Already a record, Obama frees even more drug dealers. But don’t worry, he’ll be safe


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Using his well-honed Barack-knows-best attitude, the president has overruled yet more federal judges, prosecutors and juries, commuting the prison sentences of 98 additional drug dealers.

This brings to 872 the number of commutations the Democrat has granted, 688 of them this year alone, a record. More than 200 of these individuals were originally sent away for life by the nation’s legal system. Many of their crimes involved firearms.

In President Obama's 1st year in office his administration handed over thousands og automatic weapons and hand grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels, resulting in the deaths of over 500 innocent people - to include 4 Americans, no convictions, one Attorney General protected from indictment/prosecution from Perjury, and a scandal that is still going on almost 8 years later.

Now, in his final days as President Barry releases another 688 DRUG DEALERS...not drug USERS.

"The growing early-release figure for Obama, who has admitted his own past drug use, is already larger than the last 11 presidents combined, according to a boastful White House lawyer. And with 84 days remaining on his Oval Office lease, the Chicagoan claims he is far from done. Two years ago he vowed to release 10,000 felons before leaving office."

"Now, not to worry. Obama will be in no danger, even with upwards of a thousand hardened prisoners and drug dealers released back out on the nation’s streets. The former president has armed bodyguards for life, even if he never returns to his own home on Chicago’s gun-ridden South Side.

The rest of us are on your own."

Barak Obama, the best friend / President a Mexican Drug Cartel, Drug Dealer, Human Trafficker, Illegal, Isis Refugee, and terrorist ever had!

Already a record, Obama frees even more drug dealers. But don’t worry, he’ll be safe - Hot Air

'Narcissist And Chief'
Yeah, god knows we don't have enough folks incarcerated. By the way op, your source, very appropriately named.
I wont complain.

Drug dealers should not be in prison.

Drug DEALERS of hard drugs (meaning not pot dealers) are usually immoral narcissistic people. Most commit other immoral acts and crimes, such as assault, robbery, intimidation, rape, forced prostitution, statutory rape etc.

They prey on the weak and actively destroy communities, families and lives!

I am sympathetic to users but DEALERS? Nope most are scum.
Doesn't change the fact, Lumpy.

I have no problem releasing recreational drug USERS, but drug DEALERS need to be off the streets. Don't want them in jail? Fine - put them to death. They are selling potential death and destroy lives, so charge them with murder.
Yeah, god knows we don't have enough folks incarcerated. By the way op, your source, very appropriately named.
I'm okay with releasing druggies..

If we keep all the criminals who steal, assault, abuse and murder permanently behind bars.

Fair trade.
I wont complain.

Drug dealers should not be in prison.

Drug DEALERS of hard drugs (meaning not pot dealers) are usually immoral narcissistic people. Most commit other immoral acts and crimes, such as assault, robbery, intimidation, rape, forced prostitution, statutory rape etc.

They prey on the weak and actively destroy communities, families and lives!

I am sympathetic to users but DEALERS? Nope most are scum.

Our entire political and economic systems prey upon the weak, c'mon now.
Yeah, god knows we don't have enough folks incarcerated. By the way op, your source, very appropriately named.

I am not against a President pardoning people. In most cases they should be released.

Nonviolent drug offenders have no business in prison, but hey, we've returned to profit from bondage and with privatized prisons, corporations have access to free labor.
Doesn't change the fact, Lumpy.

I have no problem releasing recreational drug USERS, but drug DEALERS need to be off the streets.

Why, because you are against private enterprise?

They are selling potential death and destroy lives, so charge them with murder.

Except using recreational drugs is a completely optional and voluntary decision.

If you want drug dealers off the streets, then educate others on the positive effects of a drug free lifestyle.
Doesn't change the fact, Lumpy.

I have no problem releasing recreational drug USERS, but drug DEALERS need to be off the streets.

Why, because you are against private enterprise?

They are selling potential death and destroy lives, so charge them with murder.

Except using recreational drugs is a completely optional and voluntary decision.

If you want drug dealers off the streets, then educate others on the positive effects of a drug free lifestyle.

Righties don't bleeve' in ed-jama-cation if'n it's gonna' cost them in taxes.
Righties don't bleeve' in ed-jama-cation if'n it's gonna' cost them in taxes.

Actually, what we believe is that many Catholic schools and other schools do a much better job with less than half the money compared to the public education, which is a Democratic Party honeypot, and a very typical monopoly giving its customers terrible service and charging too much. The solution is free market vouchers to give poor kids a chance to go to the school of their choice, but blocking that to save its taxpayer funded honeypot is the uber selfish and greedy Democratic Party...

Blog: Dues, teachers, and unions that always support Democrats

The National Education Association donated 99% of its donations to the Dems in 2014
The American Federation of Teachers gave 100%

Public Education should be something other than a Democratic Party Kleptocracy screwing over America's kids to make them dumb and hence dependent on government = will vote Dem.

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