Americans still blame Bush for their economic woes


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Poll: George W. Bush still gets blamed for economic woes - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

In a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll taken Friday through Sunday, more than a third of those surveyed said George W. Bush deserved a great deal of the blame for economic woes and a third said he should get a moderate amount of it. Not quite another third called that unfair, saying Bush warranted not much or none of the responsibility.

The 71% saying Bush should get blamed was a modest decline from the 80% who felt that way about a year ago, in July 2009.

What about President Obama?

In the July 2009 poll, a third, 32%, said he should shoulder a great deal or moderate amount of the blame
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Obama has helped the economy with the stimulus.

This is proven fact.

Bush gave us this and did nothing to ward off the mess.

No one will EVER forget Bush standing in front of the nation looking scared and announcing the bailout of the banks.
October 22, 2010

"Despite doom-saying about Democrats’ chances in the midterms, the latest NEWSWEEK Poll shows that they remain in a close race with Republicans 12 days before Election Day, while the president’s approval ratings have climbed sharply. The poll finds that 48 percent of registered voters would be more likely to vote for Democrats, compared with 42 percent who lean Republican."

"Right-wing media have mocked Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for saying that "But for me, we'd be in a worldwide depression." In fact, economists have credited legislation that passed the Senate under Reid's leadership for averting a far deeper economic collapse."


"Ooops! That Republican 'stop the vote' effort for Latinos in Nevada is backfiring badly."​

"Speaker keeps the faith, tells Charlie Rose "our members are battle-ready.

"I’d rather be where WE are then the Republicans."

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No one will EVER forget Bush standing in front of the nation looking scared and announcing the bailout of the banks.

Yeah I'll never forget that one but the image of him looking bewildered and scared, while reading My Pet Goat while the nation was under attack on 9/11 is burned in my memory even deeper.

I remember, before the 2000 election, SNL did a skit with Bush standing in the oval office, which was on fire, and apologizing to the American people for the wars and the recession and whatnot. I wonder if they could have known how absolutely prophetic they were being.

Then there are those who shun ANY responsibility for what they helped do to the country by voting for the likes of Bush.

They blamed Carter and Clinton for EVERYTHING for decades and now smear their mascara and sob and bleat "leave Bush Alone". They can NEVER accept the blame they deserve for fucking nearly EVERTHING up in this country.

They just want Obama to pretend its all his fault and fix everything and then give the credit for the fixes to their next republican candidate.
This is only because people don't understand that it's the congress and not so much the President. And we all know who has run congress for most of the last 50 years.
No one will EVER forget Bush standing in front of the nation looking scared and announcing the bailout of the banks.

Yeah I'll never forget that one but the image of him looking bewildered and scared, while reading My Pet Goat while the nation was under attack on 9/11 is burned in my memory even deeper.

I remember, before the 2000 election, SNL did a skit with Bush standing in the oval office, which was on fire, and apologizing to the American people for the wars and the recession and whatnot. I wonder if they could have known how absolutely prophetic they were being.
I'M still a big fan o'......


The Sergeant is never wrong.

Year Congress President Senate (100) House (435)
2009 111th D D - 55 D - 256
2007 110th R D - 51 D - 233
2005 109th R R - 55 R - 232
2003 108th R R - 51 R - 229
2001 107th R D* R - 221
1999 106th D R - 55 R - 223
1997 105th D R - 55 R - 228
1995 104th D R - 52 R - 230
1993 103rd D D - 57 D - 258
1991 102nd R D - 56 D - 267
1989 101st R D - 55 D - 260
1987 100th R D - 55 D - 258
1985 99th R R - 53 D - 253
1983 98th R R - 54 D - 269
1981 97th R R - 53 D - 242
1979 96th D D - 58 D - 277
1977 95th D D - 61 D - 292
1975 94th R D - 60 D -291
1973 93rd R D - 56 D - 242
1971 92nd R D - 54 D - 255
1969 91st R D - 57 D - 243
1967 90th D D - 64 D - 247
1965 89th D D - 68 D - 295
1963 88th D D - 66 D - 259
1961 87th D D - 64 D - 263
1959 86th R D - 65 D -283
1957 85th R D - 49 D - 232
1955 84th R D - 48 D - 232
1953 83rd R R - 48 D - 221
1951 82nd D D - 49 D - 235
1949 81st D D - 54 D - 263
1947 80th D R - 51 R - 246
1945 79th D D - 57 D - 242

Party In Power - Congress and Presidency - A Visual Guide To The Balance of Power In Congress, 1945-2008

It's not working anymore.

It's true. Too much focus is on Bush. The problem has been brewing beneath the surface for far longer. Bush and other hyper-partisan "Conservatives" have simply exacerbated it. Bush - The man himself - Is just a dimwit. Unfortunately he liked to be the smartest guy in the room, which in his case kinda means you have to surround yourself with a bunch of dim bulbs.

But our current crisis is due to such "Conservative" policies - You'd be hard pressed to prove otherwise. When you bloat an economy to unrealistic levels, then give half of it away to a few hundred mega wealthy people, then shrink it back to a realistic size - It kinda leaves the rest of us to fight over the crumbs.
When things are fucked up its important to KNOW how they got fucked up so you can change what needs to be changed.

The right just wants no one to be reminded that THEY FCUKED IT UP.

Its the ideas of the right that fucked everything up.
When things are fucked up its important to KNOW how they got fucked up so you can change what needs to be changed.

The right just wants no one to be reminded that THEY FCUKED IT UP.

Its the ideas of the right that fucked everything up.

When things are fucked up its important to KNOW how they got fucked up so you can change what needs to be changed.

The right just wants no one to be reminded that THEY FCUKED IT UP.

Its the ideas of the right that fucked everything up.


Cute cartoon. Do you believe record deficits were avoidable, and if so, how?

We're not reaching back 10 years here. I'm talking from 1/2009 onward.
Cartoons are about the level they can absorb.

The course of history shows that stimulus was needed to avoid the full brunt of what the failed republican policies of deregulation and unfettered markets produced.

They cling to these idiotic ideas even in the face of all the facts.

They are OWNED by their corporate masters and will never cut the chains , they polish the chains and think they are gifts of jewelry.
When things are fucked up its important to KNOW how they got fucked up so you can change what needs to be changed.

The right just wants no one to be reminded that THEY FCUKED IT UP.

Its the ideas of the right that fucked everything up.


Cute cartoon. Do you believe record deficits were avoidable, and if so, how?

We're not reaching back 10 years here. I'm talking from 1/2009 onward.

IMO, certainly the amounts and for that both parties are to blame. The stimulus did nothing of the sort, other than giving new spending powers to the Fed, putting your unborn baby under a pile of debt, his/her kids too.

Cute cartoon. Do you believe record deficits were avoidable, and if so, how?

We're not reaching back 10 years here. I'm talking from 1/2009 onward.

IMO, certainly the amounts and for that both parties are to blame. The stimulus did nothing of the sort, other than giving new spending powers to the Fed, putting your unborn baby under a pile of debt, his/her kids too.

Your cartoon insinuates that the crisis is defined by the deficit. Nonsense. The deficit is a product of the crisis, not the other way around. Trying to balance the budget during a severe recession is what Hoover did.

IMO Neither party "Did this." It was the private sector that "Did it;" The government's role was not identifying and correcting the problem in time; And it is classically the right that wants the "Hands off" approach to just about everything. Even now, I hear ridiculous chatter that fixing the problem entails fewer restrictions, lowering taxes, and firing thousands of government employees will serve as some sort of magic bullet to fix the problem.

Curing sunburn by lying back out in the sun. Love that analogy.
Cute cartoon. Do you believe record deficits were avoidable, and if so, how?

We're not reaching back 10 years here. I'm talking from 1/2009 onward.

IMO, certainly the amounts and for that both parties are to blame. The stimulus did nothing of the sort, other than giving new spending powers to the Fed, putting your unborn baby under a pile of debt, his/her kids too.

Your cartoon insinuates that the crisis is defined by the deficit. Nonsense. The deficit is a product of the crisis, not the other way around. Trying to balance the budget during a severe recession is what Hoover did.

IMO Neither party "Did this." It was the private sector that "Did it;" The government's role was not identifying and correcting the problem in time; And it is classically the right that wants the "Hands off" approach to just about everything. Even now, I hear ridiculous chatter that fixing the problem entails fewer restrictions, lowering taxes, and firing thousands of government employees will serve as some sort of magic bullet to fix the problem.

Curing sunburn by lying back out in the sun. Love that analogy.

Fair enough. Tell me what Hoover did that was substantially different than what FDR later did and expanded upon. It wasn't trying to balance the budget. Your post shows a serious lack of historical facts.

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