America will not forget


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Biden calls on GOP to act on jobs, says 'we can't wait' to help middle class - Los Angeles Democrat |

On Saturday, the vice president said the White House would continue pushing Congress to pass the American Jobs Act. For the third time in four weeks, Senate Republicans voted unanimously to block pieces of President Obama’s jobs bill keeping it from getting the necessary 60 votes to pass despite a majority of the Senate voting in favor of the measures – first was the $447 billion bill in its entirety, then it was a piece that would have put teachers, firefighters and police officers back to work and finally on Thursday it was a piece that would have put construction workers back to work by repairing the nation’s infrastructure.

You just keep showing your ass, Rethugs. Go ahead and hand the election to President Obama on a silver platter.

You just keep showing your ass, Rethugs. Go ahead and hand the election to President Obama on a silver platter.


The "American Jobs Act" is not a jobs bill. It's slush money handed out to public sector unions who will return a percentage of it to the Democrat Party.

Why would any Republican vote for such a monumental piece of crap?
Republicans don't support Obama's BS bill because they aren't idiots.

The GOP doesn't do a hellova lot right but they do when they keep Obama from driving this country off the cliff.
You just keep showing your ass, Rethugs. Go ahead and hand the election to President Obama on a silver platter.


The "American Jobs Act" is not a jobs bill. It's slush money handed out to public sector unions who will return a percentage of it to the Democrat Party.

Why would any Republican vote for such a monumental piece of crap?
It's a huge TAX plan that they don't have any point or plan on passing. It's something they hope to tag on Republicans for 'bottling it up' dozens of house plans languish on Dingy Harry Reid's desk...

As they continue to let thing deteriorate. Just look at the latest from the FED Reserve? They 'expect' unemployment to be unchanged past the election...

They have already telegraphed what they are up to....
Biden calls on GOP to act on jobs, says 'we can't wait' to help middle class - Los Angeles Democrat |

On Saturday, the vice president said the White House would continue pushing Congress to pass the American Jobs Act. For the third time in four weeks, Senate Republicans voted unanimously to block pieces of President Obama’s jobs bill keeping it from getting the necessary 60 votes to pass despite a majority of the Senate voting in favor of the measures – first was the $447 billion bill in its entirety, then it was a piece that would have put teachers, firefighters and police officers back to work and finally on Thursday it was a piece that would have put construction workers back to work by repairing the nation’s infrastructure.

You just keep showing your ass, Rethugs. Go ahead and hand the election to President Obama on a silver platter.

And only simpletons as YOU listen to gaffe ridden has-beens as VP Bite me.
The "American Jobs Act" is not a jobs bill. It's slush money handed out to public sector unions who will return a percentage of it to the Democrat Party.

Why would any Republican vote for such a monumental piece of crap?

And the Republican measure is nothing but a series of deregulations that will put money into the pockets of big business who will return a percentage of it to the Republican party. Can we now get to jobs?
The "American Jobs Act" is not a jobs bill. It's slush money handed out to public sector unions who will return a percentage of it to the Democrat Party.

Why would any Republican vote for such a monumental piece of crap?

And the Republican measure is nothing but a series of deregulations that will put money into the pockets of big business who will return a percentage of it to the Republican party. Can we now get to jobs?

Don't you libturds claim that regulations don't cost money?

You guys can't keep track of all your lies. Can you?
Biden calls on GOP to act on jobs, says 'we can't wait' to help middle class - Los Angeles Democrat |

On Saturday, the vice president said the White House would continue pushing Congress to pass the American Jobs Act. For the third time in four weeks, Senate Republicans voted unanimously to block pieces of President Obama’s jobs bill keeping it from getting the necessary 60 votes to pass despite a majority of the Senate voting in favor of the measures – first was the $447 billion bill in its entirety, then it was a piece that would have put teachers, firefighters and police officers back to work and finally on Thursday it was a piece that would have put construction workers back to work by repairing the nation’s infrastructure.

You just keep showing your ass, Rethugs. Go ahead and hand the election to President Obama on a silver platter.


Get your head out of the Democrats ass for a second. The GOP house has passed over a dozen Bills directed and Job Creation. All of which the Democrat Controlled Senate has tabled and refuses to even consider.

You are damn Right America will not forget.
And the Republican measure is nothing but a series of deregulations that will put money into the pockets of big business who will return a percentage of it to the Republican party. Can we now get to jobs?

As opposed to Democrats who want to hand Billions to Unions, and Green Energy Companies who will return a Percentage to the Democrats.

Obama's Bill will buy a short term Blip in GDP and Temporary Construction Jobs. It's not a jobs bill, its a make the Economy look better to save Obama's Job bill. It's not a real effort to correct problems, it is an effort to buy votes and time.

You people really need to get your heads out of your asses. Republicans are not Perfect, but claiming they are standing in the way of jobs because they wont pass Obama's spend now tax later bill, when they have sent over a dozen other bills to the Senate aimed at job creation that the senate refuses to even debate, is pretty fucking lame. Is that all you got? really?
Biden calls on GOP to act on jobs, says 'we can't wait' to help middle class - Los Angeles Democrat |

On Saturday, the vice president said the White House would continue pushing Congress to pass the American Jobs Act. For the third time in four weeks, Senate Republicans voted unanimously to block pieces of President Obama’s jobs bill keeping it from getting the necessary 60 votes to pass despite a majority of the Senate voting in favor of the measures – first was the $447 billion bill in its entirety, then it was a piece that would have put teachers, firefighters and police officers back to work and finally on Thursday it was a piece that would have put construction workers back to work by repairing the nation’s infrastructure.

You just keep showing your ass, Rethugs. Go ahead and hand the election to President Obama on a silver platter.


you don't mention that there were democratic defectors, thats why Reid put the Chinese currency bill up first , this is the third time you have been told.

nor do you mention that when you had the house you had a reconciliation majority aside from the 8 month supra majority where in the dems could have done a budget locking in higher taxes, without one rep vote required, ( and obama agreed to keep the bush cuts going too, forget about that troll?)this to have been explained to you several're not even a good troll, you're a cut rate troll, sad. ...keep on truckin':clap2:

and I see we are now down to employing the pejorative Rethugs, yup, you and Jillian sure do share more than an avatar. congrats:rolleyes:
A lot of democrats didn't like the Bill, it's no more than a political ploy. Reid shelves the republicans plans. This sounds just like politics.
Come next year I believe that if things don't improve, Americans will know that we have the wrong man in the Whitehouse.
Can we now get to jobs?


That might get Obama reelected.

Why can't they see. Seriously. Why can they NOT see that all this shit they are pulling is going to cost them the whole shooting match.

WHY? because we think and aren't wearing blinders...and we are better educated and can see through yaksqueeze that you to date cannot.

BTW? Who is paying you to be here?
Why can't they see. Seriously. Why can they NOT see that all this shit they are pulling is going to cost them the whole shooting match.


Republicans consider the WH their ‘birthright.’ They’re obsessed with the power of the Imperial Presidency, the ability to rule by decree, EO and signing statement; to establish a long-term power base through judicial appointments, we saw this successfully manifested in Bush v Gore.

In control of the WH. the GOP need not concern itself with negotiations, compromise, or deal-making – just rule by fiat.

However pathetic, some on the right have convinced themselves that ‘getting rid’ of Obama will somehow ‘help’ struggling Americans. But they’re too blind, partisan, and arrogant to understand the very policies they wish to re-implement are the very same policies that created this disaster to begin with.
A lot of democrats didn't like the Bill, it's no more than a political ploy. Reid shelves the republicans plans. This sounds just like politics.
Come next year I believe that if things don't improve, Americans will know that we have the wrong man in the Whitehouse.

I'll bet the troll doesn't realize that the hosue has passed several jobs bills , not one of which has reached the senate floor.....*shrugs*..

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