An interesting leaflet


Gold Member
Oct 19, 2012
This leaflet was found in Gaza.

Anyone speak Arabic so it can be translated?


המבין יבין
It says not to be next to Hamas members and that Hamas is dragging the Palis back into war
These were dropped all over Gaza by the IAF

“Important announcement for the residents of the Gaza Strip:

For your own safety, take responsibility for yourselves and avoid being present in the vicinity of Hamas operatives and facilities and those of other terror organizations that pose a risk to your safety.

Hamas is once again dragging the region to violence and bloodshed. The IDF is determined to defend the residents of the State of Israel. This announcement is valid until quiet is restored to the region."
These were dropped all over Gaza by the IAF

“Important announcement for the residents of the Gaza Strip:

For your own safety, take responsibility for yourselves and avoid being present in the vicinity of Hamas operatives and facilities and those of other terror organizations that pose a risk to your safety.

Hamas is once again dragging the region to violence and bloodshed. The IDF is determined to defend the residents of the State of Israel. This announcement is valid until quiet is restored to the region."
In other words..."don't let Hamas use you and your loved ones as a human shield".
These were dropped all over Gaza by the IAF

“Important announcement for the residents of the Gaza Strip:

For your own safety, take responsibility for yourselves and avoid being present in the vicinity of Hamas operatives and facilities and those of other terror organizations that pose a risk to your safety.

Hamas is once again dragging the region to violence and bloodshed. The IDF is determined to defend the residents of the State of Israel. This announcement is valid until quiet is restored to the region."

jaysus fooks, rabbi shylock. i know we are dumfug goyim and you are god's chosen boyos, but give us a little bit of credit. i don't like deceptions, but at least realise that we are not all naive children and put a little effort into it next time.

i bet you were ust chomping at the bit for five hours waiting for someone to respond to your "oh gee, here is a pic of a leaflet found on the gaza strip that i just stumbled across. i wonder what it means. duhhhhhhh."

nice warning. maybe the IDF should travel up and down the borders in APCs broadcasting from bullhorns and asking palestinian mothers to pin the leaflet above the hearts of their childrens. they will make for a better target that way and the excuse for slaughtering them willo be readily available.

really, just how stupid do you think people are.

ok. i am warning jewish citisens to stay away from anywhere where IDF soldiers live, congregate, work, worship and etc...not really that it matters, because a lot of palestinian kids are going to die while the IDF trys to protect them from death and little or none israeli children are going to die while the evil kafirs try to murder them. really funny how that works. ¿que no?
These were dropped all over Gaza by the IAF

“Important announcement for the residents of the Gaza Strip:

For your own safety, take responsibility for yourselves and avoid being present in the vicinity of Hamas operatives and facilities and those of other terror organizations that pose a risk to your safety.

Hamas is once again dragging the region to violence and bloodshed. The IDF is determined to defend the residents of the State of Israel. This announcement is valid until quiet is restored to the region."

jaysus fooks, rabbi shylock. i know we are dumfug goyim and you are god's chosen boyos, but give us a little bit of credit. i don't like deceptions, but at least realise that we are not all naive children and put a little effort into it next time.

i bet you were ust chomping at the bit for five hours waiting for someone to respond to your "oh gee, here is a pic of a leaflet found on the gaza strip that i just stumbled across. i wonder what it means. duhhhhhhh."

nice warning. maybe the IDF should travel up and down the borders in APCs broadcasting from bullhorns and asking palestinian mothers to pin the leaflet above the hearts of their childrens. they will make for a better target that way and the excuse for slaughtering them willo be readily available.

really, just how stupid do you think people are.

ok. i am warning jewish citisens to stay away from anywhere where IDF soldiers live, congregate, work, worship and etc...not really that it matters, because a lot of palestinian kids are going to die while the IDF trys to protect them from death and little or none israeli children are going to die while the evil kafirs try to murder them. really funny how that works. ¿que no?
Deception? Um...Clearly i knew what it meant-- I labeled it interesting. I put it out there for other people. That bothers you. Fine by me. I don't set my clock by your opinions. You read in whatever motives you want because that justifies your righteous rage. Me? No righteous rage. And if you think that where IDF soldiers live or worship is fair game, then you have a problem. I don't recall the leaflet as saying that those places are to be shied away from. I think it would be wrong to target those places. I guess you don't. OK.
These were dropped all over Gaza by the IAF

“Important announcement for the residents of the Gaza Strip:

For your own safety, take responsibility for yourselves and avoid being present in the vicinity of Hamas operatives and facilities and those of other terror organizations that pose a risk to your safety.

Hamas is once again dragging the region to violence and bloodshed. The IDF is determined to defend the residents of the State of Israel. This announcement is valid until quiet is restored to the region."

jaysus fooks, rabbi shylock. i know we are dumfug goyim and you are god's chosen boyos, but give us a little bit of credit. i don't like deceptions, but at least realise that we are not all naive children and put a little effort into it next time.

i bet you were ust chomping at the bit for five hours waiting for someone to respond to your "oh gee, here is a pic of a leaflet found on the gaza strip that i just stumbled across. i wonder what it means. duhhhhhhh."

nice warning. maybe the IDF should travel up and down the borders in APCs broadcasting from bullhorns and asking palestinian mothers to pin the leaflet above the hearts of their childrens. they will make for a better target that way and the excuse for slaughtering them willo be readily available.

really, just how stupid do you think people are.

ok. i am warning jewish citisens to stay away from anywhere where IDF soldiers live, congregate, work, worship and etc...not really that it matters, because a lot of palestinian kids are going to die while the IDF trys to protect them from death and little or none israeli children are going to die while the evil kafirs try to murder them. really funny how that works. ¿que no?
Deception? Um...Clearly i knew what it meant-- I labeled it interesting. I put it out there for other people. That bothers you. Fine by me. I don't set my clock by your opinions. You read in whatever motives you want because that justifies your righteous rage. Me? No righteous rage. And if you think that where IDF soldiers live or worship is fair game, then you have a problem. I don't recall the leaflet as saying that those places are to be shied away from. I think it would be wrong to target those places. I guess you don't. OK.

oh hogwash, "i put it out there for other people." why? what the hell were they suppose to do with it? you put it out there because you are a smug, ardent, and deceptive zionist.

and you do not understand the concept of sarcasm either.

no, i do not believe in killing israeli children. what i believe is pre-empting the israeli pre-emptive excuse for dead palestinian children with that ridiculous, lame ass as all hell leaflet. your people cannot even conduct a slaughter honestly. i just want to be ready if, god forbid, any israeki children die, with something comparable when that is lealet is trhown in my (our) faces every time palestinian children are killed.

just where the hell are these people expected to go. hey, i don't think the house of the samouni family in the zeitoun district was demolished. i am pretty sure the samouni's won't be using it. maybe some palestinian civilians and children can pin those leaflets in their chests and hile up there during until the end of the hostilities. it has to be safe. the samounis certainly though so.
BBC NEWS:just heard........stop press

Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas political leader, accuses Israel of "deiberately targeting and murdering civilians"

Pot and Kettle???

Enough to make even a peace-ful Gaza-sympathiser like me wish him the same fate as his war criminal comrade Jabari.

Trouble is, if they were ALL wiped out

Their replacements would be even worse; if that is possible.

And that is what has happened time and time again in both Israel and Gaza with each deadly twist of the endless cycle of revenge violence.

ten dead gaza tits for each dead israeli tat makes the bad go to worse

israel has fallen all the way from true harmless idealistic socialist zionist pioneers to the crypto-fascist Liebermann and the immoral Neten Yahoo

Gaza from a non corrupt islamic welfare society called Hamas, funded by Israel, to what we have now

But no-one on either side is learning anything it seems from this downward spiral to doom for all.

And nor are their zio and pal robots on either side on this deadly board
This leaflet was found in Gaza.

Anyone speak Arabic so it can be translated?


המבין יבין

מה כתוב שם, אחי? אזהרות לאזרחים?:redface:
It says not to be next to Hamas members and that Hamas is dragging the Palis back into war
with nutter-yahoo's full complicity, yes sir

takes 2 to tango, do you realise?

both sides are playin deadly politix against rivals on their own side more than against each other
using their own peoples as sacrificial victims in their political struggles those trying to outbid them

i explained this on another thread

that's the truth of this deadly situation
just heard UK chief rabbi Jonnie Sachs on BBC radio

he said its all to do with iran........gaza'geddon that is

and issued a prayer for peace for all concerned, pals and jews
and for the whole region

violence will get israel nowhere he said
nor the pals

quite right
good guy...........i like him a lot
This leaflet was found in Gaza.

Anyone speak Arabic so it can be translated?


המבין יבין

מה כתוב שם, אחי? אזהרות לאזרחים?:redface:


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