" always In and always Bad "


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Says the redneck farmer wearing his bib overals.Or many,
Stephen King playing Jordy Verrill in - Creepshow - the original
and best overing." The Crate " being my favorite.
So what if the public started voting { going to the polls }
in Bib Overalls.Like how many did in days of old.Or the
Decade of the Dusters { The Dust Bowl 1930's }.
Used to be a person could be best understood by his
apparel.All those except Donald Trump,inarguably.
But those who wear faded blue bib overalls kinda give the
farm away.They aren't drug dealers,or fast talking used car salesman,
or card shark poker players.All except - The Cincinnati Kid -
played down to earth by Steve McQueen.And his opponent
Lancy Howard { Dressed like a world class diplomat } and just
as slick a card player as both today's used car salesman and
typical Politician.So I'm not sure where LuCk enters into the
equation.Certainly not in the Ring { the dreaded Kickboxing
Octagon }.Or what should be the voting booth.
But stranger things in Life and the United States have taken place.
" They Stole it fair and square " said Nixon's adviser Murray Chotiner.
The trick of course { in Life generally } is to make sure and feed the
chickens on a daily basis { keep the Foxes away } and make sure to
the slop the Hogs,as well.
However Today kids aren't interested in that.Lest of which wearing
bib overalls.I wonder if Stephen King breaks out the faded blue bib
overalls he wore in his _ Creepshow _ entry.For inspiration as he
drums up his ever stupendous imagination to be read,by his throngs.
I see where he's still fairly rigid in his politics.
Talk about nonsense run amuck. " The raincoats are classic without
any nonsense. " -- New Yorker
Now That's Entertainment.
New York and new Yorkers are about as no nonsense as
as Alan Arkin was in - Wait Until Dark - { 1967 } a very chilling
and dark suspense movie { both the visuals and soundtrack }.
I wonder if the polls stay open past dark in Scarsdale,Ny.
Roat : " They were awful amateurs,and that's why you saw
through them ".
Maybe wearing bib overalls when going out to vote could help.
I mean,why not.
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