Amnesty requires bigger government


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Bigger government means more spending meaning more revenue needed and low income earners to not supply that needed revenue.

As our population grows, so does the need for bigger Government. Of the 20 million Illegal Aliens only 8 million in the work force and less than 2% are doing farm labor. Population growth require a bigger education system, healthcare system, law enforcement system, social services and Government entitlement programs and a supply of jobs. More government employers and Government buildings requiring more revenue for Government spending.
Workers crate consumers, consumers create jobs, jobs create more businesses that create bigger economy. But this not necessary a success when the majority of workers are low income earners, pay little in taxes if any and who depend on some form of government assistance resulting in liability not an asset for Government. Amnesty will create a permanent low income population that will destroy an economy. Amnesty would be devastation for this country. Plus the 8 million illegal workers are taking 8 million jobs from 14 million unemployed Americans. When we have 8 million Americans unemployed not contributing to the economy who would be if working and illegals sending $35 millions back to Mexico going in to Mexico’s

My vote will go to "what's his name" because he is way cooler, funnier and down to earth than up tight Romney. Plus he can sing. what more can you ask for. The economic recovery is just a plus.
I see so according to you the govt not controling who can come into the country means bigger govt.
I see so according to you the govt not controling who can come into the country means bigger govt.

You do understand that a population of low income workers use goverment handouts such as food stamps, medicaid, low income housing, welfare grants,etc and the increase make demands for more government employers and spending?:cuckoo: Result bigger government.:cuckoo:
More crime that come with population growth means more law enforcement, court appearances and incarceration and prisons.
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