Amazon needs complete automation


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
When you consider the following...
  • This is no way to treat employees
  • This will eventually lead to labor unionizing and/or government regulations
  • Amazon (like all corporations) is under tremendous pressure to increase profits from share holders
  • This is a public relations nightmare
...Amazon needs to automate their entire operations. They have the capital to invest in the R&D necessary and it would eliminate every challenge they currently face with their operations. Eliminating the labor costs would make their share holders happy, not mistreating people would make the public happy, and being able to run 24x7 at maximum output would make their customers happy.

Undercover reporter reveals ‘brutal’ working conditions at Amazon
When you consider the following...
  • This is no way to treat employees
  • This will eventually lead to labor unionizing and/or government regulations
  • Amazon (like all corporations) is under tremendous pressure to increase profits from share holders
  • This is a public relations nightmare
...Amazon needs to automate their entire operations. They have the capital to invest in the R&D necessary and it would eliminate every challenge they currently face with their operations. Eliminating the labor costs would make their share holders happy, not mistreating people would make the public happy, and being able to run 24x7 at maximum output would make their customers happy.

Undercover reporter reveals ‘brutal’ working conditions at Amazon

But Jeff Bezos is a far left democrat, he CARES about people and hates Trump, this can't be true... :eusa_whistle:
When you consider the following...
  • This is no way to treat employees
  • This will eventually lead to labor unionizing and/or government regulations
  • Amazon (like all corporations) is under tremendous pressure to increase profits from share holders
  • This is a public relations nightmare
...Amazon needs to automate their entire operations. They have the capital to invest in the R&D necessary and it would eliminate every challenge they currently face with their operations. Eliminating the labor costs would make their share holders happy, not mistreating people would make the public happy, and being able to run 24x7 at maximum output would make their customers happy.

Undercover reporter reveals ‘brutal’ working conditions at Amazon

Trump's tax plan includes a huge boost to automation. Congratulations.
My solution is the basic income that will be paid for by an basic income tax on all corporations.

They can automate but the humans will get to eat and housing.

They already have that in Venezuela. It's working out swell, Matty. You should move. Sell your XBox and the weed you have left, leave tonight. :thup:
Venezuela doesn't have total automation for all their jobs. So they don't have that.
Call me crazy but I think Amazon will go bust.....maybe not now but sooner or later shoppers are going back to brick and is hot now but everything fizzles out.....look at eBay
Big fat lib isnt he........oh as I say not as I do....why arent libs boycotting him
When you consider the following...
  • This is no way to treat employees
  • This will eventually lead to labor unionizing and/or government regulations
  • Amazon (like all corporations) is under tremendous pressure to increase profits from share holders
  • This is a public relations nightmare
...Amazon needs to automate their entire operations. They have the capital to invest in the R&D necessary and it would eliminate every challenge they currently face with their operations. Eliminating the labor costs would make their share holders happy, not mistreating people would make the public happy, and being able to run 24x7 at maximum output would make their customers happy.

Undercover reporter reveals ‘brutal’ working conditions at Amazon

Automation requires workers to deal with the machines. They earn more money.

The skills of the future that US kids aren't being trained in.
You see conservatives don't give two damns about the workers or the humans...

They're anti-life and they intentionally believe that everyone that isn't rich should be a serf.
Ironically is the left-wing policies that Matty demands which guarantees that everyone becomes a serf.
My solution is the basic income that will be paid for by an basic income tax on all corporations. They can automate but the humans will get to eat and housing.
“Basic income” will not be necessary by the time we get to that point. Technology will do everything for humans (build structures, farm, provide healthcare, etc.). Currency will become unnecessary.
When you consider the following...
  • This is no way to treat employees
  • This will eventually lead to labor unionizing and/or government regulations
  • Amazon (like all corporations) is under tremendous pressure to increase profits from share holders
  • This is a public relations nightmare
...Amazon needs to automate their entire operations. They have the capital to invest in the R&D necessary and it would eliminate every challenge they currently face with their operations. Eliminating the labor costs would make their share holders happy, not mistreating people would make the public happy, and being able to run 24x7 at maximum output would make their customers happy.

Undercover reporter reveals ‘brutal’ working conditions at Amazon

"Waaaah, working in an Amazon factory is hell, I'm so depressed, they should pay us more!"

"Waaaah, they're replacing our jobs with robots!"

"Waaaah, fight for $15!"

This is exactly what we said it would happen. How long til your low income low skill job gets replaced by robots? Seems like only a matter of time.

When you consider the following...
  • This is no way to treat employees
  • This will eventually lead to labor unionizing and/or government regulations
  • Amazon (like all corporations) is under tremendous pressure to increase profits from share holders
  • This is a public relations nightmare
...Amazon needs to automate their entire operations. They have the capital to invest in the R&D necessary and it would eliminate every challenge they currently face with their operations. Eliminating the labor costs would make their share holders happy, not mistreating people would make the public happy, and being able to run 24x7 at maximum output would make their customers happy.

Undercover reporter reveals ‘brutal’ working conditions at Amazon

"Waaaah, working in an Amazon factory is hell, I'm so depressed, they should pay us more!"

"Waaaah, they're replacing our jobs with robots!"

"Waaaah, fight for $15!"

This is exactly what we said it would happen. How long til your low income low skill job gets replaced by robots? Seems like only a matter of time.

View attachment 260769
Tax those who automate what it takes to pay unemployment for those who don't have jobs.
When you consider the following...
  • This is no way to treat employees
  • This will eventually lead to labor unionizing and/or government regulations
  • Amazon (like all corporations) is under tremendous pressure to increase profits from share holders
  • This is a public relations nightmare
...Amazon needs to automate their entire operations. They have the capital to invest in the R&D necessary and it would eliminate every challenge they currently face with their operations. Eliminating the labor costs would make their share holders happy, not mistreating people would make the public happy, and being able to run 24x7 at maximum output would make their customers happy.

Undercover reporter reveals ‘brutal’ working conditions at Amazon

"Waaaah, working in an Amazon factory is hell, I'm so depressed, they should pay us more!"

"Waaaah, they're replacing our jobs with robots!"

"Waaaah, fight for $15!"

This is exactly what we said it would happen. How long til your low income low skill job gets replaced by robots? Seems like only a matter of time.

View attachment 260769
Tax those who automate what it takes to pay unemployment for those who don't have jobs.

We as a society have to come to grips with the FACT that the world is changing. Low skilled, menial labor is no longer needed. Importing third world peasants to "do the dirty jobs," is utter stupidity. I 20 years automation will do ALL fruit picking, all lettuce harvesting, all packaging, all of these jobs.

We have to change the paradigm of our economy - ALL immigration should be halted.

Until we know how to restructure, bringing in more unskilled labor is literally insane.

We cannot simply transfer ALL wealth to Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerburg, we have to revamp how a world of robots works in the world of man.

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