Ann Coulter Now Suggests Ted Cruz Isn't A ‘Natural Born Citizen’

rumor has it Rafael eats a dog from time to time, and I also heard he can't swim down 5000 feet and repair dill heads on oil wells

what good can he be ?
Isn't this something!

Conservative pundit Ann Coulter, who once dismissed birthers as "cranks," suggested Wednesday that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) may be ineligible for the presidency because he is not a “natural born citizen."

In a series of tweets, Coulter, an ardent anti-immigration advocate, suggested that Cruz was not a "natural born citizen," a requirement to run for President outlined in the Constitution:

Ann Coulter Now Suggests Ted Cruz Isn't A ‘Natural Born Citizen’

Ted Cruz is NOT a natural born citizen. He was born in Canada and lived there until he was 4 years old.

Does this make him ineligible to run for POTUS. NO. But what's going to kill the Republican party is the HYPOCRISY. For 4 long years the Birthers in the Republican party, (Ted Cruz being one of them) blasted Obama, claiming that he was born in Kenya and therefore ineligible to be POTUS. Donald Trump was right in the mix in 2012--and finally Obama produced a U.S. born here birth certificate. Now we have 3 candidates in this race who's birth status and eligibility are being challenged by Vermont. Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio & Bobby Jindal--who has dropped out already Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio Constitutional Eligibility Challenged in VT

The point is that Obama could have been born in Kenya (even though he wasn't) and still would have been eligible to be POTUS. So this was nothing more than a 4 year long dog and pony show put on by the right wing, that the "Chickens will be coming home to roost on." And it's going to be one huge chicken.



The OTHER serious problem Ted Cruz has got is this new advertisement that he is being attacked with in Primary states. "Is this who you want to be the next POTUS"

color Ted Cruz well done already, you can stick a fork in him he's GOOOONNNNE. Hey but keep sending him those donation checks, he's going to need that money real bad when he runs in 2018 to retain his senate seat. Texas has a 40% Hispanic population--LOL

The Right wing of the party has effectively Rino'd themselves right into a Hillary Clinton Presidency.
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Rafael looks like an illegal alien to me, so he MUST be.

spread it around.
Dana, how to you get to the idea that Ted is a natural born citizen of the USA?

Need two American parents for that to be the case IF born out of the country.

His mom was a citizen.

But Ted himself was not born in America. He had to turn his back on his own country denounce his citizenship to run in America, I still feel it is not ok for him to run.

I agree with almost all of what you said.

I don't agree it's not ok for him to run.

His mother is a US citizen so he is also.

No I don't want him as president and there's no way in the world I would ever vote for him.

I do think it's funny that the same people who said Obama isn't a natural born citizen are now saying that cruz is based on the fact that his mother is a citizen. They don't apply that to Obama nor do they acknowledge the fact that Obama was born in America. He has an American birth certificate and no one has ever been able to produce a birth certificate for Obama from another country.

That's can't be said for ted cruz. His Canadian birth certificate is available for anyone who wants to see it. I have seen it on line and the man was born in Canada. He didn't come to America until several years after his birth. He retained his Canadian citizenship until he wanted to run for president.

I want our president to be born right here in America. I want him to have an American birth certificate and want him to have only one citizenship to a nation during his life.

But that's just me. Some hypocrites have no problem cruz has held citizenship to another nation for 99.9% of his life.
if ted cruz was an American citizen AT BIRTH, then he is a Natural Born citizen....

and ted cruz WAS an American citizen at BIRTH.

No he was born in Canada.
whether he was born in Canada or Panama, it matters not....if 1 of his parents is an American Citizen, then no matter where this American citizen is stationed or resides, the child of that citizen is BORN with American citizenship....

And if BORN an American citizen, then they are Natural born citizens, verses a ''naturalized'' citizen who has to apply for citizenship and await an approval after passing tests or other criteria, which can be denied at any stage in the process....

NOT SO with a baby born to one US Citizen parent. That's the LAW.
Hell, I read where that demoRAT asshole Grayson is taking it to court... I hope he does, settle this and be done with it forever@

I have to agree let the courts settle it once and for all!
There is ample legal precedent to support his eligibility and it also seems most constitutional scholar's interpretation of natural born also supports his edibility. So I have to wonder who would take this court. Trump?
Hell, I read where that demoRAT asshole Grayson is taking it to court... I hope he does, settle this and be done with it forever@

I have to agree let the courts settle it once and for all!
There is ample legal precedent to support his eligibility and it also seems most constitutional scholar's interpretation of natural born supports those his edibility. So I have to wonder who would take this court. Trump?

Someone will, and let hope this is the case that will finally put a end to this nonsense once and for all...

I know President Obama was born in Hawaii no matter what some may say, and I know Cruz was born in Canada, and McCain was born in Panama but believe both are eligible to run for President but let the USSC finally rule on it and end this debate...

( Like that would end it but many will stop bickering over this issue )
Isn't this something!

Conservative pundit Ann Coulter, who once dismissed birthers as "cranks," suggested Wednesday that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) may be ineligible for the presidency because he is not a “natural born citizen."

In a series of tweets, Coulter, an ardent anti-immigration advocate, suggested that Cruz was not a "natural born citizen," a requirement to run for President outlined in the Constitution:

Ann Coulter Now Suggests Ted Cruz Isn't A ‘Natural Born Citizen’
This is all a plot by Canada to annex the USA. Once Cruz is elected, he will declare that he defeated the US and we will become a province of the great white north and socialist to the core.
Hell, I read where that demoRAT asshole Grayson is taking it to court... I hope he does, settle this and be done with it forever@

I have to agree let the courts settle it once and for all!
There is ample legal precedent to support his eligibility and it also seems most constitutional scholar's interpretation of natural born supports those his edibility. So I have to wonder who would take this court. Trump?

Someone will, and let hope this is the case that will finally put a end to this nonsense once and for all...

I know President Obama was born in Hawaii no matter what some may say, and I know Cruz was born in Canada, and McCain was born in Panama but believe both are eligible to run for President but let the USSC finally rule on it and end this debate...

( Like that would end it but many will stop bickering over this issue )
I agree. It would be refreshing for SCOTUS to weight in on this. Maybe that would keep future candidates from using the birther argument to distract voters from real issues.
Hell, I read where that demoRAT asshole Grayson is taking it to court... I hope he does, settle this and be done with it forever@

I have to agree let the courts settle it once and for all!
There is ample legal precedent to support his eligibility and it also seems most constitutional scholar's interpretation of natural born supports those his edibility. So I have to wonder who would take this court. Trump?

Someone will, and let hope this is the case that will finally put a end to this nonsense once and for all...

I know President Obama was born in Hawaii no matter what some may say, and I know Cruz was born in Canada, and McCain was born in Panama but believe both are eligible to run for President but let the USSC finally rule on it and end this debate...

( Like that would end it but many will stop bickering over this issue )
I agree. It would be refreshing for SCOTUS to weight in on this. Maybe that would keep future candidates from using the birther argument to distract voters from real issues.
Come on. Let's not give the Trumpeters' desperate clinging to Obama's citizenship more credit than it deserved. It was a racism. Plain and simple.
Hell, I read where that demoRAT asshole Grayson is taking it to court... I hope he does, settle this and be done with it forever@

I have to agree let the courts settle it once and for all!
There is ample legal precedent to support his eligibility and it also seems most constitutional scholar's interpretation of natural born also supports his edibility. So I have to wonder who would take this court. Trump?

Probably the only one who could and would- probably only another candidate would have the standing to take it court.
Anne Coulter? Liberals are backing Anne Coulter?!

Ann Coulter has always been an idiot whose chief qualifications to be a GOP pundit was her legs.

Now she is a birther idiot- like Trump and Grayson.
There is zero chance there will be any discussion as to whether Cruz is eligible ... beyond the Biq Quack making noise about this. Perhaps if he controlled a gop state party, they'd try to keep Cruz off a ballot. The Big Quack excels at being an old white fat bully.
Watching the RWNJs flip-flopping all over the place with this non-issue is funny stuff.

I laughed out loud over Drumpf's passive-aggressive attack on Cruz. When it got right down to it, Drumpf showed he has no balls at all.



This fucking wins all day.
Hard to understand the nonsense about qualification for the highest office to be determined by the place of birth.

The best qualified person should win that post regardless of place of birth.

A naturalized citizen has taken an oath of loyalty to his new country. A person who was native born never did. Think about that.

So you need to vote the proven fact that Republicans are for the rich/wealthy, and Democrats are for the American worker.

Cruz, do to his pushing for the Canadian pipeline is for the Canadians, his first allegiance, with money our founding Fathers would freak-out.

The sources routinely used to interpret the Constitution confirm that the phrase “natural born Citizen” has a specific meaning: namely, someone who was a U.S. citizen at birth with no need to go through a naturalization proceeding at some later time. Ted Cruz's mother was an American citizen which makes Ted one also, even thou he was born in Canada. I really wouldn't mind seeing Cruz eliminated because Trump would certainly be an easier target for Clinton, but Cruz is not going to be eliminated on some crazy claim that he's not a US citizen.

Goldwater, Romney, and McCain, with both parents American Citizens, makes the 'routinely' highly questionable. At the same time it's moot. Cruz WILL NOT get the nomination.

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