American government. sposda be


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
You're not supposed to be sitting around worrying about who the President is going to be.
You're job as an American citizen is to work toward what you want to see, in respect to the Bill of Rights, in your community.
Corruption = Most people today don't know who their local politician is or how they got there.
Another important role is to make sure your state is not gerrymandering politicians.
Corruption = According to a report a heard, 60% of Congress is Gerrymandered and has no fear of being thrown out. They group people together by how they vote then run the candidate from the party they vote for, so they know who will win before the election.
Most of the founders of our country wouldn't be able to comprehend many of the laws that have been passed.
Corruption = Passing a law that says no smoking in restaurants in the city, or in a park. If a smoking ban in a restaurant was so great, wouldn't the owner of the restaurant use his freedom of choice to make that rule? The government has over-stepped it's bounds.
It's the job of the citizen to remove politicians who restrict freedom.
The public sends their representative to Congress.
If the representative is not doing what they are supposed to do, they need to be removed.
This simple rule would solve most of our problems.
Corruption = Acting like politicians are educated people who should be making decisions for us.
No law could be passed unless it had a majority to begin with.
Corruption = Saying there's too much gridlock in Congress. There's supposed to be gridlock , so laws aren't passed and the people maintain their freedom.
The Congress can strike the law down.
The Senate can strike the law down.
The Supreme Court can strike the law down.
The President can strike the law down.
These are checks to strike down laws, not uphold, so people maintain their freedom.
The branches "uphold" laws by having no jurisdiction or cause to veto them.
The House, the Supreme Court, and the Executive office (President) are equal powers.
The Supreme Court was the lesser of the equals, because their job was the easiest, they can only make ruling based on the Constitution and Bill of Rights ,
Their other opinions are irrelevant.
The President has the authority, as an equal power of government, to veto or not enforce any law that is unconstitutional.
(Notice no one said the Supreme Court dictates)
The Bill of Rights talks about the rights of the individual residing in the states.
Some of the founders didn't want a Bill of Rights, because they felt the government had no authority to remove them, and people would think the listed rights were their only rights.
What is a Civil Right?
Civil Rights can only be what is outlined in the Constitution or a God-given right, not what some Socialist says it is.
Corruption = John Marshal and Civil War era propaganda try to say there was no Constitutional authority or judicial review.
The fact is the states abided by the Constitution as they interpreted it.
The issue was never clearly defined because the federal government had no police power.
How would the feds going to force anyone to do anything?
The politicians and the public made it very clear they didn't want a federal controlled government.
(...and today in our federal corruption, we see how smart they were.)
The founders didn't want political parties. (The idea failed)
Corruption = Voting for people you never heard of and don't know what their views are, because they're in a political party.
The founders didn't want a standing army. (but decided they should have a navy)
What does it mean to not have a standing army?
There's no one to kick in your door, or pay taxes to maintain an oppressive military, because they're not there.
Corruption = Federal police forces.
The Constitution says Congress has the power to print the money.
Corruption = A cabal of investors called the Federal Reserve, and a police force called the IRS that levies direct taxes.
The local Sheriff was the highest police authority in the land.
The Sheriff had to charge you, or release you.
The United States government, local or Federal, had no authority to do anything to you, only a jury made up of citizens could determine of you broke a preexisting law, with a preexisting punishment.
When city police forces were created, they were eventually given small caliber .38 , 6 shot, revolvers, why?
Because honest citizens, who were much more heavily armed, could overpower the police if they had to.
Corruption = Para military police forces.
The right of the citizen to own guns is protected by the Constitution , no police force, Federal or local has a Constitutional right to carry a gun on the job.
Their gun permissions can be prohibited and their departments can be disbanded by the public.
Perjury is when you are in court and swear to tell the truth, ...nowhere else.
Corruption = A backwards nation where the police don't have to tell the truth, but you are charged with "perjury" if you lie to a cop.
Corruption = Criminal Records. You're either in jail serving your crime or you're free. If the government says someone is too dangerous to work, then why are they out of jail? Implying that someone is going to commit a crime is slander.
You're job as an American citizen is to work toward what you want to see, in respect to the Bill of Rights, in your community.

Wouldn't my job as an American be whatever I decide it is? Not what you decide it is for me?

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