American Facism is on it's way


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
God help us all if Obama gets a second term. American facism is well on it's way. Sign of things to come:

Democrat leaders Barbara Boxer and Harry Reid have co-sponsored a bill which passed the senate 75 to 25 "senate bill 1813" allows for the US govt to deny or revoke a US Passport to any US citizen that owes back taxes or is in collection with the IRS. The bill is now headed to the House where it's expected to get stiffer Republican opposition. Just imagine how many Americans currently owe taxes are in tax collection status with the IRS. It also means that the US govt can legally (and unconstitutionally) treat a US citizen who may have encountered economic problems and not able to pay their taxes, like a common criminal, and therefore preventing that person from ever leaving the US. What has this country come to? Shades of China, North Korea, and Communist USSR. Brings chills to your spine.

If this doesn't make you vote for anybody but Obama in 2012, then nothing will.
It's already here thanks to the George W. Bush Administration.

BTW, do you even know what "fascism" really is?
God help us all if Obama gets a second term. American facism is well on it's way. Sign of things to come:

Democrat leaders Barbara Boxer and Harry Reid have co-sponsored a bill which passed the senate 75 to 25 "senate bill 1813" allows for the US govt to deny or revoke a US Passport to any US citizen that owes back taxes or is in collection with the IRS. The bill is now headed to the House where it's expected to get stiffer Republican opposition. Just imagine how many Americans currently owe taxes are in tax collection status with the IRS. It also means that the US govt can legally (and unconstitutionally) treat a US citizen who may have encountered economic problems and not able to pay their taxes, like a common criminal, and therefore preventing that person from ever leaving the US. What has this country come to? Shades of China, North Korea, and Communist USSR. Brings chills to your spine.

If this doesn't make you vote for anybody but Obama in 2012, then nothing will.

75 Dems in the Senate these days?

Ever, ever?
God help us all if Obama gets a second term. American facism is well on it's way. Sign of things to come:

Democrat leaders Barbara Boxer and Harry Reid have co-sponsored a bill which passed the senate 75 to 25 "senate bill 1813" allows for the US govt to deny or revoke a US Passport to any US citizen that owes back taxes or is in collection with the IRS. The bill is now headed to the House where it's expected to get stiffer Republican opposition. Just imagine how many Americans currently owe taxes are in tax collection status with the IRS. It also means that the US govt can legally (and unconstitutionally) treat a US citizen who may have encountered economic problems and not able to pay their taxes, like a common criminal, and therefore preventing that person from ever leaving the US. What has this country come to? Shades of China, North Korea, and Communist USSR. Brings chills to your spine.

If this doesn't make you vote for anybody but Obama in 2012, then nothing will.

75 Dems in the Senate these days?

Ever, ever?
No, the bill is actually attached to a highway funding bill, and the shameless Democrats have attached this Passport bill to it. The Senate being more corrupt than the House and a lot of backroom dealing voted for their own skins rather than the people. Does it not bother you that the govt. can now take away your right to travel if you owe taxes? Do you know how many millions of Americans and industries will suffer if this bill passes?

Thank you, Democrat traitors.
Shame shame shame:

Senate Bill 1813: Power to Confiscate Your Proof of Citizenship

by KrisAnne Hall
April 17, 2012

What if you had to make a business trip overseas tomorrow only to find out that, even though the IRS does not issue your passport, the IRS has revoked your passport? This is a possible reality if Senate Bill 1813 passes through Congress.

SB 1813 is titled, Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Act of 2012. But, just like the NDAA, this bill has become a Trojan horse for an assault on the constitutionally protected rights of the people of this nation. Inserted deep within this bill, in section 40304, is a provision that gives the IRS the power to revoke your passport for a “seriously delinquent tax debt in an amount in excess of $50,000.” There appears to be no requirement for a judgment by a court; no conviction for fraud or evasion is required, only a “certification by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue”. This is a violation of your right to due process. There is also no provision for Congressional review or approval, therefore this removal of your passport is facilitated by an unelected official who is completely immune from political control of the people. This is a prime example of Legislation without representation. Sure the Senate and House must pass it, but after that the people’s representation is completely removed and a regulatory agency becomes the dictator of the common born rights of Americans.

What does the IRS have to do with your passport? How can non-payment of taxes be the impetus to remove your proof of citizenship or your right to freely travel? Doesn’t the removal of your passport practically affect the status of your citizenship? Are we now forced to believe that common rights of Americans, inherited from our Creator and the blood of our forefathers, are bought by our taxes? If this is true, we have been truly removed from the character of freemen to the state of tributary slaves.

read more here (actually write your congress person!): Senate Bill 1813: Power to Confiscate Your Proof of Citizenship
It's already here thanks to the George W. Bush Administration.

BTW, do you even know what "fascism" really is?

It's not lower taxes and smaller government, as every turd like you seems to believe.
God help us all if Obama gets a second term. American facism is well on it's way. Sign of things to come:

Democrat leaders Barbara Boxer and Harry Reid have co-sponsored a bill which passed the senate 75 to 25 "senate bill 1813" allows for the US govt to deny or revoke a US Passport to any US citizen that owes back taxes or is in collection with the IRS. The bill is now headed to the House where it's expected to get stiffer Republican opposition. Just imagine how many Americans currently owe taxes are in tax collection status with the IRS. It also means that the US govt can legally (and unconstitutionally) treat a US citizen who may have encountered economic problems and not able to pay their taxes, like a common criminal, and therefore preventing that person from ever leaving the US. What has this country come to? Shades of China, North Korea, and Communist USSR. Brings chills to your spine.

If this doesn't make you vote for anybody but Obama in 2012, then nothing will.
You forgot to post your link with supporting evidence, or is this merely ignorant supposition on you part?

Otherwise, you’ll need to do better than just Candidate Anybody to win elections.
God help us all if Obama gets a second term. American facism is well on it's way. Sign of things to come:

Democrat leaders Barbara Boxer and Harry Reid have co-sponsored a bill which passed the senate 75 to 25 "senate bill 1813" allows for the US govt to deny or revoke a US Passport to any US citizen that owes back taxes or is in collection with the IRS. The bill is now headed to the House where it's expected to get stiffer Republican opposition. Just imagine how many Americans currently owe taxes are in tax collection status with the IRS. It also means that the US govt can legally (and unconstitutionally) treat a US citizen who may have encountered economic problems and not able to pay their taxes, like a common criminal, and therefore preventing that person from ever leaving the US. What has this country come to? Shades of China, North Korea, and Communist USSR. Brings chills to your spine.

If this doesn't make you vote for anybody but Obama in 2012, then nothing will.

While I am not really a big fan of government limiting people's ability to travel, I don't think it is totally illegitimate to impose certain restrictions on people who don't fulfill their civic duties. By the sound of it this bill goes a bit far and I would prefer it to be based on a court decision. But to start screaming fascism is just over the top and pretty meaningless.
God help us all if Obama gets a second term. American facism is well on it's way. Sign of things to come:

Democrat leaders Barbara Boxer and Harry Reid have co-sponsored a bill which passed the senate 75 to 25 "senate bill 1813" allows for the US govt to deny or revoke a US Passport to any US citizen that owes back taxes or is in collection with the IRS. The bill is now headed to the House where it's expected to get stiffer Republican opposition. Just imagine how many Americans currently owe taxes are in tax collection status with the IRS. It also means that the US govt can legally (and unconstitutionally) treat a US citizen who may have encountered economic problems and not able to pay their taxes, like a common criminal, and therefore preventing that person from ever leaving the US. What has this country come to? Shades of China, North Korea, and Communist USSR. Brings chills to your spine.

If this doesn't make you vote for anybody but Obama in 2012, then nothing will.

75 Dems in the Senate these days?

Ever, ever?

Good point.
God help us all if Obama gets a second term. American facism is well on it's way. Sign of things to come:

Democrat leaders Barbara Boxer and Harry Reid have co-sponsored a bill which passed the senate 75 to 25 "senate bill 1813" allows for the US govt to deny or revoke a US Passport to any US citizen that owes back taxes or is in collection with the IRS. The bill is now headed to the House where it's expected to get stiffer Republican opposition. Just imagine how many Americans currently owe taxes are in tax collection status with the IRS. It also means that the US govt can legally (and unconstitutionally) treat a US citizen who may have encountered economic problems and not able to pay their taxes, like a common criminal, and therefore preventing that person from ever leaving the US. What has this country come to? Shades of China, North Korea, and Communist USSR. Brings chills to your spine.

If this doesn't make you vote for anybody but Obama in 2012, then nothing will.
You forgot to post your link with supporting evidence, or is this merely ignorant supposition on you part?

Otherwise, you’ll need to do better than just Candidate Anybody to win elections.
I guess you didn't bother reading my subsequent post. Of course I invite anybody to do their own research to find out the truth about this bill, and how we are being robbed of our rights.
Shame shame shame:

Senate Bill 1813: Power to Confiscate Your Proof of Citizenship

by KrisAnne Hall
April 17, 2012

What if you had to make a business trip overseas tomorrow only to find out that, even though the IRS does not issue your passport, the IRS has revoked your passport? This is a possible reality if Senate Bill 1813 passes through Congress.

SB 1813 is titled, Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Act of 2012. But, just like the NDAA, this bill has become a Trojan horse for an assault on the constitutionally protected rights of the people of this nation. Inserted deep within this bill, in section 40304, is a provision that gives the IRS the power to revoke your passport for a “seriously delinquent tax debt in an amount in excess of $50,000.” There appears to be no requirement for a judgment by a court; no conviction for fraud or evasion is required, only a “certification by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue”. This is a violation of your right to due process. There is also no provision for Congressional review or approval, therefore this removal of your passport is facilitated by an unelected official who is completely immune from political control of the people. This is a prime example of Legislation without representation. Sure the Senate and House must pass it, but after that the people’s representation is completely removed and a regulatory agency becomes the dictator of the common born rights of Americans.

What does the IRS have to do with your passport? How can non-payment of taxes be the impetus to remove your proof of citizenship or your right to freely travel? Doesn’t the removal of your passport practically affect the status of your citizenship? Are we now forced to believe that common rights of Americans, inherited from our Creator and the blood of our forefathers, are bought by our taxes? If this is true, we have been truly removed from the character of freemen to the state of tributary slaves.

read more here (actually write your congress person!): Senate Bill 1813: Power to Confiscate Your Proof of Citizenship
God help us all if Obama gets a second term. American facism is well on it's way. Sign of things to come:

Democrat leaders Barbara Boxer and Harry Reid have co-sponsored a bill which passed the senate 75 to 25 "senate bill 1813" allows for the US govt to deny or revoke a US Passport to any US citizen that owes back taxes or is in collection with the IRS. The bill is now headed to the House where it's expected to get stiffer Republican opposition. Just imagine how many Americans currently owe taxes are in tax collection status with the IRS. It also means that the US govt can legally (and unconstitutionally) treat a US citizen who may have encountered economic problems and not able to pay their taxes, like a common criminal, and therefore preventing that person from ever leaving the US. What has this country come to? Shades of China, North Korea, and Communist USSR. Brings chills to your spine.

If this doesn't make you vote for anybody but Obama in 2012, then nothing will.
You're a fucking idiot. It's been fascist since the late forties(actually since 1913) and got a blast of nitrous when Bush 41 took office. Clinton kicked it up a notch and Dubya REALLY kicked up a notch.
The current house negro is simply following his orders.
God help us all if Obama gets a second term. American facism is well on it's way. Sign of things to come:

Democrat leaders Barbara Boxer and Harry Reid have co-sponsored a bill which passed the senate 75 to 25 "senate bill 1813" allows for the US govt to deny or revoke a US Passport to any US citizen that owes back taxes or is in collection with the IRS. The bill is now headed to the House where it's expected to get stiffer Republican opposition. Just imagine how many Americans currently owe taxes are in tax collection status with the IRS. It also means that the US govt can legally (and unconstitutionally) treat a US citizen who may have encountered economic problems and not able to pay their taxes, like a common criminal, and therefore preventing that person from ever leaving the US. What has this country come to? Shades of China, North Korea, and Communist USSR. Brings chills to your spine.

If this doesn't make you vote for anybody but Obama in 2012, then nothing will.
You're a fucking idiot. It's been fascist since the late forties(actually since 1913) and got a blast of nitrous when Bush 41 took office. Clinton kicked it up a notch and Dubya REALLY kicked up a notch.
The current house negro is simply following his orders.
Off your meds again?

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