*And The Word Was God*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. This is something wonderful, *And the word was God*, Jesus being the word, his spoken words are of God, the written word are of God, even though men were first given the words, those words are still Gods, words, and good enough to be whatever God meant them for, as if he spoke them himself, directly to us, or into the Universe creating it, this indeed, has a rudimentary aspect on the Universe, God meaning Jesus, spoke the Universe into existence, just saying words, and things started to happen, he spoke and this got done, things were brought forth from nothingness, into the light of existence, being created from nothing, into a solid reality.
2. All things that were once not, became something in an instant, and no truer words were spoken when Jesus spoke on earth in his time he stopped by and begun his religion Christianity, a religious building being built up from his own words, his own foundation, which is himself.
3. Unless you hear the words from the teachers lips, Jesus Christ, you shall all be destitute from everything good, and worthy.

Sorry bout that,

1. The *Word Of God* is actually as powerful as God, and is in itself, a sample of God, and his *life* and *truth*, and instills in its followers *eternal life*, *eternal happiness*.
2. And there is no other.
3. Unless you learn of God in the Bible, supplied by God, you have no hope of escaping this world of death, and damnation.

Sorry bout that,

He is one wierd guy

1. Who are you?
2. People been saying who you are, I won't repeat it, but who do you say you are?
3. Define weird first.
4. Then when you've finished telling everyone here who you are, and what you believe, or lack of belief, then I will judge you.:evil:
5. Oh,...and,...*CHECKMATE*!

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Sorry bout that,

1. This is something wonderful, *And the word was God*, Jesus being the word, his spoken words are of God, the written word are of God, even though men were first given the words, those words are still Gods, words, and good enough to be whatever God meant them for, as if he spoke them himself, directly to us, or into the Universe creating it, this indeed, has a rudimentary aspect on the Universe, God meaning Jesus, spoke the Universe into existence, just saying words, and things started to happen, he spoke and this got done, things were brought forth from nothingness, into the light of existence, being created from nothing, into a solid reality.
2. All things that were once not, became something in an instant, and no truer words were spoken when Jesus spoke on earth in his time he stopped by and begun his religion Christianity, a religious building being built up from his own words, his own foundation, which is himself.
3. Unless you hear the words from the teachers lips, Jesus Christ, you shall all be destitute from everything good, and worthy.


they have medicine for you , but hey if it makes you feel good , connected to something ? go fare it , we can just put up with it .
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. This is something wonderful, *And the word was God*, Jesus being the word, his spoken words are of God, the written word are of God, even though men were first given the words, those words are still Gods, words, and good enough to be whatever God meant them for, as if he spoke them himself, directly to us, or into the Universe creating it, this indeed, has a rudimentary aspect on the Universe, God meaning Jesus, spoke the Universe into existence, just saying words, and things started to happen, he spoke and this got done, things were brought forth from nothingness, into the light of existence, being created from nothing, into a solid reality.
2. All things that were once not, became something in an instant, and no truer words were spoken when Jesus spoke on earth in his time he stopped by and begun his religion Christianity, a religious building being built up from his own words, his own foundation, which is himself.
3. Unless you hear the words from the teachers lips, Jesus Christ, you shall all be destitute from everything good, and worthy.


they have medicine for you , but hey if it makes you feel good , connected to something ? go fare it , we can just put up with it .

1. Step off heathern atheist.
2. Go start a thread on what you understand about being an atheist.
3. And how this *nothingness/atheism* impacts your daily life, in reality you are in *pre-existence* before God created everything.
4. I'm sure we all will be heart warmed.

Sorry bout that,

1. In my opinion, *words* have power, and even when I say words, thou I am not God, they have impact on reality, and can effect the world in general, and the reason this is, if I have faith, an effectual faith given to me by God, so the words I use can indeed effect change, in the world in general, and in your life specifically.
2. On the other hand, your words can do nothing without faith.
3. Without faith your words have nothing to back them up, they are hollow, empty, not solid, dead before their said.
4. While my words are alive, and go dancing through out the Universe living and being what they are designed to be, giving light to those whom walk in darkness, while comforting the weak, and establishing the truth, in God, and Gods ways. amen


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