And Where did Mr. Adam Schiff Find "Ukrainians" in the Government of Ukraine???!

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
I know that many, once again, will not like what I write, but as Machiaveli said, in politics it is extremely important “to represent things as they are in a real truth, rather than as they are imagined”.

My life credo is telling the truth and only the truth, even if it causes (and it does!!!) hatred and persecution.

Otherwise, special interest's groups will continue to mislead us, and we will draw false conclusions.

I don’t know through WHAT telescope (Hubble???!) Mr. Adam Schiff saw Ukraine, but IN REALITY in the Ukrainian government, as well as in the economy, there are NO representatives of the indigenous population (slavs-Ukrainians) . All of them are extremely politically and economically "active" ethnic Jews and crypto-Jews, that is, persons who hide their ethnic origin. The situation in Russia is almost exclusively analogous.

But even ASSUMING that President Trump’s accusation of blocking MILITARY aid to the "Ukrainians" ("to kill Russians" is true , THEN WHAT "Ukrainians" and WHAT "Ukraine" are so-called "Democrats" talking about?

As it follows from the CIA's declassified report on Stepan Bandera, (whom the president of Ukraine Viktor Uschenko, closely connected with international cryptoneosionism by family ties, awarded the title of HERO of Ukraine !!!), that Stepan Bandera is ...
“the Ukrainian fascist and professional agent of Hitler Stepan Bandera (undercover nickname Consul 2) "

"In just five weeks of the existence of the" state "of Bandera, 5 thousand Ukrainians, 15 thousand Jews and several thousand Poles were destroyed," the report said (, STEFAN_0018.pdf )

That is, the democrats accuse the President of blocking the MILITERY help to the state, in which the fascist agent and the criminal against humanity is a NATIONAL HERO ???

Mr. Schiff, the ethnic Jew, should be more selective in showing sympathy and loyalty to the Kiev regime, which proclaimed the murderer of the Jews "The Hero of Ukraine"



Gestapo Ausweiss


Two murderes


Western Ukrainian Nazi on the march


Present-day demonstration of the Ukrainian nationalists in downtown Kiev


Bandera fighters with Nazi symbol


Bandera Jewish pogrom Lviv 1941


Bandera fighters were exnremely "active" in the executions of Jews


No words. Only PAIN...
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Dear Alexandre ,

The Duran aswers your question:

Who is Schiff’s patron, Igor Pasternak? He is a Ukraine globalist, military industrialist who was curiously spotted in Maidan, Kiev in 2014 for “diplomatic reasons” during the US/CIA sponsored coup.

Pasternak, who was raised and educated in Ukraine before immigrating to the United States, is a passionate promoter of Ukrainian culture and business. He has been especially active building awareness of Ukraine’s strategic economic importance among Members of Congress. Since political protests broke out across Ukraine in late 2013, Pasternak has worked to personally inform and educate Members of Congress about the geostrategic importance of Ukraine to European and US security.

What drives Adam Schiff’s never ending Russia hysteria?

When in doubt follow the money. Congressman Schiff’s well documented Putin obsession may have something to do with his billionaire, military complex, oligarch patron from Ukraine.

Adam Schiff is an owned hatchet man of Ukrainian arms dealer Igor Pasternak. Schiff’s anti-Russian narrative is carefully orchestrated by his Ukrainian handlers

Taste of Ukraine Reception for Rep. Adam Schiff (D, CA-29) | Political Party Time

Adam Schiff's collusion with oligarch, Ukrainian arms dealer, exposed


BTW, I have a big thread dedicated to Nazis in Ukraine:
Breeding Nazis in Ukraine, has American Media reported you about that?

You are welcome to post there if you'd like to.
Dear Alexandre ,

The Duran aswers your question:

Who is Schiff’s patron, Igor Pasternak? He is a Ukraine globalist, military industrialist who was curiously spotted in Maidan, Kiev in 2014 for “diplomatic reasons” during the US/CIA sponsored coup.

Pasternak, who was raised and educated in Ukraine before immigrating to the United States, is a passionate promoter of Ukrainian culture and business. He has been especially active building awareness of Ukraine’s strategic economic importance among Members of Congress. Since political protests broke out across Ukraine in late 2013, Pasternak has worked to personally inform and educate Members of Congress about the geostrategic importance of Ukraine to European and US security.

What drives Adam Schiff’s never ending Russia hysteria?

When in doubt follow the money. Congressman Schiff’s well documented Putin obsession may have something to do with his billionaire, military complex, oligarch patron from Ukraine.

Adam Schiff is an owned hatchet man of Ukrainian arms dealer Igor Pasternak. Schiff’s anti-Russian narrative is carefully orchestrated by his Ukrainian handlers


Taste of Ukraine Reception for Rep. Adam Schiff (D, CA-29) | Political Party Time

Adam Schiff's collusion with oligarch, Ukrainian arms dealer, exposed

View attachment 302191

BTW, I have a big thread dedicated to Nazis in Ukraine:
Breeding Nazis in Ukraine, has American Media reported you about that?

You are welcome to post there if you'd like.

Thanks. I'll do that

I know that many, once again, will not like what I write, but as Machiaveli said, in politics it is extremely important “to represent things as they are in a real truth, rather than as they are imagined”.

My life credo is telling the truth and only the truth, even if it causes (and it does!!!) hatred and persecution.

Otherwise, special interest's groups will continue to mislead us, and we will draw false conclusions.

I don’t know through WHAT telescope (Hubble???!) Mr. Adam Schiff saw Ukraine, but IN REALITY in the Ukrainian government, as well as in the economy, there are NO representatives of the indigenous population (slavs-Ukrainians) . All of them are extremely politically and economically "active" ethnic Jews and crypto-Jews, that is, persons who hide their ethnic origin. The situation in Russia is almost exclusively analogous.

But even ASSUMING that President Trump’s accusation of blocking MILITARY aid to the "Ukrainians" ("to kill Russians" is true , THEN WHAT "Ukrainians" and WHAT "Ukraine" are so-called "Democrats" talking about?

As it follows from the CIA's declassified report on Stepan Bandera, (whom the president of Ukraine Viktor Uschenko, closely connected with international cryptoneosionism by family ties, awarded the title of HERO of Ukraine !!!), that Stepan Bandera is ...
“the Ukrainian fascist and professional agent of Hitler Stepan Bandera (undercover nickname Consul 2) "

"In just five weeks of the existence of the" state "of Bandera, 5 thousand Ukrainians, 15 thousand Jews and several thousand Poles were destroyed," the report said (, STEFAN_0018.pdf )

That is, the democrats accuse the President of blocking the MILITERY help to the state, in which the fascist agent and the criminal against humanity is a NATIONAL HERO ???

Mr. Schiff, the ethnic Jew, should be more selective in showing sympathy and loyalty to the Kiev regime, which proclaimed the murderer of the Jews "The Hero of Ukraine"

View attachment 302161
View attachment 302163

Gestapo Ausweiss

View attachment 302166

Two murderes


Western Ukrainian Nazi on the march


Present-day demonstration of the Ukrainian nationalists in downtown Kiev


Bandera fighters with Nazi symbol

View attachment 302168

Bandera Jewish pogrom Lviv 1941
View attachment 302169


Bandera fighters were exnremely "active" in the executions of Jews


No words. Only PAIN...

well what did the Russians do the native people of Crimean

was it genocide

Russia got rid of them and now the pro Russian's population left , wanted to be part of the Russian Federation.
tthe Soviet Union that established the Crimea and Ukraine under Ukraine

Ukraine asked for Russian help at the beginning and they did but switched sides rather quickly when Crimea wanted to become part of the Russian Federation

Still it was Russia that annexed Crimea and sent armed troops in to support the pro Russian population

Sounds like Russian involvement in a civil war

6 countries(Cuba, Nicargua, Venzuela, Sria, Afghanistan and NK) stellar countries recognized Russian annexation of Crimea

So now they are up against Russia

Some 13,000 people have been killed, a quarter of them civilians, and as many as 30,000 wounded in the war in eastern Ukraine since it broke out in April 2014, the United Nations says.

So why would Ukraine want to get involved in American politics when America was giving them money to help fight the war that has been going on in the last 6 years

why would they get worried when trump threaten to withhold money

why would Trump who seems to acknowledge election meddling accuses Ukraine and think that those poor Russians are being framed

I guess it's easier to play hardball with Ukraine and be all kiss ass with Russia
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Russian Trolls...not even hiding the fact of what they are

THAT is HOW you got the status of the "gold member"???
It looks as if I stirred up a hornet's nest


NOT MY case: I do not suffer from melissophobia

Soros and Obama’s administration have also tuned Ukraine into a cozy place for breeding, training and recruiting of Neo-Nazis. FBI agents and several Congressmen have been trying to attract the people attention but...American Media has been sooooo silent about that.

1. Criminal Complaint of special FBI agent Scott Bierwirth

Page 9:
In August 2018 RAM members had a trip in Ukraine and met with Olena Semenyaka the leader of a political party in Ukraine which was found out of a military regiment called Azov Battalion. Azov Battalion is a paramilitary unit of Ukrainian National Guard which is known for its association with Neo-Nazi ideology and use of Nazi symbolism and which is believed to have participated in training and radicalizing United States-based white supremacy organizations.

!!!! RAM is an extremist group headquartered in S. California.

Olena Semenyaka’s picture:

2. October 16, 2019 , Dozens of House Dems in Asking State Dept: Why Aren’t White Supremacist Groups Listed as Foreign Terrorist Organizations?

“White supremacist violent extremism, one type of racially- and ethnically-motivated violent extremism, is one of the most potent forces driving domestic terrorism.” Rose’s letter names Azov Battalion, Nordic Resistance Movement, and National Action as three examples of foreign groups that have been connected to recent terrorist attacks around the world as well as recruiting and influencing American citizens.

The shooter in the Christchurch, New Zeeland, was also trained in Azov Battalion.
Rose Leads Dozens of House Dems in Asking State Dept: Why Aren’t White Supremacist Groups Listed as Foreign Terrorist Organizations?

3. KYIV, Ukraine—When Deputy Secretary of State George Kent spoke at the U.S. House of Representatives impeachment hearings this week, he painted a powerful picture of Ukrainian bravery in the face of Russian aggression.

But Kent most likely did not have in mind the most famous—and infamous—of those volunteer units, the Azov Battalion, which 40 members of Congress have asked the State Department to designate as a Foreign Terrorist Organization. Some of its members are neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and avowed anti-Semites.
Ukraine’s Anti-Russia Azov Battalion: ‘Minutemen’ or Neo-Nazi Terrorists?

4. Ex FBI agent Ali Soufan:

And what Syria did for jihadists, Ukraine is doing for white supremacists. “It’s had a galvanizing effect,” Blazakis said. “It’s given them, for lack of a better word, a playground in which there is turmoil and chaos, a kind of playground that doesn’t exist in a conventional sense in places like the United States.”

One of the most prominent destinations for these fighters is the Azov Battalion, a pro-Ukrainian force that analysts say has embraced neo-Nazi views while targeting right-wing or white supremacist groups around the world for recruitment.
Ukraine's Civil War Is a 'Playground' for White Supremacists. What Could Go Wrong?

Pictures of Azov Battalion:





How come American journalists have not reported about such a Nazi nest in the middle of Europe? Russian journalists have been good about reporting this problem. All the facts above are from their Nov 22 news release:
Ukrainian Jewish American Cryptoneozionist Honored by Ukrainian Embassy for Recent Diplomatic Efforts or Who REALLY Serve So-Called "Democrats" in the US

Mr. Pasternak of Aeroscraft Corporation Recognized for His Support for Ukraine's Efforts



"The founder and CEO of the Aeroscraft Corporation (Aeros), Mr. Igor Pasternak, was saluted by the Embassy of Ukraine in Washington, DC this week for his work to foster greater support for Ukraine’s democratic sand efforts. Pasternak was formally recognized with a prestigious “Certificate of Honor” on Friday, March 20 2014, which cites his significant contributions to bilateral cooperation.

Mr. Pasternak reacted to receipt of this honor, by stating: “I am extremely grateful for the acknowledgment, and proud to forever call myself a Ukrainian-Jewish-American. I feel blessed by the liberty and incredible opportunity America has given me these past 20 years. So, if I can play a small part in helping Americans better understand the wonderful people of Ukraine and build bridges of partnership, it is both an honor and a pleasure.”

Pasternak, who was raised and educated in Ukraine before immigrating to the United States, is a passionate promoter of Ukrainian culture and business. He has been active in both Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. to support increased bilateral ties between the two countries and has been especially active building awareness of Ukraine’s strategic economic importance among Members of Congress. Since political protests broke out across Ukraine in late 2013, Pasternak has worked to personally inform and educate Members of Congress about the geostrategic importance of Ukraine to European and US security.

In late February 2014, during the final hours of the Yanukovych Presidency, Pasternak travelled to Kyiv for diplomatic reasons in response to the outbreak of violence that had started less than 48 hours earlier, and to support peaceful transitions amid the rapid changes now taking place across Ukraine.

Less than 24-hours after bloodshed erupted on the streets of Kiev, Igor Pasternak visits Independence Square on Saturday, February 22, 2014 amid clean-up efforts. (Credit: I. Pasternak)

As an American concerned about nuclear proliferation and economic security, Mr. Pasternak encourages bipartisan support for the Ukraine and HR 4279, the Ukraine Support Act introduced by House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) and ranking member Eliot L. Engel (D-NY) on March 21st. Mr. Pasternak explains:

"I don’t believe it is right for the world to return to a divided Europe that robs countries of their independence, or their people of freedom. I’d like to encourage Members from different political leanings to carefully consider the ramifications these recent events may have on U.S. national security and nuclear non-proliferation globally. Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons in exchange for assurances by the Russian Federation under the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, in which Russia pledged to respect the boarders and sovereignty of the Ukraine and refrain from the threat or use of force against their political independence. I fear recent actions in the Crimea region could prove detrimental to convincing nations to abandon their nuclear ambitions or set a precedent that further undermines multi-national efforts to curb regional nuclear arms escalation."

About Aeros’ CEO Igor Pasternak:

Igor Pasternak was born in Kazakhstan inside the Soviet Union, and formed a childhood fascination with lighter-than-air (LTA) aircraft that has driven his life’s work and development of the Aeroscraft. He formed his first company, Aeros Ltd., in the Ukraine after graduating with a Masters in Civil Engineering from Lviv Polytechnic in Lviv, Ukraine. The Ukraine-based Aeros built and delivered advertising blimps and tethered aerostats to customers across Europe. Pasternak then immigrated to the United States in 1994 and founded Worldwide Aeros Corp. Since then, Pasternak has become one of the world’s leading experts in the design and construction of FAA certified airships, high-altitude airships, aerostats, and has pioneered the emerging class of cargo airships known as Aeroscraft.

About the Aeroscraft:

An Aeroscraft is a new type of Rigid Variable Buoyancy Air Vehicle, designed to control lift in all stages of air or ground operations, including the ability to off-load heavy payloads without the need to re-ballast. For the first time in history, an aircraft has been designed to control and adjust buoyant and dynamic lift, creating a new paradigm for global air transportation and logistics. Poised to enhance the air transportation industry, the Aeroscraft will deliver opportunities for business and consumers globally through access to remote locations and by new VTOL cargo delivery capabilities. The key features of the Aeroscraft include a rigid structure, vertical takeoff and landing, and operational abilities at low speed, in hover, and from unprepared surfaces.

About Aeros:

Founded 27 years ago in the U.S., the Aeroscraft Corporation (Aeros) has grown from a small aerostat production manufacturer to a leading FAA-certified airship producer and R&D firm for the aerospace industry. Aeros has achieved multiple FAA airship type certificates and operates with an FAA Production Certificate, while featuring a product line that includes advanced airships and tethered aerostats utilized in commercial and government applications throughout the world". Learn more at

THAT is HOW you got the status of the "gold member"???
Didn't even know I had it.

Nice to be appreciated though.

Do you have dyslexia? Can you read english?


"Apparently you can't though because that has no relationship to what I posted"

Your OWN words! Falta de memoria?

I second!

WTF indeed!

THAT is HOW you got the status of the "gold member"???
Didn't even know I had it.

Nice to be appreciated though.

Do you have dyslexia? Can you read english?


"Apparently you can't though because that has no relationship to what I posted"

Your OWN words! Falta de memoria?
You are either a bot or incredibly stupid.
I know that many, once again, will not like what I write, but as Machiaveli said, in politics it is extremely important “to represent things as they are in a real truth, rather than as they are imagined”.

My life credo is telling the truth and only the truth, even if it causes (and it does!!!) hatred and persecution.

Otherwise, special interest's groups will continue to mislead us, and we will draw false conclusions.

I don’t know through WHAT telescope (Hubble???!) Mr. Adam Schiff saw Ukraine, but IN REALITY in the Ukrainian government, as well as in the economy, there are NO representatives of the indigenous population (slavs-Ukrainians) . All of them are extremely politically and economically "active" ethnic Jews and crypto-Jews, that is, persons who hide their ethnic origin. The situation in Russia is almost exclusively analogous.

But even ASSUMING that President Trump’s accusation of blocking MILITARY aid to the "Ukrainians" ("to kill Russians" is true , THEN WHAT "Ukrainians" and WHAT "Ukraine" are so-called "Democrats" talking about?

As it follows from the CIA's declassified report on Stepan Bandera, (whom the president of Ukraine Viktor Uschenko, closely connected with international cryptoneosionism by family ties, awarded the title of HERO of Ukraine !!!), that Stepan Bandera is ...
“the Ukrainian fascist and professional agent of Hitler Stepan Bandera (undercover nickname Consul 2) "

"In just five weeks of the existence of the" state "of Bandera, 5 thousand Ukrainians, 15 thousand Jews and several thousand Poles were destroyed," the report said (, STEFAN_0018.pdf )

That is, the democrats accuse the President of blocking the MILITERY help to the state, in which the fascist agent and the criminal against humanity is a NATIONAL HERO ???

Mr. Schiff, the ethnic Jew, should be more selective in showing sympathy and loyalty to the Kiev regime, which proclaimed the murderer of the Jews "The Hero of Ukraine"

View attachment 302161
View attachment 302163

Gestapo Ausweiss

View attachment 302166

Two murderes


Western Ukrainian Nazi on the march


Present-day demonstration of the Ukrainian nationalists in downtown Kiev


Bandera fighters with Nazi symbol

View attachment 302168

Bandera Jewish pogrom Lviv 1941
View attachment 302169


Bandera fighters were exnremely "active" in the executions of Jews


No words. Only PAIN...

That is, the democrats accuse the President of blocking the MILITERY help to the state, in which the fascist agent and the criminal against humanity is a NATIONAL HERO ???

A fascist agent and criminal against humanity is worse than the communist agents and criminals against humanity????

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