America.... where education doesn't seem to matter


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
Yeah, education in the US seems to take a back burner. I'm almost certain there are those who would have public education banned and everyone has to pay for their kids to go out of their pocket before they can too.

Well, he's the result of the US's amazing education.

This Student Failed Her Assignment Because Her Professor Said "Australia Isn't A Country"

A student at the Southern New Hampshire University failed an assignment because they wrote about Australia as a country. The professor said Australia wasn't a country.

Then in the comments section.

Tess Calogaras ·
Massey University
This is like when I drove into America from Canada and had to go into the visa office to get an entry stamp because I'm from New Zealand. When they called me up while looking at my New Zealand passport they said "Tessa Calogaras from Australia" and then made me confirm that I was from Australia!? Like uhh no, I'm from the country which the passport you're clearly holding and looking at is from, New Zealands a country too.

So uncomfortable, I thought they weren't going to allow me to come in because they thought New Zealand was apart of Australia!"

Anthea Christou
I started an exchange program in a prominent New York University. I’m Australian. After a couple of weeks, admin called me out of classes and said I need to take an English as Second Language exam before I could commence classes. I tried to explain that I was Australian. English is my FIRST language. It took some convincing but I finally made my point clear."

Also other such stories would be an American asking an English person "so, what language do you speak?"
English person responds "I speak English."
American "No, I mean, what language do you speak in England?"
English person "In England we speak English."
because they thought New Zealand was apart of Australia!

Isn't it?!

"If Belarus invades Ukraine, the 6th US Navy will be immediately transferred to the shores of Belarus."
(in fact, Belarus does not have maritime boundaries)

"We want Ukraine to have access to additional volumes of gas if they are needed, as you all know, natural gas is transported through the pipeline from Western Europe through Ukraine to Russia."
(in fact, gas is transported from Russia to Europe)

Jen Psaky
"If Belarus invades Ukraine, the 6th US Navy will be immediately transferred to the shores of Belarus."
(in fact, Belarus does not have maritime boundaries)

"We want Ukraine to have access to additional volumes of gas if they are needed, as you all know, natural gas is transported through the pipeline from Western Europe through Ukraine to Russia."
(in fact, gas is transported from Russia to Europe)

Jen Psaky

Ah yes, way back when, before 9/11 and all of that, I was speaking with two guys who were just about to go off to college.

I said that Russia was the largest country on Earth. They said that it wasn't.

Turns out they thought the Ukraine was Russia, or that was their excuse anyway.
I would say that the drop in the level of education is not only in America, but also in Russia.
I would say that the drop in the level of education is not only in America, but also in Russia.

I don't know much about Russian education. Those Russians I do know are educated and usually travel quite a bit.
I don't know much about Russian education. Those Russians I do know are educated and usually travel quite a bit.
Because :
- People always looked in the books in the USSR
- In modern Russia people always look at smartphones
If Russian has a good education, then he graduated from an institution created in the USSR that did not change the methodology of education ....
Find a good job can only be the one who graduated from these universities
I don't know much about Russian education. Those Russians I do know are educated and usually travel quite a bit.
Because :
- People always looked in the books in the USSR
- In modern Russia people always look at smartphones
If Russian has a good education, then he graduated from an institution created in the USSR that did not change the methodology of education ....
Find a good job can only be the one who graduated from these universities

Smart phones are taking over the world.

No doubt students all over in richer countries are going to be so dependent on their smart phones.

Imagine a kid today going out to school and not having any contact with their parents until they get home. Shocking...
A smartphone has in it's power, access to literally tens of thousands of books from

I have no doubt ancient parents believed education was doomed when they switched from scrolls to books.

A smartphone has in it's power, access to literally tens of thousands of books from

I have no doubt ancient parents believed education was doomed when they switched from scrolls to books.


People thought that computers and the internet would make people smarter and freer, on the contrary, it leads people to being dependent on their phone and gives the authorities more power to watch over you more easily.
People thought that computers and the internet would make people smarter and freer, on the contrary, it leads people to being dependent on their phone and gives the authorities more power to watch over you more easily.

No one is dependent on a phone. We've become dependent on the vast amount of information and entertainment at our fingertips thanks to the technology.

Having access to more information is a good thing unless you're this guy...

They look at smartphones not for learning, but for chattering in social networks
They look at smartphones not for learning, but for chattering in social networks

Unless you're privy to everyone's usage you're pulling that factoid out of your bottom. In fact, you have no idea how all people use the technology and can only speculate based on a reflection of your own usage. Myself, I've been known to do research for work, chat with a friend, or get directions to a bistro all in the space of a single morning.

It's a miracle of modern technology that today people have unparalleled access to a world of information and the freedom to use or ignore it as they choose.

And if you think books are in any way superior to the library of information available at the touch of a button ... may I submit that not all books are equally uplifting or enlightening.

A student at the Southern New Hampshire University failed an assignment because they wrote about Australia as a country. The professor said Australia wasn't a country.

Southern New Hampshire "University" is an on-line diploma mill like the University of Phoenix. This shouldn't surprise anyone.

What should come to an end is these diploma mills that take people's money and give them nothing in return.
A student at the Southern New Hampshire University failed an assignment because they wrote about Australia as a country. The professor said Australia wasn't a country.

Southern New Hampshire "University" is an on-line diploma mill like the University of Phoenix. This shouldn't surprise anyone.

What should come to an end is these diploma mills that take people's money and give them nothing in return.

Yes, but education is private in the US.

If a British person has a degree, you know they've reached a certain standard and the person you'll be getting with have a certain amount of brain power.

US degrees. I knew a guy from Illinois. Ex-Navy, gained his "degree" in the Navy, thick as three short planks. Couldn't do he job he managed to get that required a degree. Basically expected everyone to do it for him.

Those I work with, or know who do the same job, if they're American there's a 50/50 chance they'll suck balls at the job. If they're from other countries, they're far more likely to do much better.

We had a Canadian come in, did well, we have a Pole, British etc, mostly competent.
A smartphone has in it's power, access to literally tens of thousands of books from

I have no doubt ancient parents believed education was doomed when they switched from scrolls to books.


People thought that computers and the internet would make people smarter and freer, on the contrary, it leads people to being dependent on their phone and gives the authorities more power to watch over you more easily.
----------------------------------------------------- i think that computers are excellent , its like having a library in your house . I see these smartphones as a bad thing and i don't have one .
For a good education, you need, first of all,
- Education Methodology
- Literature Approved by the Ministry of Education (and not a smartphone)
- Teacher
- Lectures and Seminars (Theory and Practice)
- Practice in the Laboratory
- Communication with other students in real life
- Sports
================================================== =
And they talk about smartphones, and they even dare insult me ...
A student at the Southern New Hampshire University failed an assignment because they wrote about Australia as a country. The professor said Australia wasn't a country.

Southern New Hampshire "University" is an on-line diploma mill like the University of Phoenix. This shouldn't surprise anyone.

What should come to an end is these diploma mills that take people's money and give them nothing in return.


Graduate McDonald's university.

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