American has Gone to the Dogs


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
People under 50 (maybe even 60) have largely forgotten the “American values” that were inherent in this country’s culture prior to the 1960’s. They see old movies and hear about historical incidents, and to them it is like they describe life on another planet. Thousands of American soldiers gave their lives to capture a little island in the South Pacific from the Japanese? Are you kidding me? It COULD NOT HAPPEN today. An insidious combination of Progressives in our courts and liberals in academe and in “Hollywood” has conspired to devolve American culture into the figurative toilet.

People who work hard, try to stay out of trouble, and achieve success are ridiculed as freaks and ostracized. The culture pretends that great success (other than in entertainment and sports) is always the result of either inheritance or some nefarious activities, completely discounting the NORMAL case where people succeed because of a combination of intelligence, talent, hard work, and careful risk-taking. Neither film nor television exalts people who achieve success by hard work; it’s always the guy who has a 200 IQ and a photographic memory, and doesn’t have to do any actual work to succeed. Not surprisingly, very few people in the Political Class or in Entertainment have ever actually had a real job.

The true idols of this generation are those who achieve outrageous financial success with minimal effort and no talent (hip-hop “artists,”, Miley C, the Car-dashboardians, etc). They make me want to vomit – figuratively speaking.

The personal qualities of modesty, humility, tact, politeness, and being considerate of others are deemed to be indications of weakness or even neurosis. People are expected to do whatever is necessary to draw attention to themselves and their own wonderfulness (see Facebook). Fat, homely girls have acres of their flesh decorated with mindless tattoos and body piercings. Athletes are expected to belittle their opponents and expound on their own greatness in a way never done before (except by professional “wrestlers”).

Being a “victim” has become our greatest growth industry. “He said you have a nice ASS???!!! Sue the bastard! Let’s have a protest march against this intolerable oppression by the male power structure!” And so on.

Making school kids feel good and not hurting their feelings has trumped education in our schools. “Failure” has been re-defined and eroded continually for the past several decades, to the point where it is a valid question whether a typical high school graduate is capable of understanding a simple newspaper article or balancing a checkbook. Good thing they have the right to vote, eh?

People who hold traditional views on morality are literally under siege. Military chaplains who truthfully teach that same-sex sodomy is sinful are threatened with expulsion. Anyone suggesting placing limits on internet (and other) porn are deemed fanatics and Fascists. People who advocate the enforcement of existing immigration laws are called, “racist” (which doubly perverse, since most of the immigrants in question are Caucasian). People who suggest that sexual promiscuity or even adultery are “wrong” are nowhere in evidence in the popular media, except as the object of ridicule.

When courts overturn hundreds of years (or thousands of years) of legal and cultural precedents, using twisted and specious “interpretations” of the U.S. Constitution, there is no public outrage. No one complains that the Courts are taking the issues out of the hands of the People or their elected representatives, it is considered a “good thing.”

Any mention of the “values” of previous generations is peppered with accusations of supervening evil (“Yeah, but did you know that Thomas Jefferson had SLAVES!”). Marginal problems of previous generations are magnified to be universal horrors. The two or three women a year who were seriously harmed by botched abortions before 1973 is deemed a “reasonable” justification for killing hundreds of thousands of babies in the womb each year through legalized abortion.

To paraphrase Pogo, we are the enemy. If any foreign power had done this to us, we would be justified in nuking them.
People under 50 (maybe even 60) have largely forgotten the “American values” that were inherent in this country’s culture prior to the 1960’s. They see old movies and hear about historical incidents, and to them it is like they describe life on another planet. Thousands of American soldiers gave their lives to capture a little island in the South Pacific from the Japanese? Are you kidding me? It COULD NOT HAPPEN today. An insidious combination of Progressives in our courts and liberals in academe and in “Hollywood” has conspired to devolve American culture into the figurative toilet.

People who work hard, try to stay out of trouble, and achieve success are ridiculed as freaks and ostracized. The culture pretends that great success (other than in entertainment and sports) is always the result of either inheritance or some nefarious activities, completely discounting the NORMAL case where people succeed because of a combination of intelligence, talent, hard work, and careful risk-taking. Neither film nor television exalts people who achieve success by hard work; it’s always the guy who has a 200 IQ and a photographic memory, and doesn’t have to do any actual work to succeed. Not surprisingly, very few people in the Political Class or in Entertainment have ever actually had a real job.

The true idols of this generation are those who achieve outrageous financial success with minimal effort and no talent (hip-hop “artists,”, Miley C, the Car-dashboardians, etc). They make me want to vomit – figuratively speaking.

The personal qualities of modesty, humility, tact, politeness, and being considerate of others are deemed to be indications of weakness or even neurosis. People are expected to do whatever is necessary to draw attention to themselves and their own wonderfulness (see Facebook). Fat, homely girls have acres of their flesh decorated with mindless tattoos and body piercings. Athletes are expected to belittle their opponents and expound on their own greatness in a way never done before (except by professional “wrestlers”).

Being a “victim” has become our greatest growth industry. “He said you have a nice ASS???!!! Sue the bastard! Let’s have a protest march against this intolerable oppression by the male power structure!” And so on.

Making school kids feel good and not hurting their feelings has trumped education in our schools. “Failure” has been re-defined and eroded continually for the past several decades, to the point where it is a valid question whether a typical high school graduate is capable of understanding a simple newspaper article or balancing a checkbook. Good thing they have the right to vote, eh?

People who hold traditional views on morality are literally under siege. Military chaplains who truthfully teach that same-sex sodomy is sinful are threatened with expulsion. Anyone suggesting placing limits on internet (and other) porn are deemed fanatics and Fascists. People who advocate the enforcement of existing immigration laws are called, “racist” (which doubly perverse, since most of the immigrants in question are Caucasian). People who suggest that sexual promiscuity or even adultery are “wrong” are nowhere in evidence in the popular media, except as the object of ridicule.

When courts overturn hundreds of years (or thousands of years) of legal and cultural precedents, using twisted and specious “interpretations” of the U.S. Constitution, there is no public outrage. No one complains that the Courts are taking the issues out of the hands of the People or their elected representatives, it is considered a “good thing.”

Any mention of the “values” of previous generations is peppered with accusations of supervening evil (“Yeah, but did you know that Thomas Jefferson had SLAVES!”). Marginal problems of previous generations are magnified to be universal horrors. The two or three women a year who were seriously harmed by botched abortions before 1973 is deemed a “reasonable” justification for killing hundreds of thousands of babies in the womb each year through legalized abortion.

To paraphrase Pogo, we are the enemy. If any foreign power had done this to us, we would be justified in nuking them.
I have a completely different take and I'm in my 60's. I think the entire Republican Party has gone completely off the deep end. They have become a party of racist, delusions, fear and hate. They are against the most basic of American values. Only true nuts would yell out "let him die" and see that as a viable policy. They still haven't faced the fact they lied the country into war. They refuse to face the fact their harmful policies like trickle down are ridiculous.
And this idea that only they work and keep the country going is retarded beyond believe considering the amount of help they get from Blue and Liberal states. If only they would stop dragging down and destroying this country. Even Republicans can't name a single policy of theirs from the last 40 years that has been good for the country. And even bringing that fact up draws outrage from their ignorant and uneducated base.
It's the result of a deliberate effort on the part of the left to take this country down. All they really have left to take away are our guns. Once that is done, it's over.

It's the result of a deliberate effort on the part of the left to take this country down. All they really have left to take away are our guns. Once that is done, it's over.

So that's the one GOP success? More people with guns???? And I thought they were only ignorant.
People under 50 (maybe even 60) have largely forgotten the “American values” that were inherent in this country’s culture prior to the 1960’s. They see old movies and hear about historical incidents, and to them it is like they describe life on another planet. Thousands of American soldiers gave their lives to capture a little island in the South Pacific from the Japanese? Are you kidding me? It COULD NOT HAPPEN today. An insidious combination of Progressives in our courts and liberals in academe and in “Hollywood” has conspired to devolve American culture into the figurative toilet.

People who work hard, try to stay out of trouble, and achieve success are ridiculed as freaks and ostracized. The culture pretends that great success (other than in entertainment and sports) is always the result of either inheritance or some nefarious activities, completely discounting the NORMAL case where people succeed because of a combination of intelligence, talent, hard work, and careful risk-taking. Neither film nor television exalts people who achieve success by hard work; it’s always the guy who has a 200 IQ and a photographic memory, and doesn’t have to do any actual work to succeed. Not surprisingly, very few people in the Political Class or in Entertainment have ever actually had a real job.

The true idols of this generation are those who achieve outrageous financial success with minimal effort and no talent (hip-hop “artists,”, Miley C, the Car-dashboardians, etc). They make me want to vomit – figuratively speaking.

The personal qualities of modesty, humility, tact, politeness, and being considerate of others are deemed to be indications of weakness or even neurosis. People are expected to do whatever is necessary to draw attention to themselves and their own wonderfulness (see Facebook). Fat, homely girls have acres of their flesh decorated with mindless tattoos and body piercings. Athletes are expected to belittle their opponents and expound on their own greatness in a way never done before (except by professional “wrestlers”).

Being a “victim” has become our greatest growth industry. “He said you have a nice ASS???!!! Sue the bastard! Let’s have a protest march against this intolerable oppression by the male power structure!” And so on.

Making school kids feel good and not hurting their feelings has trumped education in our schools. “Failure” has been re-defined and eroded continually for the past several decades, to the point where it is a valid question whether a typical high school graduate is capable of understanding a simple newspaper article or balancing a checkbook. Good thing they have the right to vote, eh?

People who hold traditional views on morality are literally under siege. Military chaplains who truthfully teach that same-sex sodomy is sinful are threatened with expulsion. Anyone suggesting placing limits on internet (and other) porn are deemed fanatics and Fascists. People who advocate the enforcement of existing immigration laws are called, “racist” (which doubly perverse, since most of the immigrants in question are Caucasian). People who suggest that sexual promiscuity or even adultery are “wrong” are nowhere in evidence in the popular media, except as the object of ridicule.

When courts overturn hundreds of years (or thousands of years) of legal and cultural precedents, using twisted and specious “interpretations” of the U.S. Constitution, there is no public outrage. No one complains that the Courts are taking the issues out of the hands of the People or their elected representatives, it is considered a “good thing.”

Any mention of the “values” of previous generations is peppered with accusations of supervening evil (“Yeah, but did you know that Thomas Jefferson had SLAVES!”). Marginal problems of previous generations are magnified to be universal horrors. The two or three women a year who were seriously harmed by botched abortions before 1973 is deemed a “reasonable” justification for killing hundreds of thousands of babies in the womb each year through legalized abortion.

To paraphrase Pogo, we are the enemy. If any foreign power had done this to us, we would be justified in nuking them.
You know gay marriage goes back to Roman times right?
And you know that the most typical form of marriage is polygamy right?
And you know that Republicans want get the baby born but walk away from helping it in any way after it's born, right?

Republican morals, an oxymoron. I would never want GOP "values". Too harmful.
rdean, I will assume you have responded here in good faith, and are not an idiot.

Republicans have gone off the deep end? Which party has brought us abortion on demand? Which party has defined "marriage" into extinction? Which party has eliminated the ability of governments to regulate smut and other harmful communications? Which party has given us public sector labor unions and in the process ruined the public school system? Which party has abandoned merit as a criterion for school admission and public sector employment, substituting mandatory selection of mediocre candidates to fulfill a bizarre set of representatives of "disadvantaged" constituencies? Which party has sought to use the American military as an incubator for social engineering experiments?

Which party has denied, denied, denied that its leaders fully supported the invasion of Iraq, based on intelligence that was shared by all in Washington - the Administration AND Congress?

Which party is fighting to destroy America's national sovereignty by admitting millions of people in the country illegally, and actively campaigning for voting-citizenship for them? Is this to benefit America, or to benefit their political party? Which party's entire "jobs" focus for the past 50 years has been to borrow more and more money and spend it in increasing the size of our already-bloated government?

Which party has campaigned in one form after another to destroy America's industrial base - culminating in the absurd declaration that CO2 is a "harmful pollutant" - then whined about the loss of American jobs?

"Trickle down" my ass. There is nothing in the Constitution or any other relevant document that gives the Federal government the power to redistribute wealth. All Government is supposed to do is to create a situation where people are free to rise or fall on their own merits. And we have that. If the Democrats want socialism then let them quit lying and admit it, and we'll put it to a vote. Then maybe they would STFU.
DGS49 rdean, I will assume you have responded here in good faith, and are not an idiot.

Republicans have gone off the deep end? Which party has brought us abortion on demand? Which party has defined "marriage" into extinction? Which party has eliminated the ability of governments to regulate smut and other harmful communications? Which party has given us public sector labor unions and in the process ruined the public school system? Which party has abandoned merit as a criterion for school admission and public sector employment, substituting mandatory selection of mediocre candidates to fulfill a bizarre set of representatives of "disadvantaged" constituencies? Which party has sought to use the American military as an incubator for social engineering experiments?

So much ignorance in one paragraph. You want "big government" so bad. Eliminate free speech. Eliminate woman's rights. Keep gays permanently second class citizens. Lying about marriage when people are getting married every day. People from other countries send their kids here to our high schools in Blue States because what Republicans think of as ruined, others think of the best in the world. I know who I believe. I get the code. Blacks and Hispanics are "mediocre". Coming from toothless, uneducated rednecks, that's hilarious! And integrating the military has been one of the best things that ever happened in race relations on this country ever. I'm guessing you're sick. Some kind of mental disorder. Seeing things with such a delusional perspective. Perhaps the meds dosage need to be reviewed.

Which party has denied, denied, denied that its leaders fully supported the invasion of Iraq, based on intelligence that was shared by all in Washington - the Administration AND Congress?

Based on false information provided by the Bush administration. (think you are with us or with the terrorists)

Which party is fighting to destroy America's national sovereignty by admitting millions of people in the country illegally, and actively campaigning for voting-citizenship for them? Is this to benefit America, or to benefit their political party? Which party's entire "jobs" focus for the past 50 years has been to borrow more and more money and spend it in increasing the size of our already-bloated government?

Hello, knock knock, if they were admitted, they wouldn't be illegal. Duh! The GOP's entire jobs plan is minimum wage without benefits or move the job to China! They have no interest in creating jobs or in educating their base to be prepared for jobs requiring skills. Educated people tend to vote Democrat.

Which party has campaigned in one form after another to destroy America's industrial base - culminating in the absurd declaration that CO2 is a "harmful pollutant" - then whined about the loss of American jobs?

I love sugar, but too much causes diabetes. Duh!

"Trickle down" my ass. There is nothing in the Constitution or any other relevant document that gives the Federal government the power to redistribute wealth. All Government is supposed to do is to create a situation where people are free to rise or fall on their own merits. And we have that. If the Democrats want socialism then let them quit lying and admit it, and we'll put it to a vote. Then maybe they would STFU.

Too late. The Bush Tax Cuts for the rich already redistributed the wealth of the nation to the top 5%. It's a done deal. That's why a hundred families own most of the country.

Come on. Stop with the stupid.
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I agree that America has gone to the dogs....
Because dogs get more attention and treatment that humans

I can't turn on the news and not hear a story about a damn dog.
Or how cuddly Rotweilers or Pitbulls are, then blame the owners when they mutilate a child... nice.
rdean, I gave you too much credit. You are obviously a troll.

No human capable of using a keyboard could honestly be so ignorant and delusional.

Yuck it up. You got me. Once.
rdean, I gave you too much credit. You are obviously a troll.

No human capable of using a keyboard could honestly be so ignorant and delusional.

Yuck it up. You got me. Once.
Call me names, but you can't call me wrong. I say nothing I can't prove. Can you?
rdean, I will assume you have responded here in good faith, and are not an idiot.

Republicans have gone off the deep end? Which party has brought us abortion on demand? Which party has defined "marriage" into extinction? Which party has eliminated the ability of governments to regulate smut and other harmful communications? Which party has given us public sector labor unions and in the process ruined the public school system? Which party has abandoned merit as a criterion for school admission and public sector employment, substituting mandatory selection of mediocre candidates to fulfill a bizarre set of representatives of "disadvantaged" constituencies? Which party has sought to use the American military as an incubator for social engineering experiments?

Which party has denied, denied, denied that its leaders fully supported the invasion of Iraq, based on intelligence that was shared by all in Washington - the Administration AND Congress?

Which party is fighting to destroy America's national sovereignty by admitting millions of people in the country illegally, and actively campaigning for voting-citizenship for them? Is this to benefit America, or to benefit their political party? Which party's entire "jobs" focus for the past 50 years has been to borrow more and more money and spend it in increasing the size of our already-bloated government?

Which party has campaigned in one form after another to destroy America's industrial base - culminating in the absurd declaration that CO2 is a "harmful pollutant" - then whined about the loss of American jobs?

"Trickle down" my ass. There is nothing in the Constitution or any other relevant document that gives the Federal government the power to redistribute wealth. All Government is supposed to do is to create a situation where people are free to rise or fall on their own merits. And we have that. If the Democrats want socialism then let them quit lying and admit it, and we'll put it to a vote. Then maybe they would STFU.

you're wasting your time..he's an operative.
rdean, I will assume you have responded here in good faith, and are not an idiot.

Have you ever heard the phrase "Never assume, cause it makes an ass of you and me".

You assumed incorrectly, rdean is not just and idiot he and most of the other bed wetting Obots on this site are dangerously stupid.

It's a weapons grade stupid that the democrook power brokers are using in their efforts to destroy everything good in this country. These parasites are mindless, vapid, deliberately ignorant, and dedicated to their programing. They cannot be educated, reasoned with, or debated without the same results as playing chess with a pigeon. They are to be ridiculed, marginalized or otherwise ignored.

People under 50 (maybe even 60) have largely forgotten the “American values” that were inherent in this country’s culture prior to the 1960’s. They see old movies and hear about historical incidents, and to them it is like they describe life on another planet. Thousands of American soldiers gave their lives to capture a little island in the South Pacific from the Japanese? Are you kidding me? It COULD NOT HAPPEN today. An insidious combination of Progressives in our courts and liberals in academe and in “Hollywood” has conspired to devolve American culture into the figurative toilet.

People who work hard, try to stay out of trouble, and achieve success are ridiculed as freaks and ostracized. The culture pretends that great success (other than in entertainment and sports) is always the result of either inheritance or some nefarious activities, completely discounting the NORMAL case where people succeed because of a combination of intelligence, talent, hard work, and careful risk-taking. Neither film nor television exalts people who achieve success by hard work; it’s always the guy who has a 200 IQ and a photographic memory, and doesn’t have to do any actual work to succeed. Not surprisingly, very few people in the Political Class or in Entertainment have ever actually had a real job.

The true idols of this generation are those who achieve outrageous financial success with minimal effort and no talent (hip-hop “artists,”, Miley C, the Car-dashboardians, etc). They make me want to vomit – figuratively speaking.

The personal qualities of modesty, humility, tact, politeness, and being considerate of others are deemed to be indications of weakness or even neurosis. People are expected to do whatever is necessary to draw attention to themselves and their own wonderfulness (see Facebook). Fat, homely girls have acres of their flesh decorated with mindless tattoos and body piercings. Athletes are expected to belittle their opponents and expound on their own greatness in a way never done before (except by professional “wrestlers”).

Being a “victim” has become our greatest growth industry. “He said you have a nice ASS???!!! Sue the bastard! Let’s have a protest march against this intolerable oppression by the male power structure!” And so on.

Making school kids feel good and not hurting their feelings has trumped education in our schools. “Failure” has been re-defined and eroded continually for the past several decades, to the point where it is a valid question whether a typical high school graduate is capable of understanding a simple newspaper article or balancing a checkbook. Good thing they have the right to vote, eh?

People who hold traditional views on morality are literally under siege. Military chaplains who truthfully teach that same-sex sodomy is sinful are threatened with expulsion. Anyone suggesting placing limits on internet (and other) porn are deemed fanatics and Fascists. People who advocate the enforcement of existing immigration laws are called, “racist” (which doubly perverse, since most of the immigrants in question are Caucasian). People who suggest that sexual promiscuity or even adultery are “wrong” are nowhere in evidence in the popular media, except as the object of ridicule.

When courts overturn hundreds of years (or thousands of years) of legal and cultural precedents, using twisted and specious “interpretations” of the U.S. Constitution, there is no public outrage. No one complains that the Courts are taking the issues out of the hands of the People or their elected representatives, it is considered a “good thing.”

Any mention of the “values” of previous generations is peppered with accusations of supervening evil (“Yeah, but did you know that Thomas Jefferson had SLAVES!”). Marginal problems of previous generations are magnified to be universal horrors. The two or three women a year who were seriously harmed by botched abortions before 1973 is deemed a “reasonable” justification for killing hundreds of thousands of babies in the womb each year through legalized abortion.

To paraphrase Pogo, we are the enemy. If any foreign power had done this to us, we would be justified in nuking them.
Ridiculous, ignorant, reactionary nonsense – completely devoid of foundation or merit.

For thousands of years reactionaries have been whining about had 'bad' everything is today, and how 'wonderful' the past was.
People under 50 (maybe even 60) have largely forgotten the “American values” that were inherent in this country’s culture prior to the 1960’s. They see old movies and hear about historical incidents, and to them it is like they describe life on another planet. Thousands of American soldiers gave their lives to capture a little island in the South Pacific from the Japanese? Are you kidding me? It COULD NOT HAPPEN today. An insidious combination of Progressives in our courts and liberals in academe and in “Hollywood” has conspired to devolve American culture into the figurative toilet.

People who work hard, try to stay out of trouble, and achieve success are ridiculed as freaks and ostracized. The culture pretends that great success (other than in entertainment and sports) is always the result of either inheritance or some nefarious activities, completely discounting the NORMAL case where people succeed because of a combination of intelligence, talent, hard work, and careful risk-taking. Neither film nor television exalts people who achieve success by hard work; it’s always the guy who has a 200 IQ and a photographic memory, and doesn’t have to do any actual work to succeed. Not surprisingly, very few people in the Political Class or in Entertainment have ever actually had a real job.

The true idols of this generation are those who achieve outrageous financial success with minimal effort and no talent (hip-hop “artists,”, Miley C, the Car-dashboardians, etc). They make me want to vomit – figuratively speaking.

The personal qualities of modesty, humility, tact, politeness, and being considerate of others are deemed to be indications of weakness or even neurosis. People are expected to do whatever is necessary to draw attention to themselves and their own wonderfulness (see Facebook). Fat, homely girls have acres of their flesh decorated with mindless tattoos and body piercings. Athletes are expected to belittle their opponents and expound on their own greatness in a way never done before (except by professional “wrestlers”).

Being a “victim” has become our greatest growth industry. “He said you have a nice ASS???!!! Sue the bastard! Let’s have a protest march against this intolerable oppression by the male power structure!” And so on.

Making school kids feel good and not hurting their feelings has trumped education in our schools. “Failure” has been re-defined and eroded continually for the past several decades, to the point where it is a valid question whether a typical high school graduate is capable of understanding a simple newspaper article or balancing a checkbook. Good thing they have the right to vote, eh?

People who hold traditional views on morality are literally under siege. Military chaplains who truthfully teach that same-sex sodomy is sinful are threatened with expulsion. Anyone suggesting placing limits on internet (and other) porn are deemed fanatics and Fascists. People who advocate the enforcement of existing immigration laws are called, “racist” (which doubly perverse, since most of the immigrants in question are Caucasian). People who suggest that sexual promiscuity or even adultery are “wrong” are nowhere in evidence in the popular media, except as the object of ridicule.

When courts overturn hundreds of years (or thousands of years) of legal and cultural precedents, using twisted and specious “interpretations” of the U.S. Constitution, there is no public outrage. No one complains that the Courts are taking the issues out of the hands of the People or their elected representatives, it is considered a “good thing.”

Any mention of the “values” of previous generations is peppered with accusations of supervening evil (“Yeah, but did you know that Thomas Jefferson had SLAVES!”). Marginal problems of previous generations are magnified to be universal horrors. The two or three women a year who were seriously harmed by botched abortions before 1973 is deemed a “reasonable” justification for killing hundreds of thousands of babies in the womb each year through legalized abortion.

To paraphrase Pogo, we are the enemy. If any foreign power had done this to us, we would be justified in nuking them.

The title is accurate but it is not speaking of dogs as in animals but rather what Christ referred to as those who are destined for hell. Yes, that is what America has gone to and that is why America is under the judgment of God. A nation divided against itself cannot stand. It is destined to fall.

For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
Revelations 2:15
People under 50 (maybe even 60) have largely forgotten the “American values” that were inherent in this country’s culture prior to the 1960’s. They see old movies and hear about historical incidents, and to them it is like they describe life on another planet. Thousands of American soldiers gave their lives to capture a little island in the South Pacific from the Japanese? Are you kidding me? It COULD NOT HAPPEN today. An insidious combination of Progressives in our courts and liberals in academe and in “Hollywood” has conspired to devolve American culture into the figurative toilet.

People who work hard, try to stay out of trouble, and achieve success are ridiculed as freaks and ostracized. The culture pretends that great success (other than in entertainment and sports) is always the result of either inheritance or some nefarious activities, completely discounting the NORMAL case where people succeed because of a combination of intelligence, talent, hard work, and careful risk-taking. Neither film nor television exalts people who achieve success by hard work; it’s always the guy who has a 200 IQ and a photographic memory, and doesn’t have to do any actual work to succeed. Not surprisingly, very few people in the Political Class or in Entertainment have ever actually had a real job.

The true idols of this generation are those who achieve outrageous financial success with minimal effort and no talent (hip-hop “artists,”, Miley C, the Car-dashboardians, etc). They make me want to vomit – figuratively speaking.

The personal qualities of modesty, humility, tact, politeness, and being considerate of others are deemed to be indications of weakness or even neurosis. People are expected to do whatever is necessary to draw attention to themselves and their own wonderfulness (see Facebook). Fat, homely girls have acres of their flesh decorated with mindless tattoos and body piercings. Athletes are expected to belittle their opponents and expound on their own greatness in a way never done before (except by professional “wrestlers”).

Being a “victim” has become our greatest growth industry. “He said you have a nice ASS???!!! Sue the bastard! Let’s have a protest march against this intolerable oppression by the male power structure!” And so on.

Making school kids feel good and not hurting their feelings has trumped education in our schools. “Failure” has been re-defined and eroded continually for the past several decades, to the point where it is a valid question whether a typical high school graduate is capable of understanding a simple newspaper article or balancing a checkbook. Good thing they have the right to vote, eh?

People who hold traditional views on morality are literally under siege. Military chaplains who truthfully teach that same-sex sodomy is sinful are threatened with expulsion. Anyone suggesting placing limits on internet (and other) porn are deemed fanatics and Fascists. People who advocate the enforcement of existing immigration laws are called, “racist” (which doubly perverse, since most of the immigrants in question are Caucasian). People who suggest that sexual promiscuity or even adultery are “wrong” are nowhere in evidence in the popular media, except as the object of ridicule.

When courts overturn hundreds of years (or thousands of years) of legal and cultural precedents, using twisted and specious “interpretations” of the U.S. Constitution, there is no public outrage. No one complains that the Courts are taking the issues out of the hands of the People or their elected representatives, it is considered a “good thing.”

Any mention of the “values” of previous generations is peppered with accusations of supervening evil (“Yeah, but did you know that Thomas Jefferson had SLAVES!”). Marginal problems of previous generations are magnified to be universal horrors. The two or three women a year who were seriously harmed by botched abortions before 1973 is deemed a “reasonable” justification for killing hundreds of thousands of babies in the womb each year through legalized abortion.

To paraphrase Pogo, we are the enemy. If any foreign power had done this to us, we would be justified in nuking them.

The title is accurate but it is not speaking of dogs as in animals but rather what Christ referred to as those who are destined for hell. Yes, that is what America has gone to and that is why America is under the judgment of God. A nation divided against itself cannot stand. It is destined to fall.

For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
Revelations 2:15
How much were they judge when the US was killing and stealing land?

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