Anderson Cooper


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Reports that the mother of the two little boys who were swept away and drowned had stopped at a house for help and was turned away.
Why do you care? They were black and the mother probably voted Democrat.

If you're going to demonize minorities and Democrats...hard believing you really care.

shot right out of a pigs ass, that's the nature of ewe.
Cuomo is threatening to sue the unionized power company that just fucking can't seem to get the power back up and running.
there they go again...blaming the union and allowing the Mitt Romney types who own the company to walk away ... free of accountability

the party of personal responsibility is not the GOP
Cuomo is threatening to sue the unionized power company that just fucking can't seem to get the power back up and running.

What does it matter to you that power workers are unionized?

How does that make the repairs go any slower?

You think that these guys come from all over the country to help out and live in tents are just sitting around on their asses?

Willow. You are an idiot.
Reports that the mother of the two little boys who were swept away and drowned had stopped at a house for help and was turned away.

Then he spent all last night on Letterman talking about how gay he is. :eek:

BTW...I didn't get the whole story. Why the hell was she out in that storm with her kids anyway?

She decided to evacuate at the height of the storm when water started coming into her home.

This is a really frightening view of our future because she is black. The homeowner has been fed a steady diet of women using children to get into homes with the gang waiting outside for her to help them rob the home. I understand why the homeowner turned her aside and refused to let her in. I don't know if I would have let her in. I like to think that even if I didn't let her in, I would have let the children in.

The first rule of personal safety is don't help someone who appears to be in trouble. You have a 50/50 chance of ending up dead yourself.
Cuomo now is begging big government to come in and do what the unionized asswipes in the power company are too stupid to do..
Why do you care? They were black and the mother probably voted Democrat.

If you're going to demonize minorities and Democrats...hard believing you really care.

Dante...correct to the extent that you usually are:

"There were heartbreaking scenes of grief as two Irish American kids, whose father is from Donegal, were buried yesterday in Brooklyn, victims of Hurricane Sandy.

Brandon and Connor Moore, aged 4 and 2, were laid to rest in a single coffin after a funeral service at Saint Lima of Rose Church as parents Damien and Glenda Moore wept uncontrollably.

They were swept out of their mother’s arms at the height of the hurricane as she desperately pleaded for help and was turned away from a neighbors house in Staten Island after her car stalled in the storm.

She had left her house to drive to her mother’s home during the storm as the water rose. Her husband, a sanitation worker, had been called in to work for the duration of the emergency. The bodies of the two little boys were found in a nearby marsh after the storm."

Read more: Heartbreak as two little boys swept away during Hurricane Sandy are buried | Irish News and Politics spanning the US, Ireland and the World | IrishCentral
Why do you care? They were black and the mother probably voted Democrat.

If you're going to demonize minorities and Democrats...hard believing you really care.

Dante...correct to the extent that you usually are:

"There were heartbreaking scenes of grief as two Irish American kids, whose father is from Donegal, were buried yesterday in Brooklyn, victims of Hurricane Sandy.

Brandon and Connor Moore, aged 4 and 2, were laid to rest in a single coffin after a funeral service at Saint Lima of Rose Church as parents Damien and Glenda Moore wept uncontrollably.

They were swept out of their mother’s arms at the height of the hurricane as she desperately pleaded for help and was turned away from a neighbors house in Staten Island after her car stalled in the storm.

She had left her house to drive to her mother’s home during the storm as the water rose. Her husband, a sanitation worker, had been called in to work for the duration of the emergency. The bodies of the two little boys were found in a nearby marsh after the storm."

Read more: Heartbreak as two little boys swept away during Hurricane Sandy are buried | Irish News and Politics spanning the US, Ireland and the World | IrishCentral

Like Obama who had a white mother, the children had a black mother: Glenda, who is married to Donegal man Damien Moore, 39, was refused help after her truck was flipped upside down by the storm.

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The browning of America .. thank you people from Ireland. Obama's America. Change we can believe in. Demographics Wingnut Nation need to reconcile with We all know Willow hates this

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The browning of America .. thank you people from Ireland. Obama's America. Change we can believe in. Demographics Wingnut Nation need to reconcile with We all know Willow hates this
The first poster to bring up Race was YOU.

Sorry for noticing the black lady crying and noticing that everyone on the right kept talking about Irish babies:lol:
The browning of America .. thank you people from Ireland. Obama's America. Change we can believe in. Demographics Wingnut Nation need to reconcile with We all know Willow hates this
The first poster to bring up Race was YOU.

It's always a demoturd who does it. Plunking down dey race card.

Well, spouting out about the Irish babies...just wanted to put into a fuller context...Black Irish babies....:eusa_clap:

Why do you care? They were black and the mother probably voted Democrat.

If you're going to demonize minorities and Democrats...hard believing you really care.

Dante...correct to the extent that you usually are:

"There were heartbreaking scenes of grief as two Irish American kids, whose father is from Donegal, were buried yesterday in Brooklyn, victims of Hurricane Sandy.

Brandon and Connor Moore, aged 4 and 2, were laid to rest in a single coffin after a funeral service at Saint Lima of Rose Church as parents Damien and Glenda Moore wept uncontrollably.

They were swept out of their mother’s arms at the height of the hurricane as she desperately pleaded for help and was turned away from a neighbors house in Staten Island after her car stalled in the storm.

She had left her house to drive to her mother’s home during the storm as the water rose. Her husband, a sanitation worker, had been called in to work for the duration of the emergency. The bodies of the two little boys were found in a nearby marsh after the storm."

Read more: Heartbreak as two little boys swept away during Hurricane Sandy are buried | Irish News and Politics spanning the US, Ireland and the World | IrishCentral

OMG, that is the most heart breaking thing I've read in relation to the storm. I can not even imagine the grief they are feeling, especially the mother. "Swept out of her arms".


I hope the people who turned them away read this and it gnaws incessantly at them for the rest of their lives. Horrible people.

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