America is just like the other 196 countries on our planet.


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
America is just like the other 196 countries on our planet.

We have a 100% right to control our border crossings and immigration just like the other countries do. Americans have a right to complain about illegal border crossings and MS-13 gang violence without being branded racist by the Democrats. Central American illegal immigrants are bringing their MS-13 gang violence problem with them. The Democrats don’t care. They just want to build their voter base.

Democrats are calling immigration control "racist" and "fascist". But the real racism is in the Left’s quest to “fundamentally change America”.

Augustin Cebada, Brown Berets; “Go back to Boston! Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future. You are old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you. Leave like beaten rats. You old white people. It is your duty to die … Through love of having children, we are going to take over.”

Richard Alatorre, Los Angeles City Council. “They’re afraid we’re going to take over the governmental institutions and other institutions. They’re right. We will take them over"

Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez, University of Texas; “We have an aging white America. They are not making babies. They are dying. The explosion is in our population … I love it. They are shitting in their pants with fear. I love it.”

Fleeing Gangs, Central American Families Surge Toward U.S.
wont be necessary. After we make all the employers and landlords afraid to hire or house the illegals, they will have no choice but to leave. We can do this easily, just by sending home 10,000 guys in jails who are 4 months or less from release, and locking up 10,000 such landlords and employers (very publicly) No bond allowed for the 4 months it takes for the Federal speedy trial act to free them. No convictions are necessary, but todays wusses can't handle 4 hours in a cell, much less 4 months. Hispanics are 15% of the population, blacks are 14%, asians 6%, native americans 3%. Asians and blacks dont side with the hispanics. So really, they are outnumbered 6 to 1, which means it's going to take them a century to catch up, and we wont allow it. :)
Why would the spics want to take over government institutions? They just came from a country that they fucked up, so why would they want to fuck this one up as well?
As if after the Catholic Church assassinated Kennedy their followers would have a drug invasion crusade into the US & it's nothing but business as after 9/11 Islam has had a martyr parade of suicide bombers for an immigration policy into the US.
that's all they know how to do, but in this case, THEY intend to run things, you see. They can't do so in their home country, but US is so wussy that they can easily take over.

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