America Comes Together


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
Hillary runs in the republican primary, comes in in the top ten, and wins over the republican base. Republicans lose their only issue. Hillary already has the democratic base. America comes together again and a women from Chicago accomplishes the impossible.

The Philosopher s Stone PANEM ET CIRCENSES

"In light of her sky-high name recognition and the general ignorance and stupidity of the Republican base, she would almost certainly garner enough votes in the polling to qualify for the Republican debates. What is more, her policies are, or were at one time, mainstream Republican. Her domestic policies are a trifle to the right of those of Eisenhower and Nixon, and she is easily as Hawkish in foreign policy as Dole or Romney. Her dual candidacy would be a gift of great value to the bloviating Television commentariat, which is running out of faux astonishment and comic one-liners about Trump.

To be sure, the Republican National Committee could rule Clinton unfit to bear their standard, and on those grounds ban her from the debates, but then they would have to explain why Trump meets their minimal standards of acceptability when Clinton does not."

Why The New York Times Clinton Error Is a Big Deal - The Atlantic

"The desire to go into politics is usually indicative of some sort of personality disorder, and it is precisely those who want power most that should be kept furthest from it." Arthur Koestler
Hillary runs in the republican primary, comes in in the top ten, and wins over the republican base. Republicans lose their only issue. Hillary already has the democratic base. America comes together again and a women from Chicago accomplishes the impossible.

The Philosopher s Stone PANEM ET CIRCENSES

"In light of her sky-high name recognition and the general ignorance and stupidity of the Republican base, she would almost certainly garner enough votes in the polling to qualify for the Republican debates. What is more, her policies are, or were at one time, mainstream Republican. Her domestic policies are a trifle to the right of those of Eisenhower and Nixon, and she is easily as Hawkish in foreign policy as Dole or Romney. Her dual candidacy would be a gift of great value to the bloviating Television commentariat, which is running out of faux astonishment and comic one-liners about Trump.

To be sure, the Republican National Committee could rule Clinton unfit to bear their standard, and on those grounds ban her from the debates, but then they would have to explain why Trump meets their minimal standards of acceptability when Clinton does not."

Why The New York Times Clinton Error Is a Big Deal - The Atlantic

"The desire to go into politics is usually indicative of some sort of personality disorder, and it is precisely those who want power most that should be kept furthest from it." Arthur Koestler
Hillary runs in the republican primary, comes in in the top ten, and wins over the republican base. Republicans lose their only issue. Hillary already has the democratic base. America comes together again and a women from Chicago accomplishes the impossible.

The Philosopher s Stone PANEM ET CIRCENSES

"In light of her sky-high name recognition and the general ignorance and stupidity of the Republican base, she would almost certainly garner enough votes in the polling to qualify for the Republican debates. What is more, her policies are, or were at one time, mainstream Republican. Her domestic policies are a trifle to the right of those of Eisenhower and Nixon, and she is easily as Hawkish in foreign policy as Dole or Romney. Her dual candidacy would be a gift of great value to the bloviating Television commentariat, which is running out of faux astonishment and comic one-liners about Trump.

To be sure, the Republican National Committee could rule Clinton unfit to bear their standard, and on those grounds ban her from the debates, but then they would have to explain why Trump meets their minimal standards of acceptability when Clinton does not."

Why The New York Times Clinton Error Is a Big Deal - The Atlantic

"The desire to go into politics is usually indicative of some sort of personality disorder, and it is precisely those who want power most that should be kept furthest from it." Arthur Koestler
There certainly is little difference between Cankles and many of the R candidates. Jebby, Christie, Graham, the Huckster, Pataki, and Perry, all could be Hillary clones....they could easily run for the D nomination and do well. They are progressives after all.

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