American Exceptionalism, much of the world working to prevent this, Trumps daunting task


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I know this will be another one of my epic long rants. Sorry, I type fast and think even faster :( My heart is in the right place, so if you read through this, thank you in advance (even before I begin).

So, I have not hid my feelings about the abuses of America by Canada. I have heard from too many whiners, manipulators and uninformed Canadians for far too long. I once whistled the American anthem and was challenged by a guy to "shut up" in anger, as is my nature I stood my ground (without a weapon, as we don't do that here). I have seen a guy in Calgary who was wearing a "Make America Great Hat" be accosted and confronted at a University, it's on youtube if you want to see the comical "that's a racist hat" and "this is my safe space" argument (you can't wear a hat?!?!)

Without question, the proliferation of anti-Americanism has been strong in Canada for most of my life. This is not a passing "disagreement", this is inherent in our system. Coming down from government patsies, the security apparatus who undermine American values and businesses to our education system and the like. As an example, ask any Canadian about the War of 1812 and they will beam. They don't much about it but they will tell you "we beat America!" with such pride. Which isn't even true as we weren't even a country yet, but don't let that get in the way of a good story. The British love to repeat it too.

Ask Canadians who founded Canada originally and our history and they will be blank. This is a major issue in Canada, it wasn't convenient for our British Masters to promote anything in Canada other than "America is bad!" and it has stuck. We don't know our history. We falsely are lead to believe that America is racist, stupid, violent, selfish, unsympathetic etc. It's a crock of you know what, but this is absolutely the prevailing belief. Even in a place like Toronto! Again, I send you to youtube, search for reactions from Toronto regarding Trump presidency choice. The number one response, "Americans are stupid". Yes, quite a deep, thoughtful and unbiased argument there. If only they looked in the mirror...

Now, take this Canadian perspective, go around the world and multiply it by 100. The world dislikes American exceptionalism because their governments tell them "you NEED us". This citizens are in effect told ,"to hell with free markets, individual liberty, Due Process and Rule of Law. Forget innovation and self determination, just work, pay us to do what we want and we will take care of you". of course, as we all know, they also take VERY good care of themselves, their family, pals and "sponsors".

To me this is the crux of the attempts by many in the world to dismantle American Exceptionalism. it's part envy, part self preservation. If citizens realize there is a better way of governance, as you have in America, they worry their citizens will demand it too. In Canada we have a major hierarchy based on old fossils in the monarchy. Americans in the 60's and 70's called us Communists, and it was accurate. Oddly, in the 1990s onwards Americans considered Canada "just like us". No America, we are not like you, not even close. Some of us who have learned a great deal wish we were but we aren't. This rebranding of places like Canada, and surely other countries is an effort to convince Americans that they can change their ways and still do very well (Canadians aren't doing very well, you can be sure, and it's going to get much worse).

So, people like Sanders will constantly point to Canada as having this great healthcare system. It's an overstatement to be sure. Reminded me of a movie by Michael Moore which I laughed through, in which he showed a guy who had his door unlocked in Toronto, Moore making it appear noone fears their safety here. I spit out my drink at that one. I know of not one person who doesn't lock their door in Toronto. Or Snowflakes in America will talk about heading to Canada for the "good life". Yeah. Like our history of abusers from the RCMP on down, you will have the good life at great expense to others. Especially next generations. Just accept the abuses of your individuality and liberty, it's "good" for you.

If you look at the Clinton Foundation, you will see a microcosm of what the rest of the world has attempted. They would prefer to undermine American strength and ability, undermine their system and capabilities, at the expense of a stronger China. It works in the favour of nations and leaders who share a more similar human right record with China than they do with America. The last thing the rest of the worlds feckless leaders want is a strong America that shows that freedom, libertarianism and individual talents will always smash collective redistribution. They are governments who yearn for more power and control, they oversee agencies that want the same, always at the expense of the individual.

In conclusion in my long rant which could be twice as long, everyone from all sides needs to lay down their anger and embrace American Exceptionalism. Believe me, the alternative is far worse, even if you don't know it because you haven't experienced it. Instinctively I think many of these misguided people DO know this, which is why they threaten to move to Canada but never do. Be honest and do your part for the U.S.

USA! USA! :dance:
I know this will be another one of my epic long rants. Sorry, I type fast and think even faster :( My heart is in the right place, so if you read through this, thank you in advance (even before I begin).

So, I have not hid my feelings about the abuses of America by Canada. I have heard from too many whiners, manipulators and uninformed Canadians for far too long. I once whistled the American anthem and was challenged by a guy to "shut up" in anger, as is my nature I stood my ground (without a weapon, as we don't do that here). I have seen a guy in Calgary who was wearing a "Make America Great Hat" be accosted and confronted at a University, it's on youtube if you want to see the comical "that's a racist hat" and "this is my safe space" argument (you can't wear a hat?!?!)

Without question, the proliferation of anti-Americanism has been strong in Canada for most of my life. This is not a passing "disagreement", this is inherent in our system. Coming down from government patsies, the security apparatus who undermine American values and businesses to our education system and the like. As an example, ask any Canadian about the War of 1812 and they will beam. They don't much about it but they will tell you "we beat America!" with such pride. Which isn't even true as we weren't even a country yet, but don't let that get in the way of a good story. The British love to repeat it too.

Ask Canadians who founded Canada originally and our history and they will be blank. This is a major issue in Canada, it wasn't convenient for our British Masters to promote anything in Canada other than "America is bad!" and it has stuck. We don't know our history. We falsely are lead to believe that America is racist, stupid, violent, selfish, unsympathetic etc. It's a crock of you know what, but this is absolutely the prevailing belief. Even in a place like Toronto! Again, I send you to youtube, search for reactions from Toronto regarding Trump presidency choice. The number one response, "Americans are stupid". Yes, quite a deep, thoughtful and unbiased argument there. If only they looked in the mirror...

Now, take this Canadian perspective, go around the world and multiply it by 100. The world dislikes American exceptionalism because their governments tell them "you NEED us". This citizens are in effect told ,"to hell with free markets, individual liberty, Due Process and Rule of Law. Forget innovation and self determination, just work, pay us to do what we want and we will take care of you". of course, as we all know, they also take VERY good care of themselves, their family, pals and "sponsors".

To me this is the crux of the attempts by many in the world to dismantle American Exceptionalism. it's part envy, part self preservation. If citizens realize there is a better way of governance, as you have in America, they worry their citizens will demand it too. In Canada we have a major hierarchy based on old fossils in the monarchy. Americans in the 60's and 70's called us Communists, and it was accurate. Oddly, in the 1990s onwards Americans considered Canada "just like us". No America, we are not like you, not even close. Some of us who have learned a great deal wish we were but we aren't. This rebranding of places like Canada, and surely other countries is an effort to convince Americans that they can change their ways and still do very well (Canadians aren't doing very well, you can be sure, and it's going to get much worse).

So, people like Sanders will constantly point to Canada as having this great healthcare system. It's an overstatement to be sure. Reminded me of a movie by Michael Moore which I laughed through, in which he showed a guy who had his door unlocked in Toronto, Moore making it appear noone fears their safety here. I spit out my drink at that one. I know of not one person who doesn't lock their door in Toronto. Or Snowflakes in America will talk about heading to Canada for the "good life". Yeah. Like our history of abusers from the RCMP on down, you will have the good life at great expense to others. Especially next generations. Just accept the abuses of your individuality and liberty, it's "good" for you.

If you look at the Clinton Foundation, you will see a microcosm of what the rest of the world has attempted. They would prefer to undermine American strength and ability, undermine their system and capabilities, at the expense of a stronger China. It works in the favour of nations and leaders who share a more similar human right record with China than they do with America. The last thing the rest of the worlds feckless leaders want is a strong America that shows that freedom, libertarianism and individual talents will always smash collective redistribution. They are governments who yearn for more power and control, they oversee agencies that want the same, always at the expense of the individual.

In conclusion in my long rant which could be twice as long, everyone from all sides needs to lay down their anger and embrace American Exceptionalism. Believe me, the alternative is far worse, even if you don't know it because you haven't experienced it. Instinctively I think many of these misguided people DO know this, which is why they threaten to move to Canada but never do. Be honest and do your part for the U.S.

USA! USA! :dance:

Most people that think "American exceptionalism" is jingoistic, is chest beating, is overly patriotic pandering ALSO think that people that
support "exceptionalism" are "anti-immigrant". Which is also so far from the truth!
The MAJOR reason America is exceptional IS the immigrant. Most of us can trace our ancestors to being "legal immigrants"!
So when the term "American exceptionalism" is used pejoratively remember... the person using the term is speaking badly of "legal immigrants"!
"American Exceptionalism" sounds a lot like that "Master Race" crap Hitler was selling back in the '30s.
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"American Exceptionalism" sounds a lot like that "Master Race" Hitler was selling back in the '30s.
/---- American exceptionalism refers to the special character of the United States as a uniquely free nation based on democratic ideals and personal liberty. We as a nation are exceptional because our liberty is derived from our Creator and not the Government. What the Government gives they can just as fast take away. That belief makes us exceptional. It doesn't mean we think we're better than everyone else like the Germans did with their concept of the master race. Even Imperial Japan thought they were superior to all else and freedoms were doled out by their Emperor who claimed to be God.
I know this will be another one of my epic long rants. Sorry, I type fast and think even faster :( My heart is in the right place, so if you read through this, thank you in advance (even before I begin).

So, I have not hid my feelings about the abuses of America by Canada. I have heard from too many whiners, manipulators and uninformed Canadians for far too long. I once whistled the American anthem and was challenged by a guy to "shut up" in anger, as is my nature I stood my ground (without a weapon, as we don't do that here). I have seen a guy in Calgary who was wearing a "Make America Great Hat" be accosted and confronted at a University, it's on youtube if you want to see the comical "that's a racist hat" and "this is my safe space" argument (you can't wear a hat?!?!)

Without question, the proliferation of anti-Americanism has been strong in Canada for most of my life. This is not a passing "disagreement", this is inherent in our system. Coming down from government patsies, the security apparatus who undermine American values and businesses to our education system and the like. As an example, ask any Canadian about the War of 1812 and they will beam. They don't much about it but they will tell you "we beat America!" with such pride. Which isn't even true as we weren't even a country yet, but don't let that get in the way of a good story. The British love to repeat it too.

Ask Canadians who founded Canada originally and our history and they will be blank. This is a major issue in Canada, it wasn't convenient for our British Masters to promote anything in Canada other than "America is bad!" and it has stuck. We don't know our history. We falsely are lead to believe that America is racist, stupid, violent, selfish, unsympathetic etc. It's a crock of you know what, but this is absolutely the prevailing belief. Even in a place like Toronto! Again, I send you to youtube, search for reactions from Toronto regarding Trump presidency choice. The number one response, "Americans are stupid". Yes, quite a deep, thoughtful and unbiased argument there. If only they looked in the mirror...

Now, take this Canadian perspective, go around the world and multiply it by 100. The world dislikes American exceptionalism because their governments tell them "you NEED us". This citizens are in effect told ,"to hell with free markets, individual liberty, Due Process and Rule of Law. Forget innovation and self determination, just work, pay us to do what we want and we will take care of you". of course, as we all know, they also take VERY good care of themselves, their family, pals and "sponsors".

To me this is the crux of the attempts by many in the world to dismantle American Exceptionalism. it's part envy, part self preservation. If citizens realize there is a better way of governance, as you have in America, they worry their citizens will demand it too. In Canada we have a major hierarchy based on old fossils in the monarchy. Americans in the 60's and 70's called us Communists, and it was accurate. Oddly, in the 1990s onwards Americans considered Canada "just like us". No America, we are not like you, not even close. Some of us who have learned a great deal wish we were but we aren't. This rebranding of places like Canada, and surely other countries is an effort to convince Americans that they can change their ways and still do very well (Canadians aren't doing very well, you can be sure, and it's going to get much worse).

So, people like Sanders will constantly point to Canada as having this great healthcare system. It's an overstatement to be sure. Reminded me of a movie by Michael Moore which I laughed through, in which he showed a guy who had his door unlocked in Toronto, Moore making it appear noone fears their safety here. I spit out my drink at that one. I know of not one person who doesn't lock their door in Toronto. Or Snowflakes in America will talk about heading to Canada for the "good life". Yeah. Like our history of abusers from the RCMP on down, you will have the good life at great expense to others. Especially next generations. Just accept the abuses of your individuality and liberty, it's "good" for you.

If you look at the Clinton Foundation, you will see a microcosm of what the rest of the world has attempted. They would prefer to undermine American strength and ability, undermine their system and capabilities, at the expense of a stronger China. It works in the favour of nations and leaders who share a more similar human right record with China than they do with America. The last thing the rest of the worlds feckless leaders want is a strong America that shows that freedom, libertarianism and individual talents will always smash collective redistribution. They are governments who yearn for more power and control, they oversee agencies that want the same, always at the expense of the individual.

In conclusion in my long rant which could be twice as long, everyone from all sides needs to lay down their anger and embrace American Exceptionalism. Believe me, the alternative is far worse, even if you don't know it because you haven't experienced it. Instinctively I think many of these misguided people DO know this, which is why they threaten to move to Canada but never do. Be honest and do your part for the U.S.

USA! USA! :dance:

Most people that think "American exceptionalism" is jingoistic, is chest beating, is overly patriotic pandering ALSO think that people that
support "exceptionalism" are "anti-immigrant". Which is also so far from the truth!
The MAJOR reason America is exceptional IS the immigrant. Most of us can trace our ancestors to being "legal immigrants"!
So when the term "American exceptionalism" is used pejoratively remember... the person using the term is speaking badly of "legal immigrants"!

Of course it's absurd, presented by those who don't want to work hard, preferring the taxpayer fund their careers. What America needs is exceptional immigrants. Those who want to work hard, be independent, allow their God given talents to blossom and be harnessed. This is a benefit to any nation. Without ambitious citizens the entire system will fail and be poorer.

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