Americans who hate Mexicans and hide behind bullshit arguments.

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Americans who hate Mexicans and hide behind bullshit arguments.

This is sad

While the OP is known to be crazy, the others who have piled on celebrating the shooting death of a 15 year old Mexican is disturbing. Why disturbing? Because without having an argument put forth that deadly force was used to save a life, we have Americans with thinly veiled hatred of Mexicans, celebrating a death of a 15 year old, as progress in our national effort to secure our southern border.

This is the Tea Party without the veil.


The list:



The 15-year-old Mexican boy who was shot dead by a Border Patrol agent as U.S. ...was known to authorities as a juvenile smuggler,

It is not an American value to use deadly force when a life is not threatened.

This is sad. It will hurt the effort to secure the border. Most normal Americans aren't hateful pricks/***** like you. We don't want kids killed in order to secure the border. :evil:

I'm glad they shot him. :clap2::clap2::clap2:


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So why on earth do you make a thread about other threads?

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard of. Just go and argue in THOSE threads.
No, he knows he's making bullshit arguments, so he starts a thread with bullshit hoping nobody will notice.
It's not an's a FACT. He's saying if we dare to refer to Mexican smugglers as smugglers, we're RACIST.

What complete unadulterated crap.
So why on earth do you make a thread about other threads?

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard of. Just go and argue in THOSE threads.

It's a thread about hate, not about threads. It's a good thing you're just a loser control freak stuck on a message board 24/7. In real life your presence would most likely fuck up anything you come in contact with. :eek:
Sorry - I was responding to his message that as americans we hate mexicans - he included me on his bs list. Sorry about not using the quote message - my bad.
Giving an opinion does NOT constitute hatered of mexicans - go spread your bs someplace else.

people need only go to the threads and see how hateful and pathetic you people are.

Applauding the shooting death of a 15 year old illegal immigrant, who as far as we know when the comments were made, was unarmed except for with rocks...leaves one questioning what is being applauded. The hatred of illegal Mexicans is disturbing. I never saw this level of hatred when the illegal Irish were invading the labor markets back east.

This thread is made to highlight that there are people here who are so full of hate it is detrimental to American interests.

American interests in securing our southern border are not served well by the shooting deaths of 15 year olds and the applause that brings.
Giving an opinion does NOT constitute hatered of mexicans - go spread your bs someplace else.

don't get him on your bad side he will neg rep you and call you a c u n t

Don't be embarrassed. I've learned to hold onto a sample for you. I get samples of goods from retailers.

Let me see if I understand this. A 15 yo career criminal gets shot while attacking LEOs, and the people that point out he was attempting to injure or kill those LEOs are racist. What does that make the smugglers who actually lured him into this criminal activity, human rights activists?

If you want to blame someone for this blame the people that put that child out there, and made him think that dealing drugs is something to be proud of.
So why on earth do you make a thread about other threads?

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard of. Just go and argue in THOSE threads.

That's because he is an Archivist


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