America’s hidden racial harmony


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Racial harmony?

What the hell is this guy talking about.

According to the media, whites and all minorities are at war. Blood in the streets and all that stuff. Yet, here’s what he reports:

This summer, I’ve had the chance to spend a few weeks on the road, exploring the vast, forgotten America west of the Acela corridor and east of Hollywood. In June, I drove from Brooklyn to Arkansas and back, and just last week coursed through the whole continent, landing at a beach bar in Venice Beach. One thing I noticed everywhere I went, in the bars and restaurants I haunted along the way, was a level of racial harmony that belies the notion of our nation as a hotbed of racism.

The people I met along the way, and there were a lot of them, were white, black, brown, Asian, and Native American, and they weren’t self-segregated within the establishments I found. Much the opposite: they were mixing, mingling, laughing, and drinking together without even a hint of racial tension.

In my somewhat tunneled world, I can see what he’s talking about by watching who patronizing businesses, especially Latino markets. The spectrum of humanity enters and departs with shopping carts piled high.

More of an interesting piece @ All You Have To Do Is Take A Road Trip To Find Out America Isn't Racist

And here’s an example of what the media touts:

U.S. 'Broken as Hell' Over the Politics of Race & Class @ U.S. 'Broken as Hell' Over the Politics of Race & Class | RealClearPolitics

Are those whites in this photo?
The idiot racist shit-flingers who prevent this forum from ever hosting a serious, rational discussion about racial matters don’t want to hear any common sense truth like the above.

Racial harmony?

What the hell is this guy talking about.

According to the media, whites and all minorities are at war. Blood in the streets and all that stuff. Yet, here’s what he reports:

This summer, I’ve had the chance to spend a few weeks on the road, exploring the vast, forgotten America west of the Acela corridor and east of Hollywood. In June, I drove from Brooklyn to Arkansas and back, and just last week coursed through the whole continent, landing at a beach bar in Venice Beach. One thing I noticed everywhere I went, in the bars and restaurants I haunted along the way, was a level of racial harmony that belies the notion of our nation as a hotbed of racism.

The people I met along the way, and there were a lot of them, were white, black, brown, Asian, and Native American, and they weren’t self-segregated within the establishments I found. Much the opposite: they were mixing, mingling, laughing, and drinking together without even a hint of racial tension.

In my somewhat tunneled world, I can see what he’s talking about by watching who patronizing businesses, especially Latino markets. The spectrum of humanity enters and departs with shopping carts piled high.

More of an interesting piece @ All You Have To Do Is Take A Road Trip To Find Out America Isn't Racist

And here’s an example of what the media touts:

U.S. 'Broken as Hell' Over the Politics of Race & Class @ U.S. 'Broken as Hell' Over the Politics of Race & Class | RealClearPolitics

Are those whites in this photo?
He should of took im2 with him .....

Jus sayin:113:

Another prog nazi douche that popped his own bubble ...And another future independent or right winger is born
The media and political hacks make a big deal over "racial divide" but millions of Americans go through life day-by-day with no thought of the color of the skins of people around them.
........of course---white supremacists/WHITE cops/etc are NOT the problem...I've been saying this for a longtime..but then you have Kamala, Booker, AOC, Maxine, etc that think those are the major problems ....
The media? Lol!

Millions people of color don't express their anger to whites. That's what happens. Whites have always thought like you do that there is no race problem. Unless you create tales of white victimhood.
brothers and sisters: what would be Dr King's message for the millennium. let's visualize a 70 year old angry Dr King.

let me make my remix of King's I Have A Dream speech.

its joyous, the emancipation from enslavement.

now 135 years later, the black man is not free. our youth's minds are still in captivity.

they think its okay to be those who are most feared by society. they think its ok not to think! black youth dont value education as much as whites, my friends.



I say to you my friends, that even though this cultural revolution may never be over, i still have a dream
The only place I've seen racism in my area is the mexican market/restaurant.
It's not from the people who work there but from the hispanic customers. Every time I go to pick up some tacos or some fajita meat,they have a great meat market,I get the evil eye from the customers in the dining area,and they're quite obvious about it.
my friends, to be an antiracist is a radical choice in the face of history, requiring a radical reorientation of our consciousness
The only place I've seen racism in my area is the mexican market/restaurant.
It's not from the people who work there but from the hispanic customers. Every time I go to pick up some tacos or some fajita meat,they have a great meat market,I get the evil eye from the customers in the dining area,and they're quite obvious about it.

You consider yourself a victim of racism because some people looked at you? Are you shitting me?
The only place I've seen racism in my area is the mexican market/restaurant.
It's not from the people who work there but from the hispanic customers. Every time I go to pick up some tacos or some fajita meat,they have a great meat market,I get the evil eye from the customers in the dining area,and they're quite obvious about it.

You consider yourself a victim of racism because some people looked at you? Are you shitting me?

As I's quite obvious.
When you have a half dozen tables full of mexican yard workers all turn at the same time to give you the evil eye it's hard to miss.
Or possibly you go through life with your head up your ass.....
The only place I've seen racism in my area is the mexican market/restaurant.
It's not from the people who work there but from the hispanic customers. Every time I go to pick up some tacos or some fajita meat,they have a great meat market,I get the evil eye from the customers in the dining area,and they're quite obvious about it.

You consider yourself a victim of racism because some people looked at you? Are you shitting me?

As I's quite obvious.
When you have a half dozen tables full of mexican yard workers all turn at the same time to give you the evil eye it's hard to miss.

Have you sought counseling? Do you want reparations?
The only place I've seen racism in my area is the mexican market/restaurant.
It's not from the people who work there but from the hispanic customers. Every time I go to pick up some tacos or some fajita meat,they have a great meat market,I get the evil eye from the customers in the dining area,and they're quite obvious about it.

You consider yourself a victim of racism because some people looked at you? Are you shitting me?

As I's quite obvious.
When you have a half dozen tables full of mexican yard workers all turn at the same time to give you the evil eye it's hard to miss.

Have you sought counseling? Do you want reparations?

From a bunch of poor mexicans?
Now why would I expect that from them? Personally I just laugh it off and I was just making an observation.
If you cant pick up bad vibes thats your problem.
The only place I've seen racism in my area is the mexican market/restaurant.
It's not from the people who work there but from the hispanic customers. Every time I go to pick up some tacos or some fajita meat,they have a great meat market,I get the evil eye from the customers in the dining area,and they're quite obvious about it.

You consider yourself a victim of racism because some people looked at you? Are you shitting me?

As I's quite obvious.
When you have a half dozen tables full of mexican yard workers all turn at the same time to give you the evil eye it's hard to miss.

Have you sought counseling? Do you want reparations?

From a bunch of poor mexicans?
Now why would I expect that from them? .......

Clearly you have suffered the oppression of having people look in your direction. Such an injustice must be made right! Someday there will be a statue erected in your honor for standing up so bravely to this moral outrage.
The only place I've seen racism in my area is the mexican market/restaurant.
It's not from the people who work there but from the hispanic customers. Every time I go to pick up some tacos or some fajita meat,they have a great meat market,I get the evil eye from the customers in the dining area,and they're quite obvious about it.

You consider yourself a victim of racism because some people looked at you? Are you shitting me?

As I's quite obvious.
When you have a half dozen tables full of mexican yard workers all turn at the same time to give you the evil eye it's hard to miss.

Have you sought counseling? Do you want reparations?

From a bunch of poor mexicans?
Now why would I expect that from them? .......

Clearly you have suffered the oppression of having people look in your direction. Such an injustice must be made right! Someday there will be a statue erected in your honor for standing up so bravely to this moral outrage.

And you're stupid enough not to recognize a scowl.
Let me clear this up....again.
I dont care if they give me dirty looks because they can do nothing to affect my life.
In fact I can do more to them by not hiring them.
You consider yourself a victim of racism because some people looked at you? Are you shitting me?

As I's quite obvious.
When you have a half dozen tables full of mexican yard workers all turn at the same time to give you the evil eye it's hard to miss.

Have you sought counseling? Do you want reparations?

From a bunch of poor mexicans?
Now why would I expect that from them? .......

Clearly you have suffered the oppression of having people look in your direction. Such an injustice must be made right! Someday there will be a statue erected in your honor for standing up so bravely to this moral outrage.

And you're stupid enough not to recognize a scowl.
Let me clear this up....again.
I dont care if they give me dirty looks.....
Stop lying; of course you do. That’s why you chose to whine about it in a spineless attempt to play victim.
Even muslim minority organ-harvesting friggin' China lectures the US on it's racism problem thanks to the media making it seem to the rest of the world that lynchings and cross burning are a daily occurrence.
brothers and sisters: what would be Dr King's message for the millennium. let's visualize a 70 year old angry Dr King.

let me make my remix of King's I Have A Dream speech.

its joyous, the emancipation from enslavement.

now 135 years later, the black man is not free. our youth's minds are still in captivity.

they think its okay to be those who are most feared by society. they think its ok not to think! black youth dont value education as much as whites, my friends.



I say to you my friends, that even though this cultural revolution may never be over, i still have a dream

Try not speaking for King please.

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