American Made (2017 Tom Cruise film)


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie

As an 80s kid, I grew up watching a lot of Tom Cruise movies. However, the truth is that I lost interest in most Tom Cruise movies as I got older. He seemed to get into this rut of playing the same characters over and over again, and these characters usually aren't very fleshed out. He would occasionally remind me that he can actually act in movies like Collateral, Tropic Thunder, Born on the 4th of July, etc.

But every time he made a movie like a Mission Impossible movie, The Mummy, or Edge of Tomorrow, it just seemed like he was phoning it in.

American Made should put Cruise back on the map as a serious actor. He was awesome in this movie. Although he looked and talked like Tom Cruise, he seemed to disappear into this real life character of Barry Seal. For the first time in a long time, Cruise plays a very morally gray character.

Although I'm somewhat familiar with Pablo Escobar (thanks to the Narcos show), the Sandinistas, etc., I really didn't know much about this character, Barry Seal. If you don't know his life story, don't research it before watching this movie. This is the best acting I've seen Tom Cruise perform in a very long time. The first 30 minutes seemed like they were playing it safe, but the movie quickly escalates and gets really intense after about the 1 hour mark. The last 30-40 minutes were great.


So far, Cruise has been lucky enough to keep his youthful good looks. As he gets even older, I really hope he transitions away from playing action heroes and becomes a character actor who plays these types of roles. When he does, he is great.

This is not a documentary-style realistic portrayal the way Narcos is. The tone of the movie is very similar to what the trailer shows. There are a few times that get really tense, but, for the most part, it didn't feel like there were real stakes. But there were some really funny moments and also some pretty decent serious/drama moments. It's a bit of a dark comedy that doesn't ever get too dark.
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I don't like him. Therefore, i will not watch his movies.

Yeah, the whole scientology stuff is nuts. I don't have anything against the guy personally other than that. I just don't care for most of his movies in the past 10 years or so. But he was really good in this one, and it takes a lot for me to like a Tom Cruise movie these days.
Jamie Foxx rocked in that movie. I liked the whole thing, actually. The rest of his movies...meh. (Cruise, not Jamie).
Movies, TV and watching sports are for meatheads. Read a fucking book or take up martial arts or woodworking or something

I'm a lawyer. I've read enough books.

I like that Cruise does his own stunts, some really crazy stuff too.. Did you see the Mission Impossible where he hung on outside a huge airplane while taking off?

I have a chromecast and binge watch on different people at different times and figure out how they tick , mostly action.

BTW: your video is not working

I am going to go out on a limb here... I am betting that the movie goes something like this...

He is the best there is at some really cool skill, he has a girlfriend that is 20 years younger and hot as hell...using his superior skill and uncanny intellect he saves the day...but right before doing that - he almost gave everything up in self-loathing.
Am I right?....

As an 80s kid, I grew up watching a lot of Tom Cruise movies. However, the truth is that I lost interest in most Tom Cruise movies as I got older. He seemed to get into this rut of playing the same characters over and over again, and these characters usually aren't very fleshed out. He would occasionally remind me that he can actually act in movies like Collateral, Tropic Thunder, Born on the 4th of July, etc.

But every time he made a movie like a Mission Impossible movie, The Mummy, or Edge of Tomorrow, it just seemed like he was phoning it in.

American Made should put Cruise back on the map as a serious actor. He was awesome in this movie. Although he looked and talked like Tom Cruise, he seemed to disappear into this real life character of Barry Seal. For the first time in a long time, Cruise plays a very morally gray character.

Although I'm somewhat familiar with Pablo Escobar (thanks to the Narcos show), the Sandinistas, etc., I really didn't know much about this character, Barry Seal. If you don't know his life story, don't research it before watching this movie. This is the best acting I've seen Tom Cruise perform in a very long time. The first 30 minutes seemed like they were playing it safe, but the movie quickly escalates and gets really intense after about the 1 hour mark. The last 30-40 minutes were great.


So far, Cruise has been lucky enough to keep his youthful good looks. As he gets even older, I really hope he transitions away from playing action heroes and becomes a character actor who plays these types of roles. When he does, he is great.

This is not a documentary-style realistic portrayal the way Narcos is. The tone of the movie is very similar to what the trailer shows. There are a few times that get really tense, but, for the most part, it didn't feel like there were real stakes. But there were some really funny moments and also some pretty decent serious/drama moments. It's a bit of a dark comedy that doesn't ever get too dark.

Remake of Air America, (1990, Robert Downey Jr)

Won't even bother to watch it when it hits TV

As an 80s kid, I grew up watching a lot of Tom Cruise movies. However, the truth is that I lost interest in most Tom Cruise movies as I got older. He seemed to get into this rut of playing the same characters over and over again, and these characters usually aren't very fleshed out. He would occasionally remind me that he can actually act in movies like Collateral, Tropic Thunder, Born on the 4th of July, etc.

But every time he made a movie like a Mission Impossible movie, The Mummy, or Edge of Tomorrow, it just seemed like he was phoning it in.

American Made should put Cruise back on the map as a serious actor. He was awesome in this movie. Although he looked and talked like Tom Cruise, he seemed to disappear into this real life character of Barry Seal. For the first time in a long time, Cruise plays a very morally gray character.

Although I'm somewhat familiar with Pablo Escobar (thanks to the Narcos show), the Sandinistas, etc., I really didn't know much about this character, Barry Seal. If you don't know his life story, don't research it before watching this movie. This is the best acting I've seen Tom Cruise perform in a very long time. The first 30 minutes seemed like they were playing it safe, but the movie quickly escalates and gets really intense after about the 1 hour mark. The last 30-40 minutes were great.


So far, Cruise has been lucky enough to keep his youthful good looks. As he gets even older, I really hope he transitions away from playing action heroes and becomes a character actor who plays these types of roles. When he does, he is great.

This is not a documentary-style realistic portrayal the way Narcos is. The tone of the movie is very similar to what the trailer shows. There are a few times that get really tense, but, for the most part, it didn't feel like there were real stakes. But there were some really funny moments and also some pretty decent serious/drama moments. It's a bit of a dark comedy that doesn't ever get too dark.

Edge of Tomorrow was an excellent sci-fi action movie. I enjoyed it much more than Collateral, which I thought was just average.

I'm interested in American Made, the trailers look good, but I'll wait for it to come to DVD or Amazon/Netflix probably.
I watched a bit of this on the internet. Seemed ok but it didn't hold my attention and I opted to take my grandson shopping for sports outfits instead.

As an 80s kid, I grew up watching a lot of Tom Cruise movies. However, the truth is that I lost interest in most Tom Cruise movies as I got older. He seemed to get into this rut of playing the same characters over and over again, and these characters usually aren't very fleshed out. He would occasionally remind me that he can actually act in movies like Collateral, Tropic Thunder, Born on the 4th of July, etc.

But every time he made a movie like a Mission Impossible movie, The Mummy, or Edge of Tomorrow, it just seemed like he was phoning it in.

American Made should put Cruise back on the map as a serious actor. He was awesome in this movie. Although he looked and talked like Tom Cruise, he seemed to disappear into this real life character of Barry Seal. For the first time in a long time, Cruise plays a very morally gray character.

Although I'm somewhat familiar with Pablo Escobar (thanks to the Narcos show), the Sandinistas, etc., I really didn't know much about this character, Barry Seal. If you don't know his life story, don't research it before watching this movie. This is the best acting I've seen Tom Cruise perform in a very long time. The first 30 minutes seemed like they were playing it safe, but the movie quickly escalates and gets really intense after about the 1 hour mark. The last 30-40 minutes were great.


So far, Cruise has been lucky enough to keep his youthful good looks. As he gets even older, I really hope he transitions away from playing action heroes and becomes a character actor who plays these types of roles. When he does, he is great.

This is not a documentary-style realistic portrayal the way Narcos is. The tone of the movie is very similar to what the trailer shows. There are a few times that get really tense, but, for the most part, it didn't feel like there were real stakes. But there were some really funny moments and also some pretty decent serious/drama moments. It's a bit of a dark comedy that doesn't ever get too dark.

Remake of Air America, (1990, Robert Downey Jr)

Won't even bother to watch it when it hits TV


I watched about 30 minutes of it and unless my memory is just shit, it was nothing like that.

As an 80s kid, I grew up watching a lot of Tom Cruise movies. However, the truth is that I lost interest in most Tom Cruise movies as I got older. He seemed to get into this rut of playing the same characters over and over again, and these characters usually aren't very fleshed out. He would occasionally remind me that he can actually act in movies like Collateral, Tropic Thunder, Born on the 4th of July, etc.

But every time he made a movie like a Mission Impossible movie, The Mummy, or Edge of Tomorrow, it just seemed like he was phoning it in.

American Made should put Cruise back on the map as a serious actor. He was awesome in this movie. Although he looked and talked like Tom Cruise, he seemed to disappear into this real life character of Barry Seal. For the first time in a long time, Cruise plays a very morally gray character.

Although I'm somewhat familiar with Pablo Escobar (thanks to the Narcos show), the Sandinistas, etc., I really didn't know much about this character, Barry Seal. If you don't know his life story, don't research it before watching this movie. This is the best acting I've seen Tom Cruise perform in a very long time. The first 30 minutes seemed like they were playing it safe, but the movie quickly escalates and gets really intense after about the 1 hour mark. The last 30-40 minutes were great.


So far, Cruise has been lucky enough to keep his youthful good looks. As he gets even older, I really hope he transitions away from playing action heroes and becomes a character actor who plays these types of roles. When he does, he is great.

This is not a documentary-style realistic portrayal the way Narcos is. The tone of the movie is very similar to what the trailer shows. There are a few times that get really tense, but, for the most part, it didn't feel like there were real stakes. But there were some really funny moments and also some pretty decent serious/drama moments. It's a bit of a dark comedy that doesn't ever get too dark.

Remake of Air America, (1990, Robert Downey Jr)

Won't even bother to watch it when it hits TV


I watched about 30 minutes of it and unless my memory is just shit, it was nothing like that.

I'd give it about, what, a 70-30 chance your memory is right? ;)

As an 80s kid, I grew up watching a lot of Tom Cruise movies. However, the truth is that I lost interest in most Tom Cruise movies as I got older. He seemed to get into this rut of playing the same characters over and over again, and these characters usually aren't very fleshed out. He would occasionally remind me that he can actually act in movies like Collateral, Tropic Thunder, Born on the 4th of July, etc.

But every time he made a movie like a Mission Impossible movie, The Mummy, or Edge of Tomorrow, it just seemed like he was phoning it in.

American Made should put Cruise back on the map as a serious actor. He was awesome in this movie. Although he looked and talked like Tom Cruise, he seemed to disappear into this real life character of Barry Seal. For the first time in a long time, Cruise plays a very morally gray character.

Although I'm somewhat familiar with Pablo Escobar (thanks to the Narcos show), the Sandinistas, etc., I really didn't know much about this character, Barry Seal. If you don't know his life story, don't research it before watching this movie. This is the best acting I've seen Tom Cruise perform in a very long time. The first 30 minutes seemed like they were playing it safe, but the movie quickly escalates and gets really intense after about the 1 hour mark. The last 30-40 minutes were great.


So far, Cruise has been lucky enough to keep his youthful good looks. As he gets even older, I really hope he transitions away from playing action heroes and becomes a character actor who plays these types of roles. When he does, he is great.

This is not a documentary-style realistic portrayal the way Narcos is. The tone of the movie is very similar to what the trailer shows. There are a few times that get really tense, but, for the most part, it didn't feel like there were real stakes. But there were some really funny moments and also some pretty decent serious/drama moments. It's a bit of a dark comedy that doesn't ever get too dark.

Remake of Air America, (1990, Robert Downey Jr)

Won't even bother to watch it when it hits TV


I watched about 30 minutes of it and unless my memory is just shit, it was nothing like that.

I'd give it about, what, a 70-30 chance your memory is right? ;)


Tonight? 10-90

Now what? Bring it!

As an 80s kid, I grew up watching a lot of Tom Cruise movies. However, the truth is that I lost interest in most Tom Cruise movies as I got older. He seemed to get into this rut of playing the same characters over and over again, and these characters usually aren't very fleshed out. He would occasionally remind me that he can actually act in movies like Collateral, Tropic Thunder, Born on the 4th of July, etc.

But every time he made a movie like a Mission Impossible movie, The Mummy, or Edge of Tomorrow, it just seemed like he was phoning it in.

American Made should put Cruise back on the map as a serious actor. He was awesome in this movie. Although he looked and talked like Tom Cruise, he seemed to disappear into this real life character of Barry Seal. For the first time in a long time, Cruise plays a very morally gray character.

Although I'm somewhat familiar with Pablo Escobar (thanks to the Narcos show), the Sandinistas, etc., I really didn't know much about this character, Barry Seal. If you don't know his life story, don't research it before watching this movie. This is the best acting I've seen Tom Cruise perform in a very long time. The first 30 minutes seemed like they were playing it safe, but the movie quickly escalates and gets really intense after about the 1 hour mark. The last 30-40 minutes were great.


So far, Cruise has been lucky enough to keep his youthful good looks. As he gets even older, I really hope he transitions away from playing action heroes and becomes a character actor who plays these types of roles. When he does, he is great.

This is not a documentary-style realistic portrayal the way Narcos is. The tone of the movie is very similar to what the trailer shows. There are a few times that get really tense, but, for the most part, it didn't feel like there were real stakes. But there were some really funny moments and also some pretty decent serious/drama moments. It's a bit of a dark comedy that doesn't ever get too dark.

Remake of Air America, (1990, Robert Downey Jr)

Won't even bother to watch it when it hits TV


I watched about 30 minutes of it and unless my memory is just shit, it was nothing like that.

I'd give it about, what, a 70-30 chance your memory is right? ;)


Tonight? 10-90

Now what? Bring it!

In my defense, I have no idea what your current level of alcohol consumption is. :lol:

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