Ambassador Steven's brutal death at the hands of Radical Islam


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Ambassador Stevens's brutal death at the hands of Radical Islam | Washington Times Communities

It is time for some bacon wrapped Radical Islamist hors d'oeuvres. Radical Islamists, not global warming, is the cancer on this world and it must be forcibly removed.


While American embassies in Libya, Syria, and many other Arab Muslim nations are under siege, leftist enablers want "dialogue". The 'leftist-that-blame-America' crowd' thinks that an American movie critical of Islam sparked the violence.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

These coordinated attacks on the eleventh anniversary of 9/11 were premeditated acts of war. An American diplomat was sodomized and dragged through the streets before being killed. The days of dialogue with radical Islamists and their leftist enablers has to end right now.

No more "diversity." No more "multiculturalism." No more "understanding." No more "root causes." No more political correctness. No more "sensitivity."

No more "appealing to their better nature."

This does not work with Islamists, because like leftists, they do not have one. They hate for the sake of hate.

Leftists blather about "coming together" and then refuse to come together with Republicans against a threat trying to kill us all.

They don't hate the terrorists. They hate George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Sarah Palin, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Grover Norquist, the Koch Brothers, Sheldon Adelson, and anybody else wanting to cut taxes and kill terrorists. None of those people have ever murdered anyone.

Islamists murder Americans. Then Governor Romney criticizes President Obama for doing nothing. Liberals excoriate Romney for criticizing their demigod. For once in their miserable lives it would be nice if they hated Islamists more than Republicans

While Americans were mutilated and dehumanized, President Obama continued his campaign tour.

That is the issue. President Obama's critics will stop carping the minute he gets off his moral-high-horse and DOES SOMETHING to solve this problem.

Obama sycophants will say that he is doing something, That taking out a leader here or there by drone is doing something. That is not enough.

They seem to think that President Obama's tired platitudes are solutions. They think "No act of terror will go unpunished" has some weight to it.

Bet that the murderers will get away with it. They know Barack Obama will do nothing.

Liberals will claim that President Obama moved ships into the region. After all, he is making sure the areas are secure so this does not happen again.

That is not good enough. That means every terrorist gets one free pass. You can murder Americans once, but we will make sure you do not do so again. Hillary Clinton uses the word "reprehensible." No, what is reprehensible is that our enemies know we will make empty threats.

The very people who savage Republicans and Neocons on a nightly basis are the ones the Islamists would butcher first.

Has anyone noticed that Rachel Maddow and Anderson Cooper are not reporting from Libya? Homosexuals do not fare well under that "tolerant" ideology.

Let's see Sandra Fluke demand subsidized birth control in Egypt. She would be stoned within minutes. They don't like women, particularly uppity ones.

They are not the only names in the news that will steer clear of Libya and Egypt, amongst others. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz won't be going. She is Jewish. They would rape her and slit her throat before she could flap her Republican-hating gums.

Yet somehow too many liberals praise a president who lets Jews, gays, and women be slaughtered while lambasting a past president who stopped it.

Leftists criticize conservatives for wanting to use force, but there is no liberal solution. None. As Ambassador John Bolton says, force is a bad option and every other option is worse.

The Islamists are out of control. Leftists may try to talk us all to death, but Islamists use bombs, guns, and bullets.

It is time to never again allow "root causes" to be part of the discussion. Some people are just monsters who want the world to burn. They hate for the sake of hating. There is nothing to discuss or understand.

Leftist and Islamist rage is boring already. It's like saying water is wet.

Nobody should care that either Islamists or leftists are angry. It is time to kill Radical Islamists while we promote more free speech and more Danish cartoons. We need more liberals who think they are hip and edgy when bashing Christianity to show some bravery and take on Radical Islam.

If leftists can show a cross in urine, then surely they can take a portrait of a dead Islamist wrapped in bacon.

Yeah, I'm angry. I don't like Americans being murdered.

Some say we cannot kill every Islamist. How do we know until we try? Yes we can, yes we should, and yes we absolutely must obliterate Islamofascists from this earth. Collateral damage is unfortunate, but must not be a deterrent ever again.

The future of civilization is at stake.
Appeasment my ass.

Our Marine embassy guards should shoot to kill.

Thats the only language these dirtbags understand.
This country will NOT fight your dreamed of christain crusade against the Muslim religion.

Your war mongering days are done.

go to the hell of your choice
This country will NOT fight your dreamed of christain crusade against the Muslim religion.

Your war mongering days are done.

go to the hell of your choice

So when Obama lobes predator missiles into these same countries then we can now assume he is fighting YOUR war against Islam? Certainly is what you are saying. Obama's war is why we have dead Ambassadors there is no other scape goat. I would say that the buck stops with him but considering his fiscal policy I have to say the 10 dollar bill stops with him. (that was an inflation joke)
Appeasment my ass.

Our Marine embassy guards should shoot to kill.

Thats the only language these dirtbags understand.

It is only a rumor but I heard they yelled bang as loud as they could with their empty weapons.
Freedom is worth fighting for and being bigoted against a religion like Islam is a must. Sometimes you have to fight and stand up against evil or it will destroy everything we hold dear.

I am not sure that the word bigoted is right. I don't believe we can be bigoted against murderers, theives, and the like. To be bigoted means we have an unjustified fear of their religion which is not true, we fear what they do with that religion.
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But it's such a peaceful religion?

and they will kill you to prove it.

also notice how the libs quake before the muslims and dont want anyone inciting them, but if muslims are burning the flag, they seem them as patriots.
This country will NOT fight your dreamed of christain crusade against the Muslim religion.

Your war mongering days are done.

go to the hell of your choice

Wake up TM. No one wants to fight radical Muslims. And if they left us alone, we wouldn't care what they thought or did. But They are at war with us. Doesnt matter if we are Christian, secular, jewish, whatever, we are a threat to their political ambitions, therefore we must be stopped in their eyes. This war happens whether we want to fight or not, the only difference is one choice leads to death. and the other gives us a shot at survival.
This country will NOT fight your dreamed of christain crusade against the Muslim religion.

Your war mongering days are done.

go to the hell of your choice

Hey shit for brains. Your the only one thinking about a christian crusade.

God your a moron.
Stevens likely died of smoke inhalation from fire started by grenade...
Libyan attacks said to be 2-part militant assault
Sep 13,`12 -- The attack that killed four Americans in Libya, including the U.S. ambassador, was an organized two-part operation by heavily armed militants that included a precisely timed raid on a supposedly secret safe house just as Libyan and U.S. security forces were arriving to rescue evacuated consulate staff, a senior Libyan security official said on Thursday.
Wanis el-Sharef, eastern Libya's deputy interior minister, said the attacks Tuesday night were suspected to have been timed to mark the 9/11 anniversary and that the militants used civilians protesting an anti-Islam film as cover for their action. Infiltrators within the security forces may have tipped off militants to the safe house location, he said. He said an unspecified number of militants suspected of taking part in the attack have been arrested and that others were being closely monitored by police to see whether they are linked to a group. He refused to elaborate.

Ambassador Chris Stevens and another American were killed in the consulate during the initial violence, as plainclothes Libyan security were evacuating the consulate's staff to the safe house about a mile away, el-Sharef said. The second assault took place several hours later and targeted the safe house - a villa inside the grounds of the city's equestrian club - killing two Americans and wounding a number of Libyans and Americans. El-Sharef, who was running the Interior Ministry's operations room commanding security forces in the city, gave The Associated Press an account of the night's chaotic events.

The crowd built at the consulate - a one-story villa surrounded by a large garden in an upscale Benghazi neighborhood - in several stages, he said. First, a small group of gunmen arrived, then a crowd of civilians angry over the film. Later, heavily armed men with armored vehicles, some with rocket-propelled grenades, joined, swelling the numbers to more than 200. The gunmen fired into the air outside the consulate. Libyan security guarding the site pulled out because they were too few. "We thought there was no way for the protesters to storm the compound, which had fortified walls," he said. El-Sharef said Libyan security advised the Americans to evacuate at that point, but he says the advice was ignored. There was shooting in the air from inside the consulate compound, he said.

At this point, he said, the crowd stormed the compound. The consulate was looted and burned, while plainclothes security men were sent to evacuate the personnel. Stevens, he said, is likely to have died of asphyxiation following a grenade explosion that started a fire, el-Sharef said. Ziad Abu Zeid, a Libyan doctor to whom Stevens' body was taken, told The Associated Press on Wednesday that the 52-year-old Stevens died of asphyxiation.


The best way to limit the strength of extremists in any country, any religion, including our own, is to highlight the moderates, amplify their voices, and marginalize the extremists, depriving them of the media distortion of their numbers, their strength, and the implied solidarity with their countrymen. In this, the truth is on our side.
The latest from a real news organization.

Video shows Libyans helping rescue US ambassador after attack | Reuters

The video, which appeared on the internet and a copy of which was obtained by Reuters in Benghazi, confirms reports that suggested the U.S. envoy died of asphyxiation after the building caught fire.

The footage also sheds new light on the circumstances of the ambassador's death, apparently showing for the first time that some of the people who forced their way into the U.S. compound later tried to rescue Stevens after they found him lying alone, with no security detail, in one of the rooms in the building.
Sad for the man and his family

of course Papa Obama's tweeter was
tweeting to buy shirts at the time the coffins
were coming home

He cares so much
But it's such a peaceful religion?

It drives some people nuts that Romney is a Mormon but they don't have a problem
with Islam...

Romney a Mormon Dems have a problem with that.
Harry Reid is a Mormon..Dems love him...

Romney doesn't storm embassies and kill our people...Dems hate him..
People of Islam storm our embassy kill our people...Dems love them.

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