America is the most amazing place in the world

Basically these kids rejected the hate of republican loons and organised their own prom.
The cruelty of gop reps is beyond measure. These kids show that AMerica has a bright future.

The kids are all right and put their elders to shame,.

I don't think America has a bright future, but these kids show that the human spirit endures even in tumultuous times.

Basically these kids rejected the hate of republican loons and organised their own prom.
The cruelty of gop reps is beyond measure. These kids show that AMerica has a bright future.

The kids are all right and put their elders to shame,.

Poor kids, all bought into the Woke Mind Virus. What a bleak future they have.

Basically these kids rejected the hate of republican loons and organised their own prom.
The cruelty of gop reps is beyond measure. These kids show that AMerica has a bright future.

The kids are all right and put their elders to shame,.

Oh, poor oppressed gender-confused, indoctrinated kids who otherwise would not have had a prom...

Kids with the same interests / beliefs decide to get together to organize their own event, and you have to create a thread in an attempt to attack, demonize, and villify the GOP and Conservatives.

GOOD JOB, SNOWFLAKE. I hope this warns your fragile, easily offended feelings.

Have you found your date to the prom, yet?
That guy is just a troll.
Probably not intentionally . He comes from a poor low class , narrow background and is locked in an economic and political time slot that is now generally seen as outdated and irrelevant . He is obviously not the brightest bulb on the Xmas tree and is now mentally time locked in past times and ways of thinking . I find him thoroughly distasteful , but , for good or bad , he is a part reminder of the past and we almost need people like him to remind us how far the more fortunate people have progressed .
Women wearing the clothing of men was common by this time ... I'm remember a distant girl cousin getting excommunicated for wearing pants harvesting peaches ...
But they never claimed to be men.
No they didnt. Its a manufactured "crisis".
Americas crazy right wing always needs a scapegoat. Someone to hate. When I joined this board 7 years ago it was muslims. They were taking over the world because their blood soaked cult demanded it.
In reality they just wanted to make the rent like everyone else.

Now its the turn of the trannies to enjoy your faux christian concern. It will be midgets next. You people make me sick..
Trump/Russia was also a manufactured crisis.
But they never claimed to be men.

A "tranny" is someone who wears the grab of the other sex ... a transvestite ... and this is prohibited by the Bible ... thus it is controversial whether women are allowed to wear pants ... at least among the more serious religious "Bible-thumping" doctrines ...

Plurals are gender-neutral in English ... German uses the feminine forms for plurals ... I'm not sure about Slavic or the Romantic languages ...
First ever in the U.S.? It's probably common in G.B. As a matter of fact Chuck 3 looks a little fruity wearing that kilt.
A "tranny" is someone who wears the grab of the other sex ... a transvestite ... and this is prohibited by the Bible ... thus it is controversial whether women are allowed to wear pants ... at least among the more serious religious "Bible-thumping" doctrines ...

Plurals are gender-neutral in English ... German uses the feminine forms for plurals ... I'm not sure about Slavic or the Romantic languages ...
Trannies are pretending to be women. They include transgenders. Pants are no longer just mens clothing.
No they didnt. Its a manufactured "crisis".
Americas crazy right wing always needs a scapegoat. Someone to hate. When I joined this board 7 years ago it was muslims. They were taking over the world because their blood soaked cult demanded it.
In reality they just wanted to make the rent like everyone else.

Now its the turn of the trannies to enjoy your faux christian concern. It will be midgets next. You people make me sick..
Yes, they did. Target had their pride displays years, but this was the first time they targeted kids. Targeting kids is what rubbed everyone's fur the wrong way.
No they didnt. Its a manufactured "crisis".
Americas crazy right wing always needs a scapegoat. Someone to hate. When I joined this board 7 years ago it was muslims. They were taking over the world because their blood soaked cult demanded it.
In reality they just wanted to make the rent like everyone else.

Now its the turn of the trannies to enjoy your faux christian concern. It will be midgets next. You people make me sick..

Nah....they want to throw your kind off of rooftops.
We all know you're light in the loafers but that wont help you.

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