Angels & Demons


Platinum Member
Jan 26, 2015
Warning: This is not about our beloved MOD :)

Do you think Angels and Demons have emotions?
Do you think they are good or evil because they want to be?

(Please, those of you who believe in Marxist-Leninst Dialectical Materialism stick with those studies.)
According to LDS doctrine Angels are men and demons are human spirits who will never receive a body. They are they who were cast out of heaven with the devil.

Doctrine and Covenants 130:5
4 In answer to the question—Is not the reckoning of God’s time, angel’s time, prophet’s time, and man’s time, according to the planet on which they reside?
5 I answer, Yes. But there are no angels who minister to this earth but those who do belong or have belonged to it.

Revelation 22:8-9
8 And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things.
9 Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God.

The angels that visited Lot in Sodom were men.
Genesis 19:1-5
1 And there came two angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground;
2 And he said, Behold now, my lords, turn in, I pray you, into your servant’s house, and tarry all night, and wash your feet, and ye shall rise up early, and go on your ways. And they said, Nay; but we will abide in the street all night.
3 And he pressed upon them greatly; and they turned in unto him, and entered into his house; and he made them a feast, and did bake unleavened bread, and they did eat.
4 But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter:
5 And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.

Angels can appear in either their premortal state, mortal state, postmortal before resurrection, or post resurrected state.

So yes, I think they have the same feelings as other men who are currently on the earth.
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Well, Thank you. Do you think they have emotions?
Warning: This is not about our beloved MOD :)

Do you think Angels and Demons have emotions?
Do you think they are good or evil because they want to be?

(Please, those of you who believe in Marxist-Leninst Dialectical Materialism stick with those studies.)

Annecdotally, I've heard numerous emotions attributed to angels and demons both. Hate, love, compassion, etc. While that might just be anthropomorphisizing them, it's there.

I would think, any living being has emotions. Orcas have superior emotional capacity than humans for example when it comes to love and compassion. So emotions aren't just a human thing. Anything and everything with a brain should have some measure of emotional functioning. And if angels and demons are real, and have brains, they too should have emotions.

God has emotions loving us. And if God created Man in their image (His and the angels,) and we have emotions, He has emotions, it's at least logically consistent angels and demons (fallen angels) would have them too.
Warning: This is not about our beloved MOD :)

Do you think Angels and Demons have emotions?
Do you think they are good or evil because they want to be?

(Please, those of you who believe in Marxist-Leninst Dialectical Materialism stick with those studies.)

Annecdotally, I've heard numerous emotions attributed to angels and demons both. Hate, love, compassion, etc. While that might just be anthropomorphisizing them, it's there.

I would think, any living being has emotions. Orcas have superior emotional capacity than humans for example when it comes to love and compassion. So emotions aren't just a human thing. Anything and everything with a brain should have some measure of emotional functioning. And if angels and demons are real, and have brains, they too should have emotions.

God has emotions loving us. And if God created Man in their image (His and the angels,) and we have emotions, He has emotions, it's at least logically consistent angels and demons (fallen angels) would have them too.
I think, only the Creator - we can call Him God (through us humans) and us, humans (and mammals) have emotions. Angels and demons were created to do a certain task. They do the task without any consideration of "god" or "evil" I do not think demons are evil in a sense that they want to be evil. They do what demons do with no emotions attached to it. Evil is evil in our perception only.
Warning: This is not about our beloved MOD :)

Do you think Angels and Demons have emotions?
Do you think they are good or evil because they want to be?

(Please, those of you who believe in Marxist-Leninst Dialectical Materialism stick with those studies.)

Annecdotally, I've heard numerous emotions attributed to angels and demons both. Hate, love, compassion, etc. While that might just be anthropomorphisizing them, it's there.

I would think, any living being has emotions. Orcas have superior emotional capacity than humans for example when it comes to love and compassion. So emotions aren't just a human thing. Anything and everything with a brain should have some measure of emotional functioning. And if angels and demons are real, and have brains, they too should have emotions.

God has emotions loving us. And if God created Man in their image (His and the angels,) and we have emotions, He has emotions, it's at least logically consistent angels and demons (fallen angels) would have them too.
I think, only the Creator - we can call Him God (through us humans) and us, humans (and mammals) have emotions. Angels and demons were created to do a certain task. They do the task without any consideration of "god" or "evil" I do not think demons are evil in a sense that they want to be evil. They do what demons do with no emotions attached to it. Evil is evil in our perception only.

In humans at least, evil humans never regard themselves as evil. Hitler probably didn't think he was evil. More objectively, good and evil dont' literally exist. Rather actions and consequences do. But an identical action may be described either way depending on the one doing it, or observing it done.

Terrorists killing/murdering non-combatant civilians may be described as evil.

US Military who kill civilians may be described as good.

Identical action, different interpretation.
Warning: This is not about our beloved MOD :)

Do you think Angels and Demons have emotions?
Do you think they are good or evil because they want to be?

(Please, those of you who believe in Marxist-Leninst Dialectical Materialism stick with those studies.)

If they exist as the bible suggests, they have desires and are willful. They are supposed to love god. All higher life seems to have emotions. Most religions seem to have beings that have many parallels to what we have come to know as angles.

Good or evil might not be concepts they think in. We might seem like bugs that they pull the wings off of to see what happens, not out of any real cruelty. We might seem like lab experiments to them, or toys.

We tend to impose our emotions onto other beings, especially those we don't understand but see as superior in some way. I'm not sure that is the right way to think of them.

Were dinosaurs good or evil, or just doing what was in their nature to survive? Most animals don't hunt to kill but to provide food to eat. Generally they don't engage in wars or try to exterminate a species, just protect their 'turf'.
Warning: This is not about our beloved MOD :)

Do you think Angels and Demons have emotions?
Do you think they are good or evil because they want to be?

(Please, those of you who believe in Marxist-Leninst Dialectical Materialism stick with those studies.)

Annecdotally, I've heard numerous emotions attributed to angels and demons both. Hate, love, compassion, etc. While that might just be anthropomorphisizing them, it's there.

I would think, any living being has emotions. Orcas have superior emotional capacity than humans for example when it comes to love and compassion. So emotions aren't just a human thing. Anything and everything with a brain should have some measure of emotional functioning. And if angels and demons are real, and have brains, they too should have emotions.

God has emotions loving us. And if God created Man in their image (His and the angels,) and we have emotions, He has emotions, it's at least logically consistent angels and demons (fallen angels) would have them too.
I think, only the Creator - we can call Him God (through us humans) and us, humans (and mammals) have emotions. Angels and demons were created to do a certain task. They do the task without any consideration of "god" or "evil" I do not think demons are evil in a sense that they want to be evil. They do what demons do with no emotions attached to it. Evil is evil in our perception only.

In humans at least, evil humans never regard themselves as evil. Hitler probably didn't think he was evil. More objectively, good and evil dont' literally exist. Rather actions and consequences do. But an identical action may be described either way depending on the one doing it, or observing it done.

Terrorists killing/murdering non-combatant civilians may be described as evil.

US Military who kill civilians may be described as good.

Identical action, different interpretation.
Humans are capable discern but other entities (A&D) are not. That's what I am trying to have a conversation about. I think people find it more interesting to brawl in the political and flaming arenas. Which is OK. Thanks for participating.
Warning: This is not about our beloved MOD :)

Do you think Angels and Demons have emotions?
Do you think they are good or evil because they want to be?

(Please, those of you who believe in Marxist-Leninst Dialectical Materialism stick with those studies.)

Annecdotally, I've heard numerous emotions attributed to angels and demons both. Hate, love, compassion, etc. While that might just be anthropomorphisizing them, it's there.

I would think, any living being has emotions. Orcas have superior emotional capacity than humans for example when it comes to love and compassion. So emotions aren't just a human thing. Anything and everything with a brain should have some measure of emotional functioning. And if angels and demons are real, and have brains, they too should have emotions.

God has emotions loving us. And if God created Man in their image (His and the angels,) and we have emotions, He has emotions, it's at least logically consistent angels and demons (fallen angels) would have them too.
I think, only the Creator - we can call Him God (through us humans) and us, humans (and mammals) have emotions. Angels and demons were created to do a certain task. They do the task without any consideration of "god" or "evil" I do not think demons are evil in a sense that they want to be evil. They do what demons do with no emotions attached to it. Evil is evil in our perception only.

In humans at least, evil humans never regard themselves as evil. Hitler probably didn't think he was evil. More objectively, good and evil dont' literally exist. Rather actions and consequences do. But an identical action may be described either way depending on the one doing it, or observing it done.

Terrorists killing/murdering non-combatant civilians may be described as evil.

US Military who kill civilians may be described as good.

Identical action, different interpretation.
Humans are capable discern but other entities (A&D) are not. That's what I am trying to have a conversation about. I think people find it more interesting to brawl in the political and flaming arenas. Which is OK. Thanks for participating.

Seems kinda moot. If we can't prove God exists one way or the other, worrying about related things is especially silly. :)

If you want to anyway, imagine there's numerous verse in the Canon about angels and demons where some may include descriptions of them having emotions or behaving emotionally.
As to your previous remark only mammals have emotions. Pain's an emotion insects have. Could argue even mobile microscopic organisms feel pain as well as per how they'd move away from soemthing damaging like fire or heat.
All higher life seems to have emotions.
..of which the highest is humanity. Humanity is the crown of creation. Created in the "image of God"I believe only creatures with Souls have emotions. A&D have the Spirit to animate them but I doubt they have Souls. When we have automation to do certain tasks, does the automation think: "ouch it must hurt, I am sorry" if it hurts a living being when it catches him in the cogwheels? I know it is way too simplistic analogy.
All higher life seems to have emotions.
..of which the highest is humanity. Humanity is the crown of creation. Created in the "image of God"I believe only creatures with Souls have emotions. A&D have the Spirit to animate them but I doubt they have Souls. When we have automation to do certain tasks, does the automation think: "ouch it must hurt, I am sorry" if it hurts a living being when it catches him in the cogwheels? I know it is way too simplistic analogy.

You are making assumption that we are superior. We might think ourselves superior but that is because we don't know or understand emotion, the total function of the brain or what other species really think. Others might find us rather stupid to foul or destroy our environment and hunt other beings for anything other than food or keep other creatures as slaves in cages or in our artificial environments (homes).

For all we know cockroaches might be superior as they have been in existence longer than most species and more likely to survive our extinction. We are just worm and insect food.
We are side tracked.
Although, I believe humanity is superior to the other entities. Maybe I am coming across in the wrong way giving the impression that I am boasting and proud and looking down to other creatures from the loftiness of my arrogance. Paul's words come to my mind:
.."and what hast thou that thou didst not receive? now if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not received it?"
1 Corinthians 4:7
That should illustrate that I am not arrogant in my belief. We are able to create and to destroy. Destruction..creation is the principle of the Universe to keep it in balance. Life…death, positive..negative, fire…water, air…earth.
Wrist-Cutters: Modern Apothecary

Modern society often seems confounded by gluttonies arising from mercantilism traffic (i.e., eTrade, Burger King, etc.).

Who are our role models? Who are the angels, and who are the devils?

New age social stigmatas/maladies include fast food culture catalyzed obesity, obsessive-compulsive workaholicism, and drug abuse.

The Hollywood (USA) film "Life as a House" (2001) presented a story of an emotionally anxious American teenager confounded by social expectations and experimenting with strange lifestyle choices in a modern world seemingly disattached from meaningful conversation.

Why do we make motivation-inspection Hollywood (USA) films such as "A Nightmare on Elm Street: Dream Warriors" (1987)? Why do many youngsters engage in anti-pedestrian acts such as druge abuse and self-injury (i.e., wrist-cutting)?


Dream Warriors (Film)

According to the spirit guide Ramadahn guide of the late spiritualist medium Ursula Roberts, discarnate beings do not feel emotions. I attended a trance lecture at the spiritualist association in London in the 1970's when the medium ( or her spirit guide) said that the reason many people chose to reincarnate is because you cannot feel any love in the spirit world. It follows that you would not feel emotion when you do not have a physical body with organs like a heart.
According to the spirit guide Ramadahn guide of the late spiritualist medium Ursula Roberts, discarnate beings do not feel emotions. I attended a trance lecture at the spiritualist association in London in the 1970's when the medium ( or her spirit guide) said that the reason many people chose to reincarnate is because you cannot feel any love in the spirit world. It follows that you would not feel emotion when you do not have a physical body with organs like a heart.
That was the aim of my posting. We perceive demons as evil and angels are righteous. They do what they were created to do, no emotions attached. They feel no hate and love, happiness and sorrow and I am assuming they do not feel pain and pleasure.
According to the spirit guide Ramadahn guide of the late spiritualist medium Ursula Roberts, discarnate beings do not feel emotions. I attended a trance lecture at the spiritualist association in London in the 1970's when the medium ( or her spirit guide) said that the reason many people chose to reincarnate is because you cannot feel any love in the spirit world. It follows that you would not feel emotion when you do not have a physical body with organs like a heart.
That was the aim of my posting. We perceive demons as evil and angels are righteous. They do what they were created to do, no emotions attached. They feel no hate and love, happiness and sorrow and I am assuming they do not feel pain and pleasure.

In scripture, angels and demons. like swine, talking serpents and donkeys, sheep, goats, wolves, cattle, the living and the dead, etc., are metaphorical representations of human beings that depict the heights and depths of human potential. As human whether highly evolved or degenerate beings they feel emotions like anyone would whether peace, understanding, love and compassion or discord, confusion, hatred and cruelty or any combination of every emotion depending on the particular species..

There is no such thing as invisible disembodied entities that whisper into peoples heads to influence them to do good or evil.
According to the spirit guide Ramadahn guide of the late spiritualist medium Ursula Roberts, discarnate beings do not feel emotions. I attended a trance lecture at the spiritualist association in London in the 1970's when the medium ( or her spirit guide) said that the reason many people chose to reincarnate is because you cannot feel any love in the spirit world. It follows that you would not feel emotion when you do not have a physical body with organs like a heart.
That was the aim of my posting. We perceive demons as evil and angels are righteous. They do what they were created to do, no emotions attached. They feel no hate and love, happiness and sorrow and I am assuming they do not feel pain and pleasure.

In scripture, angels and demons. like swine, talking serpents and donkeys, sheep, goats, wolves, cattle, the living and the dead, etc., are metaphorical representations of human beings that depict the heights and depths of human potential. As human whether highly evolved or degenerate beings they feel emotions like anyone would whether peace, understanding, love and compassion or discord, confusion, hatred and cruelty or any combination of every emotion depending on the particular species..

There is no such thing as invisible disembodied entities that whisper into peoples heads to influence them to do good or evil.

Satanic Temple unveils goat-headed statue in Detroit Fox News

ironically those who fear the statue don't understand satanism at all, nor do they try to.
According to the spirit guide Ramadahn guide of the late spiritualist medium Ursula Roberts, discarnate beings do not feel emotions. I attended a trance lecture at the spiritualist association in London in the 1970's when the medium ( or her spirit guide) said that the reason many people chose to reincarnate is because you cannot feel any love in the spirit world. It follows that you would not feel emotion when you do not have a physical body with organs like a heart.
That was the aim of my posting. We perceive demons as evil and angels are righteous. They do what they were created to do, no emotions attached. They feel no hate and love, happiness and sorrow and I am assuming they do not feel pain and pleasure.

In scripture, angels and demons. like swine, talking serpents and donkeys, sheep, goats, wolves, cattle, the living and the dead, etc., are metaphorical representations of human beings that depict the heights and depths of human potential. As human whether highly evolved or degenerate beings they feel emotions like anyone would whether peace, understanding, love and compassion or discord, confusion, hatred and cruelty or any combination of every emotion depending on the particular species..

There is no such thing as invisible disembodied entities that whisper into peoples heads to influence them to do good or evil.

Satanic Temple unveils goat-headed statue in Detroit Fox News

ironically those who fear the statue don't understand satanism at all, nor do they try to.
Ironically the Pentagram on "Satan's" forehead supposed to be inverted…. at least that's how I think it should be...
According to the spirit guide Ramadahn guide of the late spiritualist medium Ursula Roberts, discarnate beings do not feel emotions. I attended a trance lecture at the spiritualist association in London in the 1970's when the medium ( or her spirit guide) said that the reason many people chose to reincarnate is because you cannot feel any love in the spirit world. It follows that you would not feel emotion when you do not have a physical body with organs like a heart.
That was the aim of my posting. We perceive demons as evil and angels are righteous. They do what they were created to do, no emotions attached. They feel no hate and love, happiness and sorrow and I am assuming they do not feel pain and pleasure.

I do not know what kind of feelings discarnate beings have, but I do know there is no sex in the spirit world.
I sat in a psychic developing circle with a young man who went into trance and had a Chinese spirit guide speak through him. I was able to ask the Chinese guide some questions and during the conversation he said that sex is neutral in the spirit world. It follows that it would be because sex is ultimately for reproduction and spirits do not reproduce.

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