And the Waltz goes on........ Mr. Anthony Hopkins

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Sir Anthony Hopkins, the famous actor, composed this Waltz many years ago. He kept it to himself until recently when he decided to allow this man, Andre' Rieu, the honor. It is quite simply.......a masterpiece.

See for yourself!
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Sunni Man? Not all music is the devil's music - although some is - this Waltz composed by Sir Anthony Hopkins is not the devil's music. It is a lovely Waltz and I am happy to share it with those on the board that appreciate Waltz music! To be clear - Anthony Hopkins is a talented actor - but he is an even greater composer. Mozart? Move over!
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An interview with Sir Anthony Hopkins about his early years composing music as a child- about composing this Waltz.......interesting interview ....


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