America: The Defeated.

It should be illegal to even be hispanic in the U.S. Because if you try to separate the "good" ones from the bad ones, you've already lost the battle. Also, long ago the Spanish claimed much U.S. territory. I wonder what the indian tribes who lived on the land thought about that. Though with the U.S. being what it is today, I would be in favor of giving the latinos a good chunk of the South West U.S. to be latino land. And ship them all there.
I admire how you embrace your racism. I suspect 150 years ago your sentiments would have been applied to Italians and Irish.
I admire how you embrace your racism. I suspect 150 years ago your sentiments would have been applied to Italians and Irish.

A multi ethnic society goes against the idea of most life itself. That is more evolved life. Because the most numerous forms of life on earth are parasites. That is not a path I would choose to go down. In my entire lifetime, every flock of birds that I have seen either with my own eyes or on some nature show was always mage up of the same species of bird. Every school of fish that I have ever seen on any nature show has always been made up of the same species of fish. Yale university did a study in what they called the baby lab where they discovered that even babies are "bigoted." You have to be pretty brainwashed to have the sense that a baby has brainwashed out of you. Even your term "racism" is a term of the brainwashed. Race doesn't exist. Species does. Just as it is in the rest of the animal kingdom.

As for the italians, to hell with them. Most of them aren't what I would call White. They're semites. We may have gotten pizza from them. But we also got the mafia and anarchists. As for the irish, what an inbred lot they are. They may have been disliked a lot in the past. But it wasn't for no reason. Where there's smoke, there's probably fire.
Many of the people you mention only claimed to be christian was because they would be killed if they said differently. And Galileo was put into a world of shit when he published something that went against what the church taught. I'm not exactly sure, but I think it was saying that the sun was at the center of the solar system. The only "science" in the bible is basically cave man science.
>>And Galileo was put into a world of shit when he published something against what the chruch taught.<<

Yes, he was harshly treated by the Roman Catholic church. He may be why Christians and Catholics are split today.

Galileo was one of the great creation scientists.

That said, where is your evidence for:

>>I'm not exactly sure, but I think it was saying that the sun was at the center of the solar system. The only "science" in the bible is basically cave man science.<<

Is that your opinion for which you are entitled to or are you criticizing my science? Fuck you you disgusting piece of shit if it's the latter. I'll mop the floor with you if the latter. Just say it's my opinion.

To think I agreed with your OP :icon_rolleyes: for the most part.
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It should be illegal to even be hispanic in the U.S. Because if you try to separate the "good" ones from the bad ones, you've already lost the battle. Also, long ago the Spanish claimed much U.S. territory. I wonder what the indian tribes who lived on the land thought about that. Though with the U.S. being what it is today, I would be in favor of giving the latinos a good chunk of the South West U.S. to be latino land. And ship them all there.
Dam. You're a dumb racist and dare to have the eagle for your avatar. smh. Now, I know who the cave man is.

Suddenly, your OP ain't worth jack shit as you're an uneducated moron or maybe it's idiot level.
I even showed you the top tier type of modern guns via John Wick. You're the one who posted the antique rifle. I would strongly recommend people should buy guns suited to their ability and there are plenty of guns for those starting out. They have the wide choice of type of guns, make and model, ammo and more. There are plenty of manufacturers to choose from.

Instead of commenting out of fear or ignorance, you should do some study and maybe shoot one at a range. It could be a sport or hobby.

Read the bible. There's written very clear: Who takes the gun will die by the gun.
Dam. You're a dumb racist

Do you know why you say such stupid things? Because you follow the Nazi-rule: "No argument? Don't mind! Defame!"?

and dare to have the eagle for your avatar.

I'm a German. Officially our eagle is an eagle - inofficially our eagle is a rubber duck.

smh. Now, I know who the cave man is.

The who? Höhlenmensch? Visit "my" copy of the cave "Lascaux". Still I'm impressed how my grand-grand...mother watched TV there - without using electricity.

Suddenly, your OP ain't worth jack shit as you're an uneducated moron or maybe it's idiot level.

And you are seriosly convinced you said anything in your life what made any sense?

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A multi ethnic society goes against the idea of most life itself. That is more evolved life. Because the most numerous forms of life on earth are parasites. That is not a path I would choose to go down. In my entire lifetime, every flock of birds that I have seen either with my own eyes or on some nature show was always mage up of the same species of bird. Every school of fish that I have ever seen on any nature show has always been made up of the same species of fish. Yale university did a study in what they called the baby lab where they discovered that even babies are "bigoted." You have to be pretty brainwashed to have the sense that a baby has brainwashed out of you. Even your term "racism" is a term of the brainwashed. Race doesn't exist. Species does. Just as it is in the rest of the animal kingdom.

As for the italians, to hell with them. Most of them aren't what I would call White. They're semites. We may have gotten pizza from them. But we also got the mafia and anarchists. As for the irish, what an inbred lot they are. They may have been disliked a lot in the past. But it wasn't for no reason. Where there's smoke, there's probably fire.
I have to say, this was the most idiotic post I've ever seen on USMB and that is saying something.

You say "Race doesn't exist. Species does." and then you dismiss Italians as not being White. Did you mean to say Italians and Irish are a different species than you are? :cuckoo:
Good grief - always this overestimations. You are a child of the European enlightenment. This made the USA great.
Don't tell me your shat doesn't stink. Euros have a longer history of terrorism than the US.
U-n-b-e-l-i-e-v-a-b-l-e. Did you ever say in your life anything what made any sense?
Guns, guns and more guns. Look at how much advancements have been made through S&T. Protect yourself, your family and your home. Have a strong military and police to protect one's country.

It's not the guns, weapons and all, but people who kill people. The bad guys use fear, greed, no morality and evil as their motivations.
Read the bible. There's written very clear: Who takes the gun will die by the gun.
That's for the bad guys. Bad people use anything to kill, maim, injure and rob. People do that against other people. It's not the gun and technology using advancements in science. BTW, it's the sword and not the gun.

Do you know why you say such stupid things? Because you follow the Nazi-rule: "No argument? Don't mind! Defame!"?
I was talking to myself and his vile racism. He would be one who you don't give any guns or weapons to and one to use such against. Fill him with lead, lead, lead in the heart and head, only in self-defense, of course.
I was watching something on "60 Minutes" a while back. They were talking about how much the U.S. is lagging behind Taiwan when it comes to making integrated circuits. I thought that the U.S. had superior technology. As it turns out, the integrated circuit chips they make in Taiwan are 30% better than anything we even have the ability to make. That sucks. But let's keep talking about things like how tragic the inadvertent death of George Floyd was instead.

There is only one manufacturer of integrated circuits here in the U.S. From what they said, that company is getting ready to reinvest around 30 billion dollars into their company. But I don't know if that would give us the ability to catch up to Taiwan. Even then, the Taiwan company that makes integrated circuits is planning to invest 100 billion into their company. Including increased research and development. Maybe the U.S. should start picking up the tab for students here who want to go into that field of study. Instead of expecting them to go into debt up to their necks for their college degree.
On a side note, we have private companies, namely defense contractors like Lockheed Martin and Raytheon who are working exclusively on all this technology which we may never know about.

It wouldn't surprise me if Japan and China have a slight edge now, but wouldn't put too much weight into it on the National Security level.
Don't tell me your shat doesn't stink. Euros have a longer history of terrorism than the US

If you take "Europe" out of the European nation USA - what will keep? A mountain full of dust and empty phrases?

Guns, guns and more guns. Look at how much advancements have been made through S&T. Protect yourself, your family and your home. Have a strong military and police to protect one's country.

It's not the guns, weapons and all, but people who kill people. The bad guys use fear, greed, no morality and evil as their motivations.

Exactly. The bad guys use fear, greed, no morality and the money they make with evil weapons as their motivations. And the country for this bad guys is called "United criminal idiots of the USA" or with another word: "NRA".
That's for the bad guys. Bad people use anything to kill, maim, injure and rob. People do that against other people. It's not the gun and technology using advancements in science. BTW, it's the sword and not the gun.

I was talking to myself and his vile racism. He would be one who you don't give any guns or weapons to and one to use such against. Fill him with lead, lead, lead in the heart and head, only in self-defense, of course.

If you would be a German I had slowly to start to think about whether I should call the police and let bring you into a psychiatric hospital because of the hunch you could be a deadly danger for everyone who thinks about nothing bad while walking with a dog just for fun.

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>>And Galileo was put into a world of shit when he published something against what the chruch taught.<<

Yes, he was harshly treated by the Roman Catholic church. He may be why Christians and Catholics are split today.

Galileo was one of the great creation scientists.

That said, where is your evidence for:

>>I'm not exactly sure, but I think it was saying that the sun was at the center of the solar system. The only "science" in the bible is basically cave man science.<<

Is that your opinion for which you are entitled to or are you criticizing my science? Fuck you you disgusting piece of shit if it's the latter. I'll mop the floor with you if the latter. Just say it's my opinion.

To think I agreed with your OP :icon_rolleyes: for the most part.

All religion sucks. Some religions, such as islam, suck even worse. Next, you say that Galileo was treated harshly by the church. But further down you ask me for evidence that he was treated harshly for saying that the sun was at the center of the solar system. But if you know why Galileo was treated harshly, you wouldn't need to ask me.

Next, am I hallucinating? Or did you just call religion "science." There is absolutely nothing scientific about it. Unless you want to go into the science of psychology and how anybody who is religious is delusional. (From a mental health point of view) What the bible teaches is completely lacking in any knowledge of geography or astronomy. It doesn't go into mathematics at all. To the writers, (and if you believe it, god) electricity didn't exist. And without at least microscopes, their knowledge of the causes of many diseases was indeed cave man like. Do I even need to go into chemistry or any of the other sciences? The word "science" and "religion" shouldn't even be allowed in the same sentence.
Dam. You're a dumb racist and dare to have the eagle for your avatar. smh. Now, I know who the cave man is.

Suddenly, your OP ain't worth jack shit as you're an uneducated moron or maybe it's idiot level.

It is because of the lack of "racism" that Taiwan is kicking our ass in integrated circuit technology. It is better to be anti-White and send so many of our jobs overseas to wage slave countries, isn't it. And import as many third world lowlifes from south of the border as we can. To eventually turn our country into a larger version of the shithole countries they left. I would call you a moron. But I don't think morons are deserving of being insulted like that.
I have to say, this was the most idiotic post I've ever seen on USMB and that is saying something.

You say "Race doesn't exist. Species does." and then you dismiss Italians as not being White. Did you mean to say Italians and Irish are a different species than you are? :cuckoo:

No other creature in the animal kingdom is described as being a race of anything. Humans are animals too. So the same thing must apply with us. Deal with it.
On a side note, we have private companies, namely defense contractors like Lockheed Martin and Raytheon who are working exclusively on all this technology which we may never know about.

It wouldn't surprise me if Japan and China have a slight edge now, but wouldn't put too much weight into it on the National Security level.

Yeah, we have all this advanced technology. But if we want the best integrated circuits to use on that technology, we have to get it from Taiwan. Next, if you aren't on top when it comes to technology, you aren't on top of national security.
There is only one manufacturer of integrated circuits here in the U.S. From what they said, that company is getting ready to reinvest around 30 billion dollars into their company. But I don't know if that would give us the ability to catch up to Taiwan. Even then, the Taiwan company that makes integrated circuits is planning to invest 100 billion into their company. Including increased research and development. Maybe the U.S. should start picking up the tab for students here who want to go into that field of study. Instead of expecting them to go into debt up to their necks for their college degree.

Oh, there is more than just one. Not sure where you heard that, but it is very wrong. There are well over 100 of them in the US, including such companies as IBM, Intel, Texas Instruments (which has over 50 alone), Micron, and others. We have one right in the town I live in, and there are around a dozen around Portland alone. Intel has 4 fabrication plants in Hillsboro, Oregon alone, and employs over 1/5 of the city.

Somebody is full of crap and should not be believed if they are trying to say there is only one manufacturer if integrated circuits in the US. Just a simple check of Wikipedia will show that is crap.

Sort by plant location, if done in reverse, all the plants in the US will be located at the top.

Also, a lot of the chips "made" in other countries are actually designed and patented by US companies. They either pay us a royalty, or they are simply making them for our companies.

Then you do have some companies, like Zhaoxin, in China. They are the largest "domestic" chip maker in China, and make most of the Chinese market X86 processors. But do not try to find one in a local computer store. They use the designs made by Via, originally a US company but moved to Taiwan in 1992. Once a big name in computer chips, now they are largely forgotten. Now they make very budget processors, their 2021 releases are largely equivalent to a budget Intel mobile processor of 12 years ago.

Now I am not a fan at all of Linus Tech Tips, but they were one of the few I found that actually reviewed one of their latest processors.

And their synopsis was basically "It sucks, it's slow, and it's expensive".
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Oh, there is more than just one. Not sure where you heard that, but it is very wrong. There are well over 100 of them in the US, including such companies as IBM, Intel, Texas Instruments (which has over 50 alone), Micron, and others. We have one right in the town I live in, and there are around a dozen around Portland alone. Intel has 4 fabrication plants in Hillsboro, Oregon alone, and employs over 1/5 of the city.

Somebody is full of crap and should not be believed if they are trying to say there is only one manufacturer if integrated circuits in the US. Just a simple check of Wikipedia will show that is crap.

Sort by plant location, if done in reverse, all the plants in the US will be located at the top.

Also, a lot of the chips "made" in other countries are actually designed and patented by US companies. They either pay us a royalty, or they are simply making them for our companies.

Then you do have some companies, like Zhaoxin, in China. They are the largest "domestic" chip maker in China, and make most of the Chinese market X86 processors. But do not try to find one in a local computer store. They use the designs made by Via, originally a US company but moved to Taiwan in 1992. Once a big name in computer chips, now they are largely forgotten. Now they make very budget processors, their 2021 releases are largely equivalent to a budget Intel mobile processor of 12 years ago.

Now I am not a fan at all of Linus Tech Tips, but they were one of the few I found that actually reviewed one of their latest processors.

And their synopsis was basically "It sucks, it's slow, and it's expensive".

In my thread I mentioned I said it came from the program 60 Minutes. Maybe I remembered incorrectly. Maybe it wasn't the only maker of integrated circuits in the U.S. Just the largest and most technologically advanced. Also, they did very clearly state on the program that the chips made in Taiwan are better than we have the technology to make. If we indeed did give them the designs to make any circuit, it doesn't mean a whole hell of a lot if we don't have the ability to fulfill those designs here in the U.S. You know, if you wanted to, you could probably look up that episode of 60 Minutes on the internet and watch it for yourself. It isn't very long.
In my thread I mentioned I said it came from the program 60 Minutes. Maybe I remembered incorrectly. Maybe it wasn't the only maker of integrated circuits in the U.S. Just the largest and most technologically advanced. Also, they did very clearly state on the program that the chips made in Taiwan are better than we have the technology to make. If we indeed did give them the designs to make any circuit, it doesn't mean a whole hell of a lot if we don't have the ability to fulfill those designs here in the U.S. You know, if you wanted to, you could probably look up that episode of 60 Minutes on the internet and watch it for yourself. It isn't very long.

Your information is outright wrong.

Yes, Taiwan is still building a plant that will be the most advanced in the world when it is finished. But for maybe a year. Because in 2013, the new Intel factory in Arizona will be opening, and it will beat the one TMSC is opening in a few months.

But no, if you can't remember the information, and can nor source anything but your memory, I am not taking it at all seriously. Either you are remembering it completely wrong, or it is a sensationalist piece intended to cause panic and light on the facts.

But I will add that there are semiconductors, and there are semiconductors. And both China and Taiwan are good at making the cheap ones. A lot of them are making little more than NAND flash memory, or dedicated controllers (like sound chips). A fantastic innovation 40 years ago, and even 20 years ago NAND was incredibly expensive. But today, it is literally dirt cheap, and that is mostly what they are pumping out. This is the type of semiconductor that your phone uses for memory. It is a far cry from an actual CPU grade semiconductor.

Which as I showed already, China and Taiwan are not really capable of doing. Essentially, you are panicking over nothing. The US largely left NAND other than a few, because the profits in them shrank over the decades. I think Micron is the last major player in that market in the US, mostly for companies that need "US Made" parts. There is just not enough money in them anymore. I remember early "USB sticks" going for over $300 for 8mb of RAM. Back then, a lot of US companies jumped on the bandwagon. Today, China pumps out a ton of that stuff, the average price is often as low as $5 for 2gb in bulk. It is not that the US can not make that, but why should they? There is much more profit in making high end chips. Like AMD, Intel, IBM, and Texas Instruments.

The "top end" of Chinese made CPUs is well over a decade behind the US (closer to 20 years), and most of what they make are essentially ARM processors. Those are what is in your phones, tablets, and most other low power systems. And China pays the US royalties for all of them they make. Acorn died almost 6 years ago, but all the intellectual property is now owned by Morgan Stanley. So each time some piece of electronics is made in China using an ARM processor, Morgan Stanley gets royalties.

And each of the garbage X86 CPUs China is starting to make, Intel gets royalties. Which is what it has been using to build their new chip fabrication plants.
Your information is outright wrong.

Yes, Taiwan is still building a plant that will be the most advanced in the world when it is finished. But for maybe a year. Because in 2013, the new Intel factory in Arizona will be opening, and it will beat the one TMSC is opening in a few months.

But no, if you can't remember the information, and can nor source anything but your memory, I am not taking it at all seriously. Either you are remembering it completely wrong, or it is a sensationalist piece intended to cause panic and light on the facts.

But I will add that there are semiconductors, and there are semiconductors. And both China and Taiwan are good at making the cheap ones. A lot of them are making little more than NAND flash memory, or dedicated controllers (like sound chips). A fantastic innovation 40 years ago, and even 20 years ago NAND was incredibly expensive. But today, it is literally dirt cheap, and that is mostly what they are pumping out. This is the type of semiconductor that your phone uses for memory. It is a far cry from an actual CPU grade semiconductor.

Which as I showed already, China and Taiwan are not really capable of doing. Essentially, you are panicking over nothing. The US largely left NAND other than a few, because the profits in them shrank over the decades. I think Micron is the last major player in that market in the US, mostly for companies that need "US Made" parts. There is just not enough money in them anymore. I remember early "USB sticks" going for over $300 for 8mb of RAM. Back then, a lot of US companies jumped on the bandwagon. Today, China pumps out a ton of that stuff, the average price is often as low as $5 for 2gb in bulk. It is not that the US can not make that, but why should they? There is much more profit in making high end chips. Like AMD, Intel, IBM, and Texas Instruments.

The "top end" of Chinese made CPUs is well over a decade behind the US (closer to 20 years), and most of what they make are essentially ARM processors. Those are what is in your phones, tablets, and most other low power systems. And China pays the US royalties for all of them they make. Acorn died almost 6 years ago, but all the intellectual property is now owned by Morgan Stanley. So each time some piece of electronics is made in China using an ARM processor, Morgan Stanley gets royalties.

And each of the garbage X86 CPUs China is starting to make, Intel gets royalties. Which is what it has been using to build their new chip fabrication plants.

I have watched 60 Minutes from time to time. When I saw that they would be talking about a topic that sounded interesting. I never knew them to resort to sensationalism. And they said that the integrated circuits they make in Taiwan are 30% better than anything the company in the U.S. they were talking about has the ability to make. And that company was the biggest and best in the U.S. for making integrated circuits. They spoke with the president of the U.S. company and the president of the Taiwan IC manufacturer. You got the info right from the horses mouths. If you doubt it, watch the episode in question. Just look it up on your computer.

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