American culture is eliminating the pillars of Trumpism

American culture is eliminating the pillars of Trumpism; discrimination and selfishness.
Two great examples happened in the US sports world this week.
Kyrie Irving selfishly refused to be vaccinated. He is not willing to take the shot for the betterment of the US and his team. As valuable as he is on the basketball court his team said screw you, no vaccine you will not play for us. NBA has no room for people like him.
Emails from Jon Gruden became public showing him to be racist, mysoginist and homophobic. Evem though he is a very successful coach, his team and the NFL said screw you. We do not want you involved with the NFL. You are gone.

The selfish, racist, mysoginist and homophobic minions on this site, you are next.
Do you get a vaccinated worm to iron that brown shirt and polish those boots for you?
I never said Kyrie Irving is a Trump supporter. But he is selfish like a Trump supporter. He is not a team player like Trump minions.
The selfishness represented by Trumpism is not being tolerated no matter who displays it.
I was "selfish" before Trump. I will remain "selfish" until you collectivist whores are defeated and destroyed.

By the way, "selfish" is just another way of saying we have rights but refuse to surrender them to you bunch of communist shit twinkle-toed cocksuckers and you're throwing a tantrum, like the spioled-rotten little shit you are.

I honestly give exactly ZERO fucks about what you kuuunt ass bitch Karens will tolerate. You're lucky we tolerate your very existence, you goose-stepping useful-idiot twat.

If you whiney children won't tolerate my individual righrs, do something about it and be orepared for a physical manifestation of my "fuck-you" response.
MBA - Business owner for a start. What else do you want
Me too. Where did you go to school? Duke undergrad and NU grad school for me. You? What sort of business. I run a financial advisory services firm dedicated to working with mid market companies.
I was "selfish" before Trump. I will remain "selfish" until you collectivist whores are defeated and destroyed.

By the way, "selfish" is just another way of saying we have rights but refuse to surrender them to you bunch of communist shit twinkle-toed cocksuckers and you're throwing a tantrum, like the spioled-rotten little shit you are.

I honestly give exactly ZERO fucks about what you kuuunt ass bitch Karens will tolerate. You're lucky we tolerate your very existence, you goose-stepping useful-idiot twat.

If you whiney children won't tolerate my individual righrs, do something about it and be orepared for a physical manifestation of my "fuck-you" response.
A selfish asshole like you, only, focuses on his rights of being a US citizen and ignores the responsibilities of being a US citizen.
All rights come with responsibilities. You owe your country, like we all do, but you ignore what you have to do.
You ask what can my country do for me and say I will do nothing for my country because I am a selfish asshole.
Neither you or your bullshit speaks for society Elmer. If there is any bullshit society is getting sick of it is that from the condecending self righteous far left loons like you thinking you get to make decisions for everyone else.
Blackhawk, asks what can my country do for me and say I will do nothing for my country because I am a selfish asshole.
Me too. Where did you go to school? Duke undergrad and NU grad school for me. You? What sort of business. I run a financial advisory services firm dedicated to working with mid market companies.
University of Washington for both grad and undergrad. We have a consulting company providing ecommerce consulting focusing on data analytics.
American culture is eliminating the pillars of Trumpism; discrimination and selfishness.
Two great examples happened in the US sports world this week.
Kyrie Irving selfishly refused to be vaccinated. He is not willing to take the shot for the betterment of the US and his team. As valuable as he is on the basketball court his team said screw you, no vaccine you will not play for us. NBA has no room for people like him.
Emails from Jon Gruden became public showing him to be racist, mysoginist and homophobic. Evem though he is a very successful coach, his team and the NFL said screw you. We do not want you involved with the NFL. You are gone.

The selfish, racist, mysoginist and homophobic minions on this site, you are next.
Let's go .........Brandon
American culture is eliminating the pillars of Trumpism; discrimination and selfishness.
Two great examples happened in the US sports world this week.
Kyrie Irving selfishly refused to be vaccinated. He is not willing to take the shot for the betterment of the US and his team. As valuable as he is on the basketball court his team said screw you, no vaccine you will not play for us. NBA has no room for people like him.
Emails from Jon Gruden became public showing him to be racist, mysoginist and homophobic. Evem though he is a very successful coach, his team and the NFL said screw you. We do not want you involved with the NFL. You are gone.

The selfish, racist, mysoginist and homophobic minions on this site, you are next.

Trump is responsible for bringing the wuflu vaccine to the public as soon as it did

Trump is vaccinated

And, resistance to the vaccine crosses party lines

Its being reported this week that deaths from the vaccine exceed deaths of unvaccinated in Taiwan

So its pretty much a tossup whether Xi will kill us with the wiflu or biden will kill is with complications due to the vaccine
University of Washington for both grad and undergrad. We have a consulting company providing ecommerce consulting focusing on data analytics.
So as you see our backgrounds are not dissimilar. Yet we disagree politically. That doesn't make me some evil fiend nor does it make you a Communist demon. We just disagree. It happens. Civility is important and you will admit that DJT's policies did help the bottom line.
Blackhawk, asks what can my country do for me and say I will do nothing for my country because I am a selfish asshole.
Elmer I have done everything my country has ask of me that is reasonable, lawful and constitutional what hate filled self important dumb fuck like you thinks I should do is irrelevant. I have been nice enough to help you bump your thread of partisan idiocy a couple of times now this is the last time it can now die the rightful death it deserves.
Trump is responsible for bringing the wuflu vaccine to the public as soon as it did

Trump is vaccinated

And, resistance to the vaccine crosses party lines

Its being reported this week that deaths from the vaccine exceed deaths of unvaccinated in Taiwan

So its pretty much a tossup whether Xi will kill us with the wiflu or biden will kill is with complications due to the vaccine
You are providing false information.
Trump did help expedite the vaccine. True
Trump did get vaccinated but he did not tell anyone for several weeks. He made mask wearing a political issue. He has not stepped forward and aggressively urged vaccines like many politicians from both parties.

The number of Trumpsters vaccinated is substantially less than non-Trumpsters. see below

The Taiwan study is concerning AstraZeneca vaccine and is not proven. The plethora of studies show you are substantially less likely to die of COVID if you are vaccinated. In the US, 98% of those dying, currently are not vaccinated.

You lie like a rug. Trumpeters cannot handle the truth.

The plethora of studies show you are substantially less likely to die of COVID if you are vaccinated. In the US, 98% of those dying, currently are not vaccinated.
Yes, which is why most people including trump take the jab

But that does not mean one size fits all

And the situation in Taiwan involves all vaccines, though some more than others

What does it mean?

Who knows?

As for wearing the mask it you are vaccinated - its meaningless
American culture is eliminating the pillars of Trumpism; discrimination and selfishness.
Two great examples happened in the US sports world this week.
Kyrie Irving selfishly refused to be vaccinated. He is not willing to take the shot for the betterment of the US and his team. As valuable as he is on the basketball court his team said screw you, no vaccine you will not play for us. NBA has no room for people like him.
Emails from Jon Gruden became public showing him to be racist, mysoginist and homophobic. Evem though he is a very successful coach, his team and the NFL said screw you. We do not want you involved with the NFL. You are gone.

The selfish, racist, mysoginist and homophobic minions on this site, you are next.
You still believe communism can work?
You are providing false information.
Trump did help expedite the vaccine. True
Trump did get vaccinated but he did not tell anyone for several weeks. He made mask wearing a political issue. He has not stepped forward and aggressively urged vaccines like many politicians from both parties.

The number of Trumpsters vaccinated is substantially less than non-Trumpsters. see below

The Taiwan study is concerning AstraZeneca vaccine and is not proven. The plethora of studies show you are substantially less likely to die of COVID if you are vaccinated. In the US, 98% of those dying, currently are not vaccinated.

You lie like a rug. Trumpeters cannot handle the truth.

It's you commies that made everything related to covid political. You all failed the nation. You're responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths.
American culture is eliminating the pillars of Trumpism; discrimination and selfishness.
Two great examples happened in the US sports world this week.
Kyrie Irving selfishly refused to be vaccinated. He is not willing to take the shot for the betterment of the US and his team. As valuable as he is on the basketball court his team said screw you, no vaccine you will not play for us. NBA has no room for people like him.
Emails from Jon Gruden became public showing him to be racist, mysoginist and homophobic. Evem though he is a very successful coach, his team and the NFL said screw you. We do not want you involved with the NFL. You are gone.

The selfish, racist, mysoginist and homophobic minions on this site, you are next.

Even Biden and Harris said they didn't trust the vaccine under Trump. This hoax is nothing but political.
A selfish asshole like you, only, focuses on his rights of being a US citizen and ignores the responsibilities of being a US citizen.
All rights come with responsibilities. You owe your country, like we all do, but you ignore what you have to do.
You ask what can my country do for me and say I will do nothing for my country because I am a selfish asshole.
If I don't focus on protecting my own right, nobody else will. You and your ilk are trying to fuck me over. YOU are the selfish little shits.

Unlike your stupid ass, I do take responsibility for my rights. YOU DON'T and you need government to wipe your ass for you, AT MY EXPENSE!!! You selfish little kuuunt.

I don't ask government to do A COCKSUCKING THING for me. In fact, government does nothing but take from me CONSTANTLY!!!

List all the things government does for me that I can't otherwise do for myself. I will GUARANTEE you that anything I need from government is government-created and would otherwise be UNCESSESARY!!!

This is why we need a full-blown armed conflict, so I can get rid of your deadbeat, mooching ass!!!

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