America has become a joke and an international embarrassment

America used to be leader of the free world

Now, nobody will follow Trump leadership
Fortunately European countries no longer qualify as the “free world”.

Canada is also disqualified thanks to Trudeau’s idiocy.

Australia is becoming just like Canada at a rapid pace as well.
Ridiculous brainwashed right-wing idiocy... Change the channel and get some fresh air

MAGA is upsetting to snowflake European countries.
They used to think we were great
Now they think we are Batshit Crazy

Meh, they can shut it or we'll nuke their ass!
Proves my point
Repubs can whine about this all they want. In the end, they are always wrong.

This country has so many shortcomings in comparison to other developed European nations that it is laughable to be proud to be an American in this day and age.

America used to be great. In the 20th century, it was a powerhouse and a model for the rest of the world. It’s deteriorated since then because of toxic republican policy, democrat policy inaction; and a completely moronic, childish sack of shit current president.

Now I know I’ll get the usual dumb reactions to this like “well don’t let the door hit you on the way out Derp, Derp, Derp!”

I don’t want to leave. I want to fix what’s wrong with it. That of course will probably require a miracle.

I'm sorry that you're embarrassed that we have less welfare than Europe.

I'm sorry that the fact that people in this country don't want single payer healthcare makes you feel inferior.

I'm sorry that the 2nd Amendment makes you feel old and out of touch with the brave new world of empathetic pacifism.

I'm sorry that you desire such a massive level of government intervention that over a trillion dollars in stimulus spending and a massive reworking of our entire healthcare system in the last decade strikes you as inactivity. I can only imagine how rough it must be to experience shame when we slow the release of new restrictions on human behavior.

Mostly, I'm sorry that, when you think about the things that you don't like about the politics of your country, what stands out to you is the embarrassment you feel regarding the opinions of people thousands of miles away who you've never met. Shame as a primary motivator seems like it'd be a miserable way to go through life. My condolences.
Well said. Got to run. Headed to the KCI gun show.

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