumored to be as much as $250 million, and since much of Mitt Romney's earnings come from investments, he would pay a lower effective tax rate than many lesser-off Americans. But as for whether the campaign is trying to withhold embarrassing information, Ann Romney told NBC "there's nothing we're hiding."

More: Ann Romney: No More Tax Returns Will Be Released

And....Now you are butt hurt...............

Its going to be a good day tater.
Did Romney participate in the IRS Tax Amnesty Program in 2009 for tax evaders? We can't know unless he releases his tax returns.

10 Theories About What Mitt Romney's Really Hiding in Those Tax Returns | Alternet

Did Romney Participate in IRS Tax Amnesty Program in 2009? | Daily Agenda

You know you sound like a Birther screaming for Obama's real birth certificate, right?

No, I don't, because I have sense enough to know that Obama released his birth certificate while he was campaigning for president - but Romney has NEVER released his tax returns - except to John McCain. McCain chose Palin...
Did Romney participate in the IRS Tax Amnesty Program in 2009 for tax evaders? We can't know unless he releases his tax returns.

10 Theories About What Mitt Romney's Really Hiding in Those Tax Returns | Alternet

Did Romney Participate in IRS Tax Amnesty Program in 2009? | Daily Agenda

You know you sound like a Birther screaming for Obama's real birth certificate, right?

No, I don't, because I have sense enough to know that Obama released his birth certificate while he was campaigning for president - but Romney has NEVER released his tax returns - except to John McCain.

Walking Eagle..............You are a liar....................... He spent at least a million to keep it form being released, only to be punked by a developer while in office.

Did you get the part of.......WHILE IN OFFICE...................
I do not blame Romney in this case. it is better to be perceived as a rich guy who avoids paying his fair share than to release the records to prove it.

I wouldn't count out some sort of leak of Romney's tax returns before the election. All they need is a fall guy to get them and put them out there. Wouldn't it be a real hoot if they somehow got into wikileaks hands? It would be awesome if they had someone hand them off to wiki, and then disappear into some foreign country and live a comfortable life? Once that cat is out of the bag it no longer matters who or why they got leaked.
Obama's terrible economy will not improve as long as he stays in office.
Every time a thread is started demanding that obozo release his college records the thread is sent to the conspiracy dungeon. Why doesn't this happen with threads like this demanding Romney release his tax returns.?? Edited
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Did Romney participate in the IRS Tax Amnesty Program in 2009 for tax evaders? We can't know unless he releases his tax returns.

10 Theories About What Mitt Romney's Really Hiding in Those Tax Returns | Alternet

Did Romney Participate in IRS Tax Amnesty Program in 2009? | Daily Agenda

You know you sound like a Birther screaming for Obama's real birth certificate, right?

No, I don't, because I have sense enough to know that Obama released his birth certificate while he was campaigning for president - but Romney has NEVER released his tax returns - except to John McCain. McCain chose Palin...

Can you prove it was due to his tax returns?
Did Romney participate in the IRS Tax Amnesty Program in 2009 for tax evaders? We can't know unless he releases his tax returns.

10 Theories About What Mitt Romney's Really Hiding in Those Tax Returns | Alternet

Did Romney Participate in IRS Tax Amnesty Program in 2009? | Daily Agenda

You know you sound like a Birther screaming for Obama's real birth certificate, right?

No, I don't, because I have sense enough to know that Obama released his birth certificate while he was campaigning for president - but Romney has NEVER released his tax returns - except to John McCain. McCain chose Palin...

He released his 2010 tax return, and a partial 2011 return, as it is probably not finalized yet.

So when you say he hasnt released his tax returns, you lie.

Mitt Romney’s 2010 tax return, Romney’s estimated 2011 filing (Full text) - The Washington Post
Everytime a thread is started demanding that obozo release his college records the thread is sent to the conspiracy dungeon. Why don't the mods do that with threads like this demanding romney release his tax returns.?? Why doesn't this happen with threads like this demanding Romney release his tax returns.??

YOU WOULD BE WRONG ABOUT THE MODS..............being all liberal......

Just sayin.............

Q: Are Obama’s early records “sealed”?

A: No. Many records that presidential candidates don’t ordinarily release do remain confidential, but they are not “sealed” by a court. The 16 claims in a widely distributed graphic are mostly false or distorted. : Obama’s ‘Sealed’ Records

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