“america, roll up your sleeves,


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Pitch in and help. This may hurt a little, but this too will pass.”

Who made the wealthy, wealthy? The have-nots. When things go hard for the have-nots the haves should help the have-nots because they made them haves. If the have-nots do not have, soon the haves will be have-nots also

Who buys from WalMart? The have-nots. Businesses are going bankrupt and closing because the have-not do not have. So pitch in and pay a little more in taxes. It may hurt a little but it will pass and the have-nots will keep what they have. If not, they will soon be have-nots also.

The village idiots, who are mostly have-nots, go alone with the Reich Wing-Nuts who do not care about them but holding on to what they have.
There are millions more have nots comming across the border
Have nots are envious little losers who can't play 'economy'. If you can't win at 'economy' try harder or quit bitching and accept what little you have. Whining is a waste of you lifetime and irritates others.
There is no class system in America. People move in and out of income levels all the time...that's uniquely American. The class system is a fabrication of statists who want you to hate and destroy everything but their government programs.
There is no class system in America. People move in and out of income levels all the time...that's uniquely American. The class system is a fabrication of statists who want you to hate and destroy everything but their government programs.

Oh I think we have a lazy class here in America.
There is no class system in America. People move in and out of income levels all the time...that's uniquely American. The class system is a fabrication of statists who want you to hate and destroy everything but their government programs.

Oh I think we have a lazy class here in America.

And maybe the Kerry-Heinzes and the Kennedys, if you want to consider inter-generational wealth.
Individuals accumulate wealth through their own efforts, hard work, risk and determination, as well as a bit of luck. This crap about how all wealth is on the back of other people is just that.... crap. And, the lefties can fuck themselves before they get one more dime. They - and their counterparts on the right - are what got us into this, not wealthy people.

The OP is one of the stupiditest posters on the forum - and that's saying something.
Individuals accumulate wealth through their own efforts, hard work, risk and determination, as well as a bit of luck. This crap about how all wealth is on the back of other people is just that.... crap. And, the lefties can fuck themselves before they get one more dime. They - and their counterparts on the right - are what got us into this, not wealthy people.

Or maybe a lot of luck. Individuals also work hard, take risks and are determined but they dont have much luck and they loose their jobs, homes and families. There should be more compassion for those who have not had much luck, especially if they have kids, they are afterall the next generation of glorious American citizens...
the haves and have nots? why not call them the doers and the do nots. the riskers and the risk nots. the thinkers and the think nots. the "have nots" in America have a lot more than people in the rest of the world thanks to the "haves" So back off with the lables.
Individuals accumulate wealth through their own efforts, hard work, risk and determination, as well as a bit of luck. This crap about how all wealth is on the back of other people is just that.... crap. And, the lefties can fuck themselves before they get one more dime. They - andor their counterparts on the right - are what got us into this, not wealthy people.

Or maybe a lot of luck. Individuals also work hard, take risks and are determined but they dont have much luck and they loose their jobs, homes and families. There should be more compassion for those who have not had much luck, especially if they have kids, they are afterall the next generation of glorious American citizens...

Life is all about luck. Some people are born ugly or stupid or short or unathletic. You can't control it you make do with the hand you are dealt and if you make the most of it you will be successful. There is plenty of compassion for people who are having tough times and are down on their luck and it don't come from the government.
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I am not wealthy but I live a comfortable life style due to my own hard work and planning for my future. Where were the "have nots" when I was working 12 to 18 hours a day so I could get ahead? There is no such thing as "wealth redistribution". It's better to call it what it really is, i.e., THEFT. People who write OPs like this one most likely don't have a pot to piss in because they clearly don't understand how to get ahead in life and expect to be given everything they can manage to get either from the government or others.
I am not wealthy but I live a comfortable life style due to my own hard work and planning for my future. Where were the "have nots" when I was working 12 to 18 hours a day so I could get ahead? There is no such thing as "wealth redistribution". It's better to call it what it really is, i.e., THEFT. People who write OPs like this one most likely don't have a pot to piss in because they clearly don't understand how to get ahead in life and expect to be given everything they can manage to get either from the government or others.

Why are you so angry about it, you worked and planned ahead, good for you. Some were not as lucky as you to be able to work and plan ahead; through illness, injury, or misfortune, is it too much for you to be generous towards those less well off?

Wealth redistribution is not about taking wealth from those who have had to work all their lives but about the fact that the US has many millionaires and billionaires who should share what they have; if young men can go and loose their legs and their lives for the sake of the country then is it wrong to oblige those who have more than enough to share?

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