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Stumper # 8 for the LIBTARDS...conservatives waiting in the weeds. Come on boys...we need a suggestion or two. OBABBLE is waiting.
Stumper # 8 for the LIBTARDS...conservatives waiting in the weeds. Come on boys...we need a suggestion or two. OBABBLE is waiting.

You just can't help but be an ignorant asshole.You started a troll thread so here it is right back atcha:

My bigger concern is how do we clean out the damn RWs who want to take this country down?
Let me make it a multiple choice question

A. The vaunted valiant and recently vanquished iraq army
B. The yet to be armed Peshmerga forces...tired and hungry
C. The unprecedented coalition...yet to commit troops
D. The Red Cross
E. Doctors without borders
F. Community organizers from Chicago.
The only way we take these cities is with ground forces. They are using the standard Human Shield tactic.

We cannot expect Iraqi troops to do the job because they are a joke.

So, it's shit or get off the pot time in Reality. But the current administration is out of touch with that.

The real question is it worth it? Especially when the Iraqi's tucked tail and ran even with superior numbers.
Reports just now that ISIS has taken control of an Iraqi military base. Dan pfeiffer babbling excuses on CNN.

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