Ames Straw Poll


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
Sort of meaningless, I guess.

Bachmann came in first. With a whopping 4823 votes. This is probably the high point of her run as she starts to fade after this.

Ron Paul came in second, just showing his ability to get his small sliver of crazy people to show up places.

Tim Pawlenty came in a distant third. He spent a lot of money and got beat out by two crazy people. Expect him to fold up his tent within two weeks.

Santorum came in Fourth and Herman Cain came in fifth. This will probably give their shoestring campaigns a bit of uplift.

Rick Perry came in sixth in a write in. That's actually impressive considering he wasn't on the ballot, didn't campaign and didn't announce until today.

Mitt Romney (R-Kolob) came in seventh. He has to make a decision soon about whether he seriously contests Iowa or tries to downplay it.

Newt, McCotter and Huntsman- Non-entities...

Absent altogether, - Sarah Palin, even as a write in.
Gotta love Iowa..

Bachmann/Paul 2012

You know, the problem here is that Ames doesn't really predict who wins Iowa, and Iowa doesn't predict who gets the nomination.

John McCain got the nomination in 2008, even though he came in fourth in the Iowa caucus and I have no idea if he even placed at AMES the previous year.

But when you have THREE 24-hour news networks, they have to fill all that empty space with something other than Hypno-Toad, so we pretend this silly thing is important.

I don't know how surprising Pawlenty's poor result was. The prediction markets had Bachmann and Paul as the clear favorites. I would expect Pawlenty to stay in at least until primaries actual start.

This gives Bachmann a bit of a boost, but I think Perry would have to really fall flat on his face before BAchmann could carve out a solid piece of the anti-Romney vote. Her most plausible role is as a Perry spoiler that hands Romney the nomination.
Just checked in to see how many people were complaining about Bachmann winning the straw poll in Iowa. I'm surprised. I thought there would be more. Lots of folks find it distasteful for a woman to be banging on the doors of the "good old boy's club". I like Newt but it doesn't surprise me that he didn't do well in Iowa. I think out of all of the GOP herd he is the most Presidential but the least electable. Way too early to know who will get the GOP nod but I suspect the mud slinging will just be a preview to the campaigns after a candidate is picked. It's going to be a very ugly Presidential campaign. Democrats don't have anything to run on and all they can do is toss out mud at whoever runs against Obama. Time will tell. Anything projected this early is just political verbal noise from both parties.
Gotta love Iowa..

Bachmann/Paul 2012


Your sense of REALITY is incredibly non-existent.

Seems to be in all matters......even the non-Obamarrhoidal ones.

Nobody can stop Bachmann now

Obama is going to have to break short his vacation to figure out what to do

He won't have to do anything. He can sit back and watch as she destroys herself by claiming to be on history's side, even though she barely knows any and tries to re-write the rest.

It will be a contest to see who can downplay their failings better. Obama has a hell of a lot to downplay, but Bachman keeps adding to her list of stupidities.
BBD,I like Newt, too. I think his sense of history is important and I like his ideas, but he's not getting anywhere. His past is going to catch up with him. It is amazing that Perry beat Romeney when he was a write in candididate and only a candidate for a matter of minutes. I agree with the poster that considers this poll a filler of time for cable news. Tea Party will speak loudly this coming election, I feel.

I think we may see someone run in a primary against Obama.
Just checked in to see how many people were complaining about Bachmann winning the straw poll in Iowa. I'm surprised. I thought there would be more. Lots of folks find it distasteful for a woman to be banging on the doors of the "good old boy's club". I like Newt but it doesn't surprise me that he didn't do well in Iowa. I think out of all of the GOP herd he is the most Presidential but the least electable. Way too early to know who will get the GOP nod but I suspect the mud slinging will just be a preview to the campaigns after a candidate is picked. It's going to be a very ugly Presidential campaign. Democrats don't have anything to run on and all they can do is toss out mud at whoever runs against Obama. Time will tell. Anything projected this early is just political verbal noise from both parties.

check back later? I haven't read the whole thread yet, so my suggestion may be premature ;)

Your sense of REALITY is incredibly non-existent.

Seems to be in all matters......even the non-Obamarrhoidal ones.

Nobody can stop Bachmann now

Obama is going to have to break short his vacation to figure out what to do

He won't have to do anything. He can sit back and watch as she destroys herself by claiming to be on history's side, even though she barely knows any and tries to re-write the rest.

It will be a contest to see who can downplay their failings better. Obama has a hell of a lot to downplay, but Bachman keeps adding to her list of stupidities.

You're not a complete idiot......but close.
BBD,I like Newt, too. I think his sense of history is important and I like his ideas, but he's not getting anywhere. His past is going to catch up with him. It is amazing that Perry beat Romeney when he was a write in candididate and only a candidate for a matter of minutes. I agree with the poster that considers this poll a filler of time for cable news. Tea Party will speak loudly this coming election, I feel.

I think we may see someone run in a primary against Obama.

Correct on all counts.
Huge win for Ron Paul!

Huge win for the Political Idiot Ron Paul.

However, this Political Idiot Ron Paul ain't going anywheres.

At best, this Political Idiot will come in El Quatro......probably lower....or helluva lot lower.

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