Allowable guns in the US

It's more a matter of who can be trusted with a gun. Not mentally unstable people, not known domestic abusers, obviously.
thats every member of the democrat and republican party,,

sorry that violates the 2nd amendment,,,
Lol. no it doesnt.

"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms." -- Antonin Scalia, from majority opinion District of Columbia v. Heller
yes it does,,,
just read it,,,
What is the most deadliest gun can you own in the US? Can you own a M134 Minigun to protect your property?

The deadliest gun? The one in the hands of a skilled shooter. The one you practice with the most.

I have several guns. None are particularly deadly unless I hit my target.

There are more hoops to jump thru to own a fully automatic weapon like an M134 Minigun. But as long as it was manufactured before 1986, you can jump thru the hoops and own it.

I've never understood the desire to own a full auto firearm. I've fired a few. And while it is fun, it has limited use as a defensive firearm.
if they are so useless then why does the military depend on them so much???

They have very important uses for the military. Less so for home defense.

A fully automatic rifle is not nearly as accurate as a semi auto, and is far less controllable. In a military situation, killing people around the enemy is good. In defending your home it is not. Not to mention the increased regulations of owning one, and having to submit to inspections anytime the feds wish.
I have a solution to that problem.

Repeal all gun laws. :dunno:

As for home defense, a machine gun is not a terrible choice, depending on the number of intruders, but home defense is not the intent of the right to keep and bear arms.

I need a machine gun.

My religion (Norse Pagan) demands that I die with a machine gun in my hand.
With the way the democrats are refusing to punish criminals we all need a machine gun.
It's more a matter of who can be trusted with a gun. Not mentally unstable people, not known domestic abusers, obviously.
thats every member of the democrat and republican party,,

sorry that violates the 2nd amendment,,,
Lol. no it doesnt.

"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms." -- Antonin Scalia, from majority opinion District of Columbia v. Heller
yes it does,,,
just read it,,,
Not according to SCOTUS. Take it up with them.
The deadliest gun someone can own is the illegal gun that is used to murder black people, white people, Latinos or Orientals. Law abiding citizens dont use their guns to murder...Does that help you understand, or do i need to put it into a 1st grade manner?

Most gun deaths are domestic violence... where people kill their family members or neighbors. So, um, no.
It's more a matter of who can be trusted with a gun. Not mentally unstable people, not known domestic abusers, obviously.
thats every member of the democrat and republican party,,

sorry that violates the 2nd amendment,,,
Lol. no it doesnt.

"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms." -- Antonin Scalia, from majority opinion District of Columbia v. Heller
yes it does,,,
just read it,,,
Not according to SCOTUS. Take it up with them.
they gave an opinion that can be corrected later,,,

the 2nd is written in simple english for a reason,,,
It's more a matter of who can be trusted with a gun. Not mentally unstable people, not known domestic abusers, obviously.
thats every member of the democrat and republican party,,

sorry that violates the 2nd amendment,,,
Lol. no it doesnt.

"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms."
-- Antonin Scalia, from majority opinion District of Columbia v. Heller
Who says its limited? It sure as hell isn't limited in any way in it's abundantly clear language.
You can't logically have an inferior authority putting constraints on a superior authority.
Remember each and every member of SCOTUS must swear a solemn oath of office to uphold the constitution and hold themselves subservient to it. As does every legislator, and every officer of every court in the land.
There is one and only one way to alter or limit the 2nd amendment in any way and that is by constitutional amendment done according to one of two procedures described in the constitution itself.
Remember the constitution is the law, in fact it's the supreme law of the land and supersedes all other laws and authorities in this nation. Without it we no longer have true rule of law therefore we have no nation at all. We have nothing without holding our constitution above us all.
Now either accept that or get the fuck out of my country asshole. Far too many have fought, bled, been maimed, suffered and died to uphold that ideal. In short many of us have skin in this game and we're not about to lose it sitting on any goddamn bench.
It's more a matter of who can be trusted with a gun. Not mentally unstable people, not known domestic abusers, obviously.
thats every member of the democrat and republican party,,

sorry that violates the 2nd amendment,,,
Lol. no it doesnt.

"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms." -- Antonin Scalia, from majority opinion District of Columbia v. Heller
yes it does,,,
just read it,,,
Not according to SCOTUS. Take it up with them.
I'll have you read oath of office that each and every member of SCOTUS swears. Then I'll have you read the 2nd amendment itself.
Somehow I don't recall any constitutional amendment regarding the second amendment. So as far as can be seen, it's still fully in force regardless of what some inferior authority may say.
SCOTUS is an inferior authority to the constitution period so it's of no consequence how they rule or what they say.
In fact by attempting to alter it by unconstitutional means they are in fact violating their oath of office so a case can be made that they are no longer a legitimate part of SCOTUS.
What is the most deadliest gun can you own in the US? Can you own a M134 Minigun to protect your property?

The deadliest gun? The one in the hands of a skilled shooter. The one you practice with the most.

I have several guns. None are particularly deadly unless I hit my target.

There are more hoops to jump thru to own a fully automatic weapon like an M134 Minigun. But as long as it was manufactured before 1986, you can jump thru the hoops and own it.

I've never understood the desire to own a full auto firearm. I've fired a few. And while it is fun, it has limited use as a defensive firearm.
if they are so useless then why does the military depend on them so much???

They have very important uses for the military. Less so for home defense.

A fully automatic rifle is not nearly as accurate as a semi auto, and is far less controllable. In a military situation, killing people around the enemy is good. In defending your home it is not. Not to mention the increased regulations of owning one, and having to submit to inspections anytime the feds wish.
I have a solution to that problem.

Repeal all gun laws. :dunno:

As for home defense, a machine gun is not a terrible choice, depending on the number of intruders, but home defense is not the intent of the right to keep and bear arms.

I need a machine gun.

My religion (Norse Pagan) demands that I die with a machine gun in my hand.
With the way the democrats are refusing to punish criminals we all need a machine gun.

In fact, I would go for the M134 GAU-17 “Vulcan” cannon. That'll sort them out.
What is the most deadliest gun can you own in the US? Can you own a M134 Minigun to protect your property?

The deadliest gun? The one in the hands of a skilled shooter. The one you practice with the most.

I have several guns. None are particularly deadly unless I hit my target.

There are more hoops to jump thru to own a fully automatic weapon like an M134 Minigun. But as long as it was manufactured before 1986, you can jump thru the hoops and own it.

I've never understood the desire to own a full auto firearm. I've fired a few. And while it is fun, it has limited use as a defensive firearm.
if they are so useless then why does the military depend on them so much???

They have very important uses for the military. Less so for home defense.

A fully automatic rifle is not nearly as accurate as a semi auto, and is far less controllable. In a military situation, killing people around the enemy is good. In defending your home it is not. Not to mention the increased regulations of owning one, and having to submit to inspections anytime the feds wish.
I have a solution to that problem.

Repeal all gun laws. :dunno:

As for home defense, a machine gun is not a terrible choice, depending on the number of intruders, but home defense is not the intent of the right to keep and bear arms.

I need a machine gun.

My religion (Norse Pagan) demands that I die with a machine gun in my hand.
With the way the democrats are refusing to punish criminals we all need a machine gun.

In fact, I would go for the M134 GAU-17 “Vulcan” cannon. That'll sort them out.
Why hold back? Go for the GAU 8 30mm and really ruin their whole damn day. You know the gun they pretty much build the A10 Warthog around. That gun is bigger than many small cars. And with a mix of explosive and depleted uranium ammo it's gonna mess up pretty much anything including heavy armor.
Go big or go home!
And the only thing you know for sure about a gun suicide is that the person truly wanted to die. It was not a plea for attention. If someone wants to die, they won't change their mind based solely on whether a gun is available.

Actually, quite the contrary... most people who attempt suicide and live never try it again. Guns are a nearly totally fatal method of killing ones self. SO, yes, banning guns would reduce suicide.

I haven't seen that research or evidence to support that. And just FYI, killing a neighbor is not domestic violence.


Here you go. 26% of murder victims are family and 50% are known. Only 16% are strangers.
And the only thing you know for sure about a gun suicide is that the person truly wanted to die. It was not a plea for attention. If someone wants to die, they won't change their mind based solely on whether a gun is available.

Actually, quite the contrary... most people who attempt suicide and live never try it again. Guns are a nearly totally fatal method of killing ones self. SO, yes, banning guns would reduce suicide.

I haven't seen that research or evidence to support that. And just FYI, killing a neighbor is not domestic violence.

View attachment 357946

Here you go. 26% of murder victims are family and 50% are known. Only 16% are strangers.
are you against suicide???
What is the most deadliest gun can you own in the US? Can you own a M134 Minigun to protect your property?

I had enough of guns in my youth. I'm really old, and I have a few around the house, but I'm not a gun enthusiast.

Wouldn't the deadliness of a gun depend on the purpose?

I've seen this advertised and would love to see...SOMEONE ELSE shoot one!

And the only thing you know for sure about a gun suicide is that the person truly wanted to die. It was not a plea for attention. If someone wants to die, they won't change their mind based solely on whether a gun is available.

Actually, quite the contrary... most people who attempt suicide and live never try it again. Guns are a nearly totally fatal method of killing ones self. SO, yes, banning guns would reduce suicide.

I haven't seen that research or evidence to support that. And just FYI, killing a neighbor is not domestic violence.

View attachment 357946

Here you go. 26% of murder victims are family and 50% are known. Only 16% are strangers.

That actually doesn't say anything about domestic violence. I could name plenty of cases of children killing parents, but the children did not live with them. Often it would be revenge for sexual abuse.

And knowing them adds in the gang violence aspect quite clearly too.

I called bullshit on your claim " Most gun deaths are domestic violence... where people kill their family members or neighbors.".

Now maybe you learned "new math", but 26% is not most. In fact, that means there are almost 3x as many murders that would not be family.
What is the most deadliest gun can you own in the US? Can you own a M134 Minigun to protect your property?

I had enough of guns in my youth. I'm really old, and I have a few around the house, but I'm not a gun enthusiast.

Wouldn't the deadliness of a gun depend on the purpose?

I've seen this advertised and would love to see...SOMEONE ELSE shoot one!

Yeah, I'm going to leave that pistol for someone else. I kinda like my hand....and wrist
What is the most deadliest gun can you own in the US? Can you own a M134 Minigun to protect your property?

I had enough of guns in my youth. I'm really old, and I have a few around the house, but I'm not a gun enthusiast.

Wouldn't the deadliness of a gun depend on the purpose?

I've seen this advertised and would love to see...SOMEONE ELSE shoot one!

Yeah, I'm going to leave that pistol for someone else. I kinda like my hand....and wrist

I'm with you. Obviously the guy firing the gun is very experienced, knowledgeable, and in shape. Even in my advanced age, I am still quite fond of my right hand and arm! :D
What is the most deadliest gun can you own in the US? Can you own a M134 Minigun to protect your property?

The deadliest gun? The one in the hands of a skilled shooter. The one you practice with the most.

I have several guns. None are particularly deadly unless I hit my target.

There are more hoops to jump thru to own a fully automatic weapon like an M134 Minigun. But as long as it was manufactured before 1986, you can jump thru the hoops and own it.

I've never understood the desire to own a full auto firearm. I've fired a few. And while it is fun, it has limited use as a defensive firearm.
if they are so useless then why does the military depend on them so much???

They have very important uses for the military. Less so for home defense.

A fully automatic rifle is not nearly as accurate as a semi auto, and is far less controllable. In a military situation, killing people around the enemy is good. In defending your home it is not. Not to mention the increased regulations of owning one, and having to submit to inspections anytime the feds wish.
I have a solution to that problem.

Repeal all gun laws. :dunno:

As for home defense, a machine gun is not a terrible choice, depending on the number of intruders, but home defense is not the intent of the right to keep and bear arms.

I need a machine gun.

My religion (Norse Pagan) demands that I die with a machine gun in my hand.
With the way the democrats are refusing to punish criminals we all need a machine gun.

In fact, I would go for the M134 GAU-17 “Vulcan” cannon. That'll sort them out.
Why hold back? Go for the GAU 8 30mm and really ruin their whole damn day. You know the gun they pretty much build the A10 Warthog around. That gun is bigger than many small cars. And with a mix of explosive and depleted uranium ammo it's gonna mess up pretty much anything including heavy armor.
Go big or go home!

Will it fit under my coat? Conceal carry?
Actually, quite the contrary... most people who attempt suicide and live never try it again. Guns are a nearly totally fatal method of killing ones self. SO, yes, banning guns would reduce suicide.


You must have forgotten to include your reliable source and working link supporting your allegations. Might you correct your oversight?

A strong predictor
A previous suicide attempt is among the strongest predictors of future suicide attempts.2-4 In a sample of clinically referred European adolescents, those who had attempted suicide were 3 times more likely to try again during the 1-year follow-up compared with those who had never attempted suicide .5 In addition, Harris et al 6 found that patients with a previous suicide attempt were 38 times more likely to eventually commit suicide than those with no past attempts.

You must have forgotten to include your reliable source and working link supporting your allegations. Might you correct your oversight?

All of these countries have very strict gun laws, how do you account for the FACT that they have a higher rate 100,000 people.

Russia, Belarus, South Korea, Latvia, India, Belgium, Japan, Sweden all have a higher rate of suicide.

How can that be? Isn’t Sweden the country of the “HAPPIEST” people in the world?

Shame on you! Posting lies about a subject as serious as suicide is despicable.
Born in Amarillo, Texas in 1963. I have pics of me and my daughter here, videos of me playing music PLUS I have numerous posters here that are refugees from the old Yahoo news message boards that know me.

I'm sure that your handlers spent good time setting up that profile, but you aren't fooling anyone. Your errors in language and that you don't seem to know English system measurements says a lot.

Well, let's just say that you are typical of the ugly Chicagoan that George Halas was so ashamed of that he had NFL films inject fans from other stadiums because he was embarrassed by his season ticket holders. I envision you as being that "Super Bears fan" played by Chris Farley,

Naw, I get bored with football... and the reason why Papa Bear didn't get fans was because he was too cheap to hire real talent. Which is why the Bears didn't win a super bowl until 1985...

You want a "nanny state" with a "cradle to grave" system in place because you fear failure and having to stand on your own two feet.

Most Americans want that, buddy. The problem is, they want it for themselves and not for the other guy. It's why social security and Medicare are so popular.

Given as to how the police stood down during the riots and allowed your fellow commies run amok? You only proved my assertions that people should look to their own means to protect themselves.

Yeah, here's the thing... Self-defense homicides are non-existant. Only about 200 a year. (Cops managed to kill 900 people last year and there were another 15,000 other homicides)

So the notion that you need a gun is laughable. A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy.

I listened to a documentary series today about how China became a communist country and the oppression the serfs have had to endure while being un-armed.

Really? Funny thing. the actual history. Most Chinese welcomed the Communists, it's why they are still in power today. We dumped tons of money trying to prop up "Cash-my-Check" for decades, and we still couldn't save him.

Chew on that, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie......Molon Labe, fuck face....


Guy, here's the thing, when the ATF Comes for the gun nuts, the rest of the neighborhood will cheer.. because they were scaring the children.

"I'm sure that your handlers spent good time setting up that profile, but you aren't fooling anyone. Your errors in language and that you don't seem to know English system measurements says a lot."

ROTFLMAO! You have been duped by your own stupidity and inability to think rationally even when shown proof that Floyd's death was a fraud and that the footage of him on the gurney shows that the "manni-kin" had no legs and that the coffin wasn't big enough to hold the corpse of a man that was 6'7 as it went on "tour" that was "closed casket" further driven home by the fact that Floyd's family couldn't muster up any tears. It's Sandy Hoax all over again.....throw in the (snicker) "spontaneous" riots and marches where the alleged oppressors stood down as BLM and ANTIFA funded "marchers" did a world wide "march of burn, pillage and plunder" protest where police stood down. You are a commie fuck and this all plays into the commie agenda so you are totally "on-board" with it and believe that people should not be able to defend themselves against this organized mob of marxists.

Concerning a nanny state and cradle to grave protection? You claim
"Most Americans want that, buddy. The problem is, they want it for themselves and not for the other guy. It's why social security and Medicare are so popular."

No, most Americans want the ability to fend for themselves with out this corporate entity known as "gubermint" from stealing their sweat equity that moves this fiat currency (that has no intrinsic value) and opposes a foreign owned central bank that extends credit from an empty check book account. Social Security is the ultimate Ponzi scheme and those at the bottom end up with zilch. You are too stupid it realize it. 15 percent of everything we have earned has been confiscated... half of which is by our employer and the other half by our labor. We labor for paper scrip notes that have an ever declining value because it is backed by nothing of an intrinsic value. Purchasing power declines by at least three percent every year. You are absolutely clueless which makes you the quintessential leftard.

"Really? Funny thing. the actual history. Most Chinese welcomed the Communists, it's why they are still in power today. We dumped tons of money trying to prop up "Cash-my-Check" for decades, and we still couldn't save him."

HOLY SHIT! Chinese people were starved into compliance and the Chi-coms rule by fear just like they do today and the people have no recourse because they have no ability to defend themselves and those that don't toe the "Chi-com party line" are put in hard labor camps. You would LOVE for that to happen here, wouldn't ya, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying bloated commie? Chicago is a stronghold for the commie movement and you are right on board with it, no?

"Guy, here's the thing, when the ATF Comes for the gun nuts, the rest of the neighborhood will cheer.. because they were scaring the children"

LOL! When the blue hats that represent the UN come for those that have guns? They will not real Americans helping will be a blood bath and those like yourself that cheer them will not be considered "patriots" but rather new world order commie sympathizers. I will die on my feet before I will ever kneel to them and acquiesce. You can etch that in stone, you bloated sack of commie shit.....are we clear on that???

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