amazing how people picking the broncos to win forget these facts


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
I have posted this over a hundred times on other threads but it goes ignored getting lost in the shuffle everytime so i figured the only way it will be talked about is if i create a thread about it.

the thing that amazes me is about the people picking the donkeys to win is how the last time Manning faced a defense anything similiar to what the Hawks D is like was the AFC divisonal round game against the ravens in denver last year which if I remember correctly,they lost didnt they?lol

Had that game been played on a neautral field,the Ravens would have blown the donkeys out in that game.The Ravens offense was playing with hangcuffs on that day just as all teams that face the donkeys have to when they play them in denver having to deal withat that crazy noisy crowd that the ravens could not audible at the line of scrimmage and the players could not hear the snap count and then of course that thin mile high air they are not used to.

The Ravens had those handicaps they had to deal with in that game,you have that game played on a a neautral field where there is no home field advantage,the Ravens blow that game out wide upen.

they cant use this years Ravens team and defense either to talk about beating in the year as a comparison since this ravens team was a completely totally different team than last years with 11 new starters on both sides of the ball with key players that provided leadership gone this year.

The there is the fact that the one team that beat them in Denver this year the chargers,dominated them on the line of scrimmage controllig the clock with their physical play.They did the first time in san diego as well knocking hima round after releasing the ball.they lost the first time cause of key turnovers on offense.

they did not make those mistakes the second time around which is why they won.

It took the donkeys "three" time to figure out their physical play.:lmao:

they wont have that luxary this time.

also they have no answers for these facts below.

.the donkeys have way too many key injurys where the Hawks are healthy.

2.The donkeys only had an avergae running game to begind with.Now with Moreno hurt,they have NO running game whatsoever and that fearsome defense the Hawks have, will be able to pin their ears back and rush Manning all day long putting him on his backside making him eat dirt the whole day.the donkeys will be one dimisional having to rely on the passing game which wont happen.The Hawks have shut down far more talented recievers than what the donkeys have in bolden and crabtree of the niners and many others the whole year.

3.compared to the niners defense,the 2nd best defense in the league after the Hawks,the donkeys defense is swiss cheese and wilson will feel like he is in heaven having a field day against them.Lynch will tear up that defense with his running seeing much bigger holes than what he saw against the niners who could not contain him in the second half.

4.The donkeys dont have a physical defense anything like the niners do that the Hawks were able to overcome.

5.Manning has not seen a defense ANYTHING like what the seahawks have all year long.He will have nightmares after this game after having to eat dirt all day long.

6.the hawks pass rush wont have to worry about containing a scrmbling quarterback this time like they did with kapernick who ran down the field and set up a touchdown for them which is why the game was close.

7.The chargers,the one team that beat them this year in denver.In both regular season games they controlled the time of possesion and knocked manning around repeatedly.He was limping off the field at the end of the game from a hit.

They made a couple of critical mistakes on offense that cost them the game in the first game against them in san diego.The second time they avoided those mistakes and beat them controlling the clock with their running game and controlling the line of scrimmage on both sides.

Their running game ran through that swiss cheese defense of the donkeys carving it up big time!!! Imiagine what Lynch and that great running game of the Hawks will do to it.hee hee. it took the donkeys 3 times before they were able to figure out how to beat the chargers while at the same time keeping them from knocking Manning around to the ground which is what they did in the first game even though they lost and even in that playoff victory against them,they just BARELY beat them by a touchdown when the chargers,a medicore football team,was able to score two touchdowns late in the fourth quarter to make it interesting.

the seahawks running game started slow in the first half against the much more physical defense of the niners,but then in the second half,the holes opened up and they got the running game going.the niners have the second best defense in the league and they figured them out.think that swiss cheese defense of the donkeys wont get torn up for big yards on the runnign game? better think again and join reality.that defense is in the minor leagues compared to the niner defense.

the REAL superbowl was played between the niners and Hawks the two best teams in the NFL. I was telling all my friends that the team that won the NFC was the team that would win the superbowl.
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I notice all the donkeys fans here evaded this thread over the weekend refusing to try and counter my facts.:lmao:

they obviously saw this and after reading it,knew it was going to be a long day for the donkeys so they did not try and refute these facts.:lmao:
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it sure is fun bringing back these threads to rub it in. I notice how there were over 200 views to it and after reading those facts,they could not come back to admit they were crazy and foolish to pick the donkeys.:lol:
love how they keep evading this thread the donkey pickers.hee hee
I notice all the donkeys fans here evaded this thread over the weekend refusing to try and counter my facts.:lmao:

they obviously saw this and after reading it,knew it was going to be a long day for the donkeys so they did not try and refute these facts.:lmao:

You were completely wrong about Lynch. He got only 42 yards in the Super Bowl.

Holding Beast-mode to 42 yards is a definite win for the Broncos. So if Marshawn barely put a dent in the Denver defense it begs the question???

Who put up the 43 points????

Surely not that runt QB for the Hawks... :lol:
Also add that the donkeys were not that good when they were on the road

When they were not in Denver it was a different team

Prime example, blowing a 24-0 lead at the halftime in New England
I notice all the donkeys fans here evaded this thread over the weekend refusing to try and counter my facts.:lmao:

they obviously saw this and after reading it,knew it was going to be a long day for the donkeys so they did not try and refute these facts.:lmao:

You were completely wrong about Lynch. He got only 42 yards in the Super Bowl.

Holding Beast-mode to 42 yards is a definite win for the Broncos. So if Marshawn barely put a dent in the Denver defense it begs the question???

Who put up the 43 points????

Surely not that runt QB for the Hawks... :lol:

yeah surely not him?:D
Also add that the donkeys were not that good when they were on the road

When they were not in Denver it was a different team

Prime example, blowing a 24-0 lead at the halftime in New England

I know,thats why when i saw all these people picking the donkeys i was like-what the hell?:cuckoo: how people can possibly pick a team that blows a 24-0 lead at halftime,gives up 48 points to a pathetic dallas team,and looks sloppy against a charger team at HOME no less during the final month of the season when your a team shooting for the superbowl,how anybody could pick a team like that to win was beyond me.:cuckoo:

I tried explaining if they couldnt handle a physical team like the chargers defense at home no less in that monday night loss,how did they expect them to handle a defense like the seahawks that are even far more physical than the chargers?:cuckoo: it all just went through one ear andout the other with them though.

oh and what really cracked me up about their blind faith on the donkeys was if you look at their last 2 or 3 games of the year,they just barely beat some crappy teams liek the raiders and texans by scores of like 21 to 7.thats hardly blowing out crappy teams.with two crappy teams like that,they should have been piling up the numbers with scores like at least 35 to 10 or soemthing at LEAST.:lol:
I have posted this over a hundred times on other threads but it goes ignored getting lost in the shuffle everytime so i figured the only way it will be talked about is if i create a thread about it.

the thing that amazes me is about the people picking the donkeys to win is how the last time Manning faced a defense anything similiar to what the Hawks D is like was the AFC divisonal round game against the ravens in denver last year which if I remember correctly,they lost didnt they?lol

Had that game been played on a neautral field,the Ravens would have blown the donkeys out in that game.The Ravens offense was playing with hangcuffs on that day just as all teams that face the donkeys have to when they play them in denver having to deal withat that crazy noisy crowd that the ravens could not audible at the line of scrimmage and the players could not hear the snap count and then of course that thin mile high air they are not used to.

The Ravens had those handicaps they had to deal with in that game,you have that game played on a a neautral field where there is no home field advantage,the Ravens blow that game out wide upen.

they cant use this years Ravens team and defense either to talk about beating in the year as a comparison since this ravens team was a completely totally different team than last years with 11 new starters on both sides of the ball with key players that provided leadership gone this year.

The there is the fact that the one team that beat them in Denver this year the chargers,dominated them on the line of scrimmage controllig the clock with their physical play.They did the first time in san diego as well knocking hima round after releasing the ball.they lost the first time cause of key turnovers on offense.

they did not make those mistakes the second time around which is why they won.

It took the donkeys "three" time to figure out their physical play.:lmao:

they wont have that luxary this time.

also they have no answers for these facts below.

.the donkeys have way too many key injurys where the Hawks are healthy.

2.The donkeys only had an avergae running game to begind with.Now with Moreno hurt,they have NO running game whatsoever and that fearsome defense the Hawks have, will be able to pin their ears back and rush Manning all day long putting him on his backside making him eat dirt the whole day.the donkeys will be one dimisional having to rely on the passing game which wont happen.The Hawks have shut down far more talented recievers than what the donkeys have in bolden and crabtree of the niners and many others the whole year.

3.compared to the niners defense,the 2nd best defense in the league after the Hawks,the donkeys defense is swiss cheese and wilson will feel like he is in heaven having a field day against them.Lynch will tear up that defense with his running seeing much bigger holes than what he saw against the niners who could not contain him in the second half.

4.The donkeys dont have a physical defense anything like the niners do that the Hawks were able to overcome.

5.Manning has not seen a defense ANYTHING like what the seahawks have all year long.He will have nightmares after this game after having to eat dirt all day long.

6.the hawks pass rush wont have to worry about containing a scrmbling quarterback this time like they did with kapernick who ran down the field and set up a touchdown for them which is why the game was close.

7.The chargers,the one team that beat them this year in denver.In both regular season games they controlled the time of possesion and knocked manning around repeatedly.He was limping off the field at the end of the game from a hit.

They made a couple of critical mistakes on offense that cost them the game in the first game against them in san diego.The second time they avoided those mistakes and beat them controlling the clock with their running game and controlling the line of scrimmage on both sides.

Their running game ran through that swiss cheese defense of the donkeys carving it up big time!!! Imiagine what Lynch and that great running game of the Hawks will do to it.hee hee. it took the donkeys 3 times before they were able to figure out how to beat the chargers while at the same time keeping them from knocking Manning around to the ground which is what they did in the first game even though they lost and even in that playoff victory against them,they just BARELY beat them by a touchdown when the chargers,a medicore football team,was able to score two touchdowns late in the fourth quarter to make it interesting.

the seahawks running game started slow in the first half against the much more physical defense of the niners,but then in the second half,the holes opened up and they got the running game going.the niners have the second best defense in the league and they figured them out.think that swiss cheese defense of the donkeys wont get torn up for big yards on the runnign game? better think again and join reality.that defense is in the minor leagues compared to the niner defense.

the REAL superbowl was played between the niners and Hawks the two best teams in the NFL. I was telling all my friends that the team that won the NFC was the team that would win the superbowl.

The Bronco's clearly need to improve their team, based on last year, before they will win a Superbowl. If the Seahawks are just as good as they were last year, the Broncos and everyone else is going to be in trouble, unless they too improved.

You have no idea who's going to win the Superbowl at this point. You can speculate but you don't even know if your pick is going to be healthy come playoffs. Or if they will even make the playoffs. Who knew the Seahawks were that good? Not a lot of talking heads called it Most people think Manning was going to win his 2nd Superbowl. It was great to see them kick his ass and spoil his story book life/career.

Look how the Giants went from winning to sucking. Who knows what's going to happen this year. Football is the best!

I hear the Seahawks have a good chance of doing it again but would you bet $1000 on it? Even at 10 to 1, would you bet $1000 today? I wouldn't.

Lets not forget, like Lebron, Payton failing is going to the Superbowl and losing. The Detroit Lions would love to be failures like him.
I have posted this over a hundred times on other threads but it goes ignored getting lost in the shuffle everytime so i figured the only way it will be talked about is if i create a thread about it.

the thing that amazes me is about the people picking the donkeys to win is how the last time Manning faced a defense anything similiar to what the Hawks D is like was the AFC divisonal round game against the ravens in denver last year which if I remember correctly,they lost didnt they?lol

Had that game been played on a neautral field,the Ravens would have blown the donkeys out in that game.The Ravens offense was playing with hangcuffs on that day just as all teams that face the donkeys have to when they play them in denver having to deal withat that crazy noisy crowd that the ravens could not audible at the line of scrimmage and the players could not hear the snap count and then of course that thin mile high air they are not used to.

The Ravens had those handicaps they had to deal with in that game,you have that game played on a a neautral field where there is no home field advantage,the Ravens blow that game out wide upen.

they cant use this years Ravens team and defense either to talk about beating in the year as a comparison since this ravens team was a completely totally different team than last years with 11 new starters on both sides of the ball with key players that provided leadership gone this year.

The there is the fact that the one team that beat them in Denver this year the chargers,dominated them on the line of scrimmage controllig the clock with their physical play.They did the first time in san diego as well knocking hima round after releasing the ball.they lost the first time cause of key turnovers on offense.

they did not make those mistakes the second time around which is why they won.

It took the donkeys "three" time to figure out their physical play.:lmao:

they wont have that luxary this time.

also they have no answers for these facts below.

.the donkeys have way too many key injurys where the Hawks are healthy.

2.The donkeys only had an avergae running game to begind with.Now with Moreno hurt,they have NO running game whatsoever and that fearsome defense the Hawks have, will be able to pin their ears back and rush Manning all day long putting him on his backside making him eat dirt the whole day.the donkeys will be one dimisional having to rely on the passing game which wont happen.The Hawks have shut down far more talented recievers than what the donkeys have in bolden and crabtree of the niners and many others the whole year.

3.compared to the niners defense,the 2nd best defense in the league after the Hawks,the donkeys defense is swiss cheese and wilson will feel like he is in heaven having a field day against them.Lynch will tear up that defense with his running seeing much bigger holes than what he saw against the niners who could not contain him in the second half.

4.The donkeys dont have a physical defense anything like the niners do that the Hawks were able to overcome.

5.Manning has not seen a defense ANYTHING like what the seahawks have all year long.He will have nightmares after this game after having to eat dirt all day long.

6.the hawks pass rush wont have to worry about containing a scrmbling quarterback this time like they did with kapernick who ran down the field and set up a touchdown for them which is why the game was close.

7.The chargers,the one team that beat them this year in denver.In both regular season games they controlled the time of possesion and knocked manning around repeatedly.He was limping off the field at the end of the game from a hit.

They made a couple of critical mistakes on offense that cost them the game in the first game against them in san diego.The second time they avoided those mistakes and beat them controlling the clock with their running game and controlling the line of scrimmage on both sides.

Their running game ran through that swiss cheese defense of the donkeys carving it up big time!!! Imiagine what Lynch and that great running game of the Hawks will do to it.hee hee. it took the donkeys 3 times before they were able to figure out how to beat the chargers while at the same time keeping them from knocking Manning around to the ground which is what they did in the first game even though they lost and even in that playoff victory against them,they just BARELY beat them by a touchdown when the chargers,a medicore football team,was able to score two touchdowns late in the fourth quarter to make it interesting.

the seahawks running game started slow in the first half against the much more physical defense of the niners,but then in the second half,the holes opened up and they got the running game going.the niners have the second best defense in the league and they figured them out.think that swiss cheese defense of the donkeys wont get torn up for big yards on the runnign game? better think again and join reality.that defense is in the minor leagues compared to the niner defense.

the REAL superbowl was played between the niners and Hawks the two best teams in the NFL. I was telling all my friends that the team that won the NFC was the team that would win the superbowl.

The Bronco's clearly need to improve their team, based on last year, before they will win a Superbowl. If the Seahawks are just as good as they were last year, the Broncos and everyone else is going to be in trouble, unless they too improved.

You have no idea who's going to win the Superbowl at this point. You can speculate but you don't even know if your pick is going to be healthy come playoffs. Or if they will even make the playoffs. Who knew the Seahawks were that good? Not a lot of talking heads called it Most people think Manning was going to win his 2nd Superbowl. It was great to see them kick his ass and spoil his story book life/career.

Look how the Giants went from winning to sucking. Who knows what's going to happen this year. Football is the best!

I hear the Seahawks have a good chance of doing it again but would you bet $1000 on it? Even at 10 to 1, would you bet $1000 today? I wouldn't.

Lets not forget, like Lebron, Payton failing is going to the Superbowl and losing. The Detroit Lions would love to be failures like him.

see thats WHY you were a fool to actually believe last year the donkeys were going to win.Not only does manning choke in big games against top notch competetion at the most criticial moments but i tried to spell it out back then to donkeys fans they were fools to pick them because the seahawks had all their starters healthy where the donkeys has key starters banged up and hurt,a major disadvantage right there that just went right one ear and out the other of the donkey pickers.:cuckoo:

had the donkeys had all their starters healthy,it might have been a closer game but when you have key starters hurt like they did and the seahawks are all healthy? it doesnt take a genius to see the seahawks would blow them out.:cuckoo: there sure were a lot of naive donkey predicters like you who obviously just wanted to see manning get a ring.thats the only thing i can think how you guys could have been so ignorant and not seen those facts because you guys sure were not being objective.:lol:

maybe THIS year you have finally learned your lesson when i say the REAL superbowl is the NFC game.:D i kept trying to spell it out that those two teams were the best two teams in the league and that winner would win the superbowl.:cuckoo:

back then i would have bet any kind of money on the seahawks winning because of those facts.i won $500.00 on that game matter of fact. But thats comparing apples and oranges asking would i bet a $1000.00 on them repeating this year because while i think they have an excellent chance and probably will,you never know,it all depends on if they stay away from key injurys.that all plays a role is injurys.

The hawks got healthy at the right time last year so it was a no brainer they would beat the donkeys,the only one i had doubts about on is if they would beat the niners since they are a lot like them,very physical.

as long as the seahawks stay away from multiple key injurys,i see them being unstoppable this year.
Manning had Baltimore beat, didn't defense give away 2 late TDs .

manning had them beat? yeah he had them beat,thats why he threw an interception in overtime costing the donkeys that game.:lol::lol::D:lmao::lmao: Never said the donkeys defense played well.what i did say and I just repeated was manning threw that interception having a meltdown at the worst possible time just like he did in the superbowl against the saints.:lol::lmao:
Manning had Baltimore beat, didn't defense give away 2 late TDs .

manning had them beat? yeah he had them beat,thats why he threw an interception in overtime costing the donkeys that game.:lol::lol::D:lmao::lmao: Never said the donkeys defense played well.what i did say and I just repeated was manning threw that interception having a meltdown at the worst possible time just like he did in the superbowl against the saints.:lol::lmao:

It pains me to say it but yes they had them beat
Looks like its time to bring this thread back to the top again the entertainment i got back

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