An example of why the people no longer believe your crap


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
Hundreds dead as fierce heatwave wreaks devastation across Europe - The Irish Times - Sat, Jul 17, 2010 sounds pretty damned impressive don't you think? I mean the images of poor people dying in their hundreds because the heat has dehydrated them and no air conditioning was available to protect them would make anyone think about the heat wave.

But, lets look closer at this amazing piece of hyperbole that Chris saw fit to post. When you read the article you find that the deaths are not from the heat, but rather from the foolish people becoming drunk and then DROWNING in the various streams, ponds, and reservoirs.

Below is the complete article with the pertinent passage highlighted in red. So tell me is this really the best they can do?

A FIERCE heatwave across central and eastern Europe is being blamed for the deaths of hundreds of people, severe damage to vast swathes of crops and disruption to road and rail travel.

Hungary has issued the highest level of heat alert, urging children and elderly people to stay indoors. It ha started handing out bottles of water to pedestrians and drivers in the capital, Budapest, where temperatures have hovered around 35 degrees Celsius for several days.

Hungary has also now reduced the expected size of its agricultural harvest this year due to the intensely hot, dry weather, as have Germany and the Czech Republic.

For Romania and Ukraine, the heatwave has come on the heels of heavy rain and severe flooding in some areas.

The worst affected country is Russia, where more than 1,200 people drowned in June and almost 500 have drowned so far in July, many in rivers, ponds and reservoirs where swimming is banned, after drinking large amounts of alcohol.

“The majority of those drowned were drunk. The children died because adults simply did not look after them,” said Vadim Seryogin of Russia’s emergencies ministry.

Earlier this month, six children drowned in the Sea of Azov in southern Russia. Investigators believe the summer camp workers who were looking after them were drunk.

Drought has prompted 17 regions across Russia to declare a state of emergency. Nearly 10 million hectares of crops have been ruined – an area about the size of Hungary – causing an estimated €750 million worth of damage to the economy.

“This is a big problem, there has been no anomaly like this in our country for decades,” Russian president Dmitry Medvedev said during a visit to a village near the Ukrainian border. “We need to figure out how we can preserve at least some of the crop.”

The heatwave has also played havoc with transport across the region: a major motorway from Prague to Germany had to be closed for several days of repairs, and a Prague airport stopped accepting passenger flights after heat damage to the runway.

The air conditioning on one of Germany’s high-speed trains also failed in the soaring temperatures, leaving dozens of passengers suffering from heat exhaustion.

The hot spell is being blamed on interaction between an area of low pressure near the UK and high pressure over the Mediterranean, which is sucking hot air from Africa over central and eastern Europe. The weather pattern is expected to last well into next week.

From the Baltic to the Black Sea, people have been looking for ways to cool off. In Estonia, churches have been used as “heat shelters” for the elderly, while in the Bulgarian capital Sofia, teenagers have been using Facebook to organise ever-larger water fights in the city’s fountains. Sofia council has now banned all bathing in fountains.

The fierce heat has also triggered brief, powerful storms that have killed several people around the region

Hundreds dead as fierce heatwave wreaks devastation across Europe - The Irish Times - Sat, Jul 17, 2010
Hundreds dead as fierce heatwave wreaks devastation across Europe - The Irish Times - Sat, Jul 17, 2010 sounds pretty damned impressive don't you think? I mean the images of poor people dying in their hundreds because the heat has dehydrated them and no air conditioning was available to protect them would make anyone think about the heat wave.

But, lets look closer at this amazing piece of hyperbole that Chris saw fit to post. When you read the article you find that the deaths are not from the heat, but rather from the foolish people becoming drunk and then DROWNING in the various streams, ponds, and reservoirs.

Below is the complete article with the pertinent passage highlighted in red. So tell me is this really the best they can do?

A FIERCE heatwave across central and eastern Europe is being blamed for the deaths of hundreds of people, severe damage to vast swathes of crops and disruption to road and rail travel.

Hungary has issued the highest level of heat alert, urging children and elderly people to stay indoors. It ha started handing out bottles of water to pedestrians and drivers in the capital, Budapest, where temperatures have hovered around 35 degrees Celsius for several days.

Hungary has also now reduced the expected size of its agricultural harvest this year due to the intensely hot, dry weather, as have Germany and the Czech Republic.

For Romania and Ukraine, the heatwave has come on the heels of heavy rain and severe flooding in some areas.

The worst affected country is Russia, where more than 1,200 people drowned in June and almost 500 have drowned so far in July, many in rivers, ponds and reservoirs where swimming is banned, after drinking large amounts of alcohol.

“The majority of those drowned were drunk. The children died because adults simply did not look after them,” said Vadim Seryogin of Russia’s emergencies ministry.

Earlier this month, six children drowned in the Sea of Azov in southern Russia. Investigators believe the summer camp workers who were looking after them were drunk.

Drought has prompted 17 regions across Russia to declare a state of emergency. Nearly 10 million hectares of crops have been ruined – an area about the size of Hungary – causing an estimated €750 million worth of damage to the economy.

“This is a big problem, there has been no anomaly like this in our country for decades,” Russian president Dmitry Medvedev said during a visit to a village near the Ukrainian border. “We need to figure out how we can preserve at least some of the crop.”

The heatwave has also played havoc with transport across the region: a major motorway from Prague to Germany had to be closed for several days of repairs, and a Prague airport stopped accepting passenger flights after heat damage to the runway.

The air conditioning on one of Germany’s high-speed trains also failed in the soaring temperatures, leaving dozens of passengers suffering from heat exhaustion.

The hot spell is being blamed on interaction between an area of low pressure near the UK and high pressure over the Mediterranean, which is sucking hot air from Africa over central and eastern Europe. The weather pattern is expected to last well into next week.

From the Baltic to the Black Sea, people have been looking for ways to cool off. In Estonia, churches have been used as “heat shelters” for the elderly, while in the Bulgarian capital Sofia, teenagers have been using Facebook to organise ever-larger water fights in the city’s fountains. Sofia council has now banned all bathing in fountains.

The fierce heat has also triggered brief, powerful storms that have killed several people around the region

Hundreds dead as fierce heatwave wreaks devastation across Europe - The Irish Times - Sat, Jul 17, 2010

Silly dingleberry, huge crop losses are not a minor thing. And when highway and airport tarmac is buckling in the heat, it is a major damage.
From a 200PPM increase in CO2, Old Rock?

So, it should be a piece of cake for you to show us how a 200PPM increase in CO2 does that in a laboratory setting, right? I mean crop failure! Buckling tarmacs!

How can you miss?
How in the WORLD does their tarmac melt and buckle at 95°?!?

How is 95° considered a "fierce heatwave," ffs?!?

If THAT's the case, us south Texas folks have been living with the GrandDaddy of ALL Heatwaves for quite some time.

HEY! Think if I bitch up a storm about it, the gov will send me a new A/C and some money? I could get All OVER That!!! :lol:
How in the WORLD does their tarmac melt and buckle at 95°?!?

How is 95° considered a "fierce heatwave," ffs?!?

If THAT's the case, us south Texas folks have been living with the GrandDaddy of ALL Heatwaves for quite some time.

HEY! Think if I bitch up a storm about it, the gov will send me a new A/C and some money? I could get All OVER That!!! :lol:

Hmmm....... So what you are stating is that the people in Europe are lying? If not, then what is your point?

You might also note the crop losses. Or did that go right over your pointy little head?
See what CO2 did to these crops?

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Hmmm....... So what you are stating is that the people in Europe are lying? If not, then what is your point?

You might also note the crop losses. Or did that go right over your pointy little head?

Oh, no! :lol:

I honestly didn't mean it that way ~ I was sort of trying to be funny, but I DO wEnder about the tarmac, you know, how it's made and all.

No, the crop losses will be CATASTROPHIC for them, I know, and there's nothing funny about that, AT ALL,

but West had a good point about the lead-in/headline not exactly being apropos.

(DAMN! When I first read that, I thought you said my PRETTY little head! ;) )
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An example of why the people no longer believe your crap

You got it 180 degrees wrong.

That's exacly the problem for every one of us.

Too many people believe you're crap.
West pwns the k00ks yet again!!!

Being on this site is worth it if only to come into this particular forum and watch Old Rocks do his multiple daily mental case meltdown. This poor fcukk stays up nights watching out for stuff that blows a hole in his silly-ass he can post up some mumbo-jumbo about CO2 levels or some other BS!!
Hundreds dead as fierce heatwave wreaks devastation across Europe - The Irish Times - Sat, Jul 17, 2010 sounds pretty damned impressive don't you think? I mean the images of poor people dying in their hundreds because the heat has dehydrated them and no air conditioning was available to protect them would make anyone think about the heat wave.

But, lets look closer at this amazing piece of hyperbole that Chris saw fit to post. When you read the article you find that the deaths are not from the heat, but rather from the foolish people becoming drunk and then DROWNING in the various streams, ponds, and reservoirs.

Below is the complete article with the pertinent passage highlighted in red. So tell me is this really the best they can do?

A FIERCE heatwave across central and eastern Europe is being blamed for the deaths of hundreds of people, severe damage to vast swathes of crops and disruption to road and rail travel.

Hungary has issued the highest level of heat alert, urging children and elderly people to stay indoors. It ha started handing out bottles of water to pedestrians and drivers in the capital, Budapest, where temperatures have hovered around 35 degrees Celsius for several days.

Hungary has also now reduced the expected size of its agricultural harvest this year due to the intensely hot, dry weather, as have Germany and the Czech Republic.

For Romania and Ukraine, the heatwave has come on the heels of heavy rain and severe flooding in some areas.

The worst affected country is Russia, where more than 1,200 people drowned in June and almost 500 have drowned so far in July, many in rivers, ponds and reservoirs where swimming is banned, after drinking large amounts of alcohol.

“The majority of those drowned were drunk. The children died because adults simply did not look after them,” said Vadim Seryogin of Russia’s emergencies ministry.

Earlier this month, six children drowned in the Sea of Azov in southern Russia. Investigators believe the summer camp workers who were looking after them were drunk.

Drought has prompted 17 regions across Russia to declare a state of emergency. Nearly 10 million hectares of crops have been ruined – an area about the size of Hungary – causing an estimated €750 million worth of damage to the economy.

“This is a big problem, there has been no anomaly like this in our country for decades,” Russian president Dmitry Medvedev said during a visit to a village near the Ukrainian border. “We need to figure out how we can preserve at least some of the crop.”

The heatwave has also played havoc with transport across the region: a major motorway from Prague to Germany had to be closed for several days of repairs, and a Prague airport stopped accepting passenger flights after heat damage to the runway.

The air conditioning on one of Germany’s high-speed trains also failed in the soaring temperatures, leaving dozens of passengers suffering from heat exhaustion.

The hot spell is being blamed on interaction between an area of low pressure near the UK and high pressure over the Mediterranean, which is sucking hot air from Africa over central and eastern Europe. The weather pattern is expected to last well into next week.

From the Baltic to the Black Sea, people have been looking for ways to cool off. In Estonia, churches have been used as “heat shelters” for the elderly, while in the Bulgarian capital Sofia, teenagers have been using Facebook to organise ever-larger water fights in the city’s fountains. Sofia council has now banned all bathing in fountains.

The fierce heat has also triggered brief, powerful storms that have killed several people around the region

Hundreds dead as fierce heatwave wreaks devastation across Europe - The Irish Times - Sat, Jul 17, 2010

Silly dingleberry, huge crop losses are not a minor thing. And when highway and airport tarmac is buckling in the heat, it is a major damage.

And if the cultists had just left it at the crop loss the people would have actually cared. But when the cultists resort to such ridiculous hyperbole they lose whateve credibility they had.
Thus the people no longer beleive a word the cultists say.
How in the WORLD does their tarmac melt and buckle at 95°?!?

How is 95° considered a "fierce heatwave," ffs?!?

If THAT's the case, us south Texas folks have been living with the GrandDaddy of ALL Heatwaves for quite some time.

HEY! Think if I bitch up a storm about it, the gov will send me a new A/C and some money? I could get All OVER That!!! :lol:

Hmmm....... So what you are stating is that the people in Europe are lying? If not, then what is your point?

You might also note the crop losses. Or did that go right over your pointy little head?

No, just more hyperbole. In the southwest of the US the average temperatures for the summer months are 89 for June, 92 for July and 89 for August. September drops to 82 degrees. These are averages. I would assume even you can figure that means there are many days over 95 degrees. That's why those of us who live and work in the southwest(oh my) think that 95 degrees is no big deal.

Because it's not.
Daytime temperatures of 8 to 10 degrees C is a heat wave. Russia is not the Southwest of the US. The kinds of temperatures experianced in the Southwest summers would be a major heat wave in the Northwest, and result in major fires and crop losses.

In fact, other than to demostrate your inate stupidity, I fail to see why you even made the comparison.

Heat wave shatters another temperature record in Moscow | Russia | RIA Novosti

The heat wave in the entire Central Russia area is expected to last until July 22. Average day temperatures in Moscow are 8-10 degrees Centigrade above the norm.

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