America's biggest newspapers slam gop


VIP Member
Feb 29, 2012
It is interesting to note that 10 of "America's Biggest Newspapers Slam The GOP Over Shutdown." This is the title of an article in Huffington. Taking a look at the names of the papers mentioned in the articles you will note that several of them are strongly right wing. An excellent example would be the Wall Street Journal.
Wall Street Journal
USA Today
New York Times
Washington Post
Chicago Tribune
LA Times
Chicago Sun-Times
New York Daily News
New York Post
Denver Post
When even right wing newspaper condemn your actions it is time to re-evaluate your stand. The problem is the tea party people responsible for this farce are incapable of re-evaluating ANYTHING.

America's Biggest Newspapers Slam The GOP Over Shutdown
Another article linked at the site above ^

WASHINGTON -- Less than two days after the government shut down, there are now more than 17 Republicans who say they're ready to pass a bill to fund the government with no strings attached, giving the House the votes it needs to pass a clean funding bill.

All 200 Democrats would need to stick together and team up with those Republicans to pass the bill, but House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) would have to be willing to put it to a vote, which so far he has given no indication he will do. But if he does, the votes appear to be there. The Senate would pass the bill in no time, sending it to be signed by President Barack Obama and ending the shutdown.

House Now Has The Votes To End Government Shutdown, But It Won't

Bold position for some forward-thinking republicans. Too bad that their fearless leader is a stupid, stubborn, selfish, son-of-a-bitch.
This shouldn't be a surprise... the republicans are turning themselves in to a lightning rod of controversy. Have you not seen the news?

The news, or the propaganda put out by the DNC?


Wow, I'm just shocked...
I am sure those newspapers are on line. Or better, go to the link and read what the papers are saying. You will not do that because you know that Huffington is printing the truth and that is the last thing you want to read.
This shouldn't be a surprise... the republicans are turning themselves in to a lightning rod of controversy. Have you not seen the news?

The news, or the propaganda put out by the DNC?

In the OP there is a link. Read what the papers are saying about the gop. Be sure to read the quote from the WSJ. They can hardly be called the DNC.
I am sure those newspapers are on line. Or better, go to the link and read what the papers are saying. You will not do that because you know that Huffington is printing the truth and that is the last thing you want to read.[/SIZE]

Why not go to the DNC website and get it straight from the source?
I don't waste my time going to the DNC website. I do not need anyone to tell me what to think.
(The interesting thing about your posts is that you have done absolutely nothing to prove they are in error.)
I don't waste my time going to the DNC website. I do not need anyone to tell me what to think.

Ironic post is ironic...

(The interesting thing about your posts is that you have done absolutely nothing to prove they are in error.)

In "error" about what? That the Republicans are icky doo doo heads?

The FACT is, that without Obama's media to tell them - 99% of the nation wouldn't be able to tell that the federal government is "shut down."

The impact on the average person's life is absolute zero.
I mean, has anybody in here ever noticed that I go out of my way to never call them reporters, the news, or least of all -- journalists.

You might also notice that I refuse to use Capital letters when addressing them (a small thing, to be sure. But it makes me feel better) or give them any respect for their fairness and/or objectivity.

I call them the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.

Because...... That's what they are.

Elitist, Statist, and worst of all -- Narcissists.

They can make any excuse and demand it be accepted. They seldom apologize even when they are proven dead wrong.

And who votes for them? Who votes for the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM?

Nobody and that's good but if there were votes, at least we'd get somewhere around 47% representation in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM.

But we don't even get 10%

Yeah, FNC is Conservative and Rupert Murdock also owns the WSJ, but so what? Murdock also owns one of the most leftist papers in the world in Britain.

Rupert Murdock is a Capitalist, not a crusader.

The rest of the Networks..... Oh yeah.

And that's because of the people they attract.

If you knew what it took to become a successful, sustainable 'journalist', and the huge amount of time it often takes to get there, plus all the lost wages, the dipshit schools and the right fraternities and sororities and how much THEY cost.

And if you ever do meet a J-School tube and get know him just a little bit....

They'll admit they do it because they want 'change' or 'social justice' or 'power to the people'

They're not there to report the news fairly and accurately. They're there to MAKE the news.
I mean, has anybody in here ever noticed that I go out of my way to never call them reporters, the news, or least of all -- journalists.

You might also notice that I refuse to use Capital letters when addressing them (a small thing, to be sure. But it makes me feel better) or give them any respect for their fairness and/or objectivity. . . . .

Blab! Blab! Blab! You can scream about the papers all you wish but when the 10 largest papers in the US are all condemning the gop's behavior they are reaching a lot of people. In other words, the longer the House behaves stupidity the more people will turn away from the gop. That will not be good news for the republican party come election time. Now, back into you bubble.
What 'desperation' looks like.[/SIZE]


What "not the sharpest marshmallow in the bag" looks like.

Bias Ratings Change for the Wall Street Journal and Others | AllSides
Did it ever occur to you that the WSJ may be changing its position because it is tired of trying to defend the stupidity of a party that is out of control? It was bound to happen. Even the most right leaning media outlets can reach a point where trying to defend wacko's no longer makes sense.
Oh, and by the way, I am smart enough to handle a knuckle dragger like yourself.
Another article linked at the site above ^

WASHINGTON -- Less than two days after the government shut down, there are now more than 17 Republicans who say they're ready to pass a bill to fund the government with no strings attached, giving the House the votes it needs to pass a clean funding bill.

All 200 Democrats would need to stick together and team up with those Republicans to pass the bill, but House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) would have to be willing to put it to a vote, which so far he has given no indication he will do. But if he does, the votes appear to be there. The Senate would pass the bill in no time, sending it to be signed by President Barack Obama and ending the shutdown.

House Now Has The Votes To End Government Shutdown, But It Won't

Bold position for some forward-thinking republicans. Too bad that their fearless leader is a stupid, stubborn, selfish, son-of-a-bitch.

I'm happy that some Republicans are not morons, but it is not forward thinking to govern and to do your job! That should be a given!
I wish there was a webcam so I can see Uncensoreds tears streaming down his red face

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