Americans, Europeans, Israelis, Japanese , Thai, etc. Free men are ready to die for Ukraine and Freedom. Videos, Pictures, Texts. Regular update


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017

Americans, Europeans, Israelis, Japanese , Thai, etc. Free men are ready to die for Ukraine and Freedom. Videos, Pictures, Texts. Regular update​

DOZENS of British war heroes — including dads and grandads — are flocking to Ukraine to take on Vladimir Putin’s army.​

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This is the moment when a Croatian military attaché in #Moscow declines to take a note from the Russian MoD in which #Russia is claiming that there are, allegedly, 200 Croatians fighting in #Ukraine. Of course, on Ukraine’s side.

Japanese men answer Ukraine's call for help; Volunteer to join fight against Moscow​


Americans, Europeans, Asian Free men are ready to die for Ukraine and Freedom. Videos, Pictures, Texts. Regular update​

DOZENS of British war heroes — including dads and grandads — are flocking to Ukraine to take on Vladimir Putin’s army.​

Ukraine will get atleast 10,000 foreign troops if each troop kills 5 russians---Putin loses 50,000 of his 150,000 army that is already being killed off and running away. The rest of the army will crumble.
ivan ,No matter what you say , but you lost this war already , the next step collapse of your pathetic Mongol ULUS and the Hague for you !

I am not fighting a war, much less losing, at the moment.

The folks at the Hague can stop by if they want a cup of coffee ...
But they better bring something for the grill if they plan on staying a while ... :thup:

one for sure you ivan lovers are all cowards, no of you are gonna die for the lost cause your fav moscow horde,

the reality :

Screen shot 2017-04-02 at 3.14.03 PM.png
one for sure you ivan lovers are all cowards

And once again, you go completely off the deep end, and avoid the question.

I just retired after serving for decades in the military. What is your excuse? Go ahead and grab a gun and get to work.

Oh, and I was training to fight the Soviets back when Ronald Reagan was in his first term as President. Back when the Soviets were a real threat.
I was training to fight the Soviets back when Ronald Reagan was in his first term as President. Back when the Soviets were a real threat.
do you agree that moscow imperialism has 0 respect toward own army?


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