America's Standing in the World?

Maybe the Iraqis will finally learn to get along with each other, and I don't mean with ISIS. When will the GOP and the dupes come back to reality and, you know, loyal opposition and patriotism...

Fuck you, you commie bastard! Sounds like the Hildebeasty doesn't agree with scumbags!

[ame=]I Am Sick And Tired - Hillary Clinton - YouTube[/ame]
Maybe the Iraqis will finally learn to get along with each other, and I don't mean with ISIS. When will the GOP and the dupes come back to reality and, you know, loyal opposition and patriotism...

I'm sure the Iraqi's will get along just fine when the new kids come to town...
Report: Polish minister says US ties worthless

Associated Press, June 22, 2014

WARSAW, Poland (AP) — A Polish magazine says it has obtained recordings of a conversation in which Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski says the country's strong alliance with the U.S. "isn't worth anything" and is "even harmful because it creates a false sense of security."

Hmmm. How many other foreign leaders are secretly saying the same thing? For me, this is deja vu from when I served in an embassy during Carter's years. :eusa_whistle:

Here's a link @ Did the Polish Foreign Minister Really Say Alliance with the U.S. ?Isn?t Worth Anything?? |

I would suspect more than a few.
Now that Obama/Democrats have rejected American exceptional-ism and have made America submissive to Russia, China, Iran and many other countries across the globe, how long do you think after Obama/Democrat ineptitude will it take regain America's pride, ambitions and citizen freedoms?

For someone who was going to have a "transparent" administration, Obama doesn't account truthfully his deeds nor announce his fiats to Congress until he has already grandstanded something. He learns all about his administration from the media, and he usurps Congressional power through fiat. If anyone tried to call him on it, Obama would contort his face and scream "racists!" and get his supporters to likewise lie to a press that laps it up.

This is the most secretive White House in history.
Or just by doing his job. Not like it's hard.

Trump makes it look hard

Leaders will be closely watching Trump as he addresses global concerns about the U.S. trade battle with China and insecurity over the Persian Gulf as confidence in his strategy falters.

During last year's speech, many of those same leaders appeared to laugh when Trump boasted that his administration "has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country."

John Feeley, who served as U.S. ambassador to Panama until last year, called it a painful moment that reflected America's decline from the "undisputed top dog" on the world stage.

"What it means is that the United States is not perceived as being led by somebody who they take completely seriously,"

A 25-nation survey by the Pew Research Center last year found a median of just 27% of people outside the United States had confidence Trump would "do the right thing in world affairs."

And a new survey of 50 former U.S. ambassadors and senior national security officials by the Global Situation Room public relations firm finds that top diplomats from Republican and Democratic administrations almost unanimously feel U.S. influence has declined under Trump.

Ninety-two percent of those surveyed said U.S. adversaries have grown stronger.

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