America’s Most Profitable Non-Profit


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

I can see how it started out as an advocacy group for seniors making it a legit non-profit. But, from what I’ve seen over the past few years, it seems centered on making big bucks for the executives and employees.

According to AARP’s 2016 filing with the Internal Revenue Service, the non-profit raised more than $1.6 billion (yes, billion with a ‘B’) and had in excess of $1.1 billion of net assets that year, all of it shielded from the IRS because of its 501(c)(3) tax status. As non-profit groups go, AARP has done pretty well for itself, but at what cost?

Not exactly peanuts.


Jo Ann Jenkins, CEO AARP, poor girl, only makes $973,494 per year, not including all the perks. I can’t find what her current net worth is but it ain’t peanuts.

More about the organization @

I can see how it started out as an advocacy group for seniors making it a legit non-profit. But, from what I’ve seen over the past few years, it seems centered on making big bucks for the executives and employees.

According to AARP’s 2016 filing with the Internal Revenue Service, the non-profit raised more than $1.6 billion (yes, billion with a ‘B’) and had in excess of $1.1 billion of net assets that year, all of it shielded from the IRS because of its 501(c)(3) tax status. As non-profit groups go, AARP has done pretty well for itself, but at what cost?

Not exactly peanuts.


Jo Ann Jenkins, CEO AARP, poor girl, only makes $973,494 per year, not including all the perks. I can’t find what her current net worth is but it ain’t peanuts.

More about the organization @
You can tell from her elegant display of designer finery she’s hauling in the big bucks. The plastic beads are a nice touch, no?
Well, I will never be contributing. They’ve been bugging me for a few years now.
I'm a member. The wife signed me up, its discounts come in handy at times when I remember to use them.
To be fair, as far as non-profit advocacy groups go, AARP executive compensation while in the top 50 of those in Washington, it is a ways down the list.

A copy and past from Washington Business Journal of the top 8 shows:


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