America in Crisis:


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
America in Crisis: 1.3 Million American Children Left Homeless Per Year & 500,000 is Under Five Years Old! Just Another Tragic President George Bush and his Republican U.S. House/Senate Disastrous Legacy:
By Marc Chamot on June 10, 2008 |

The Republicans will get their just desserts for failing the American people so badly!

Mills, 2001; U.S. Census Bureau, 1999; Institute for Children and Poverty, 1999; Browne and Bassuk, 1997)

America in Crisis: 1.3 Million American Children Left Homeless Per Year & 500,000 is Under Five Years Old! Just Another Tragic President George Bush and his Republican U.S. House/Senate Disastrous Legacy: - Current News Events by Marc Chamot -NEW - Z

No way Obama could never have know it to be this bad. And you expect Obama to fix this in four years? This may never get fixed in this life time. It may take the Kingdom of GOD to fix this.
The Democrat plan of while your 16 trillion dollars in deb spend more then continue spending even more is a step in the right direction how? Try applying that logic here in the real world not the fantasy land that is Washington D.C. and see how well it works out.

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