Ambulance Chaser Avenetti tries to get in on Fake Sexual Harassment Accusations against Kavanaugh

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
With the start of the new SCOTUS SESSION just 6 days away Oct 1st, this foul porn lawyer shows his ugly face again.

Is this guy a piece of shit or what? The Sleeze Factor with Avenetti is breaking all records. This turd, loves to throw shit to the wall to see if he can get it to stick. Just like with the Stormy Daniels affair, there are no corroborating witnesses and facts at all, not even date, time and place to verify any accusations. Just the insinuations that something happened.

I am sure he got his information on drugs, and sex trains from Stormey Daniels. That is about the only reliable thing you can assume from this sleezeball lawyer.

With these people, you can forget about all this Due Process Stuff, and Presumption of Innocence.

Accusers Must Be Heard, Accusers Must Be Heard, Accusers Must Be Heard!

" A potential allegation has arisen from Michael Avenatti, the attorney for porn star Stormy Daniels, who claims Kavanaugh and others targeted women with "alcohol/drugs" to allow men to gang rape them at high school parties. This accusation also has lacked any corroboration to date. "

Michael Avenatti


"My e-mail of moments ago with Mike Davis, Chief Counsel for Nominations for U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary. We demand that this process be thorough, open and fair, which is what the American public deserves. It must not be rushed and evidence/witnesses must not be hidden."

Kavanaugh buffeted by more uncorroborated charges as Dems seek to derail nomination

Avenatti on Sunday alleged that he had knowledge that Kavanaugh and high school friend Mark Judge targeted women with drugs and alcohol in order to "allow a 'train' of men to subsequently gang rape them."

He did not state the source of his evidence and did not name any alleged victims.

Grassley’s office said it reached out to Avenatti to find out more information about his allegations and requested that he provide any new information.

Avenatti posted a letter he wrote to Mike Davis, the chief counsel on nominations for the Senate Judiciary Committee.

He wrote that he had “significant evidence of multiple house parties” in the 1980s where Kavanaugh, high school friend Mark Judge and others would target women with alcohol and drugs in order to take advantage of them sexually, including gang rapes. He said to expect additional evidence in the coming days.

Avenatti included a list of questions for Senate investigators to ask Kavanaugh, including: "Did you ever attend any house party during which a woman was gang raped or used for sex by multiple men?"

Neither Kavanaugh nor Judge immediately responded to Avenatti's accusations.

Kavanaugh is slated to testify Thursday about the first allegation of sexual assault, dating back from a high school party more than 35 years ago. His accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, is also set to testify.

Kavanaugh, 53, an appellate court judge, has denied Ford's allegation and said he wanted to testify as soon as possible to clear his name.

"This alleged event from 35 years ago did not happen. The people who knew me then know that this did not happen, and have said so," Kavanaugh responded. "This is a smear, plain and simple. I look forward to testifying on Thursday about the truth, and defending my good name --and the reputation for character and integrity I have spent a lifetime building --against these last-minute allegations."

In response to the New Yorker report, Judiciary Committee ranking member Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., called on the committee's Republicans to postpone all proceedings related to Kavanaugh's nomination and refer Ramirez's allegation to the FBI.
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I personally feel there should be NO Hearing for Ford. Her story is not credible enough to force a man like Judge Kavanaugh to have to endure a public smear like this, and drag his name and his family through the mud over the flimsy accusations of a black out high school drunk.
Didn't Avenatti claim months ago that he was representing other women who had been paid off by Trump, as well? Those claims never materialized, and my guess is that this one won't either.

Poor guy had the slutty sex talk tabloids to himself until this Kavanaugh thing came up, and now they're page 6. He's just trying to get back on the front page.
Didn't Avenatti claim months ago that he was representing other women who had been paid off by Trump, as well? Those claims never materialized, and my guess is that this one won't either.

Poor guy had the slutty sex talk tabloids to himself until this Kavanaugh thing came up, and now they're page 6. He's just trying to get back on the front page.

Avenetti ALSO Claimed he had both a Sex Tape on a DVD and Recordings of President Trump telling Stormy Daniels he wanted to pay her for sex.

He never produced either. Daniel's Payment was for an appearance fee at a private party at a Trump Hotel. She was paid to strip. That was why she signed a non disclosure agreement at that time.

Now that she no longer is wanted to make movies in The Porn Industry, she is back to stripping for a living.

Her only shot to get appearance fees going again was to pull this stunt. But that is starting to dry up for her, just like her vagina.

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