All the worthless crap even right down to the candy


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
I've been cleaning out some boxes and came across a mouse. I also came across some gummy candy drops. In another box I came across a box of some flour that mice had gotten into. I tossed all the flour that was in the box even if the mice hadn't breached the bags. Thought 'well try the gummy candy' and I spit that out right away. No wonder the mice didn't even bite on the wrappers.

That all got me to wondering if they still make candy over in Creston, Iowa. Perhaps I could buy some fresh candy from their little candy store over there. So I looked it up to see if they were operating during the Covid debacle. Come to find out they closed in 2017. WTF, even the candy manufacturing is gone to China??? Sure enough. The Ferrara Candy manufacturer based out of Chicago done struck a deal with China in 2017. (so exciting they breached the chinese confectionery market they have articles out there boasting about it, hahha) I suppose if I want decent gummy candies I'll have to make my own.

The candy coming from China is as worthless as the steel China is making for all the vehicle manufactures and all of the other crap coming from there. Nation wide there is a glut of crap that goes to the dump shortly after the consumer uses that credit card to buy it all. Any vehicle after 2000 now is more likely to be a total rust bucket (even if it hasn't been on the road much) than a pre 1980's vehicle. Anyone know what they are doing to the steel to make it rust out within a few years? (I am sure glad we have some of that old pre 1980 stuff still around) Is it just the specs or what.

I also wondered if that candy was purposely some kind of poisoned crap or if it was just their polluted water sources over there. That brings up a whole new thing in the searches; have you heard about their damns collapsing? China claims to own all the water even that which is in the South China Sea. God gives them all the water they can use and they dammed up so much of it neighboring countries couldn't grow their crops. Looks like those dams are going down now as nature takes back control. China sends its army peeps out to control the people (note not to help the people but to keep them under control as shit goes down)

I can hear the whiners already blaming America for China's problems; and a bunch of those bought on credit consumers whining too that they can't find shit they need now as everything is in the shortage mode.
Let me see if I have this straight? ... you're going through some old boxes and come across some candy ... so you ate some ... and it didn't taste very good ... and this is China's fault? ... okay, boomer ...
Dollar Penny candy and many of the Dill pickles suck now too.

Dollar penny candy? Hooo lee sht. What kinda Keynesian screwery is that? Ugh.

Never liked pickles, so they all suck to me. Those bread n butter ones are kind of okay once in a great while, have to be in the mood, though. Gerkins are alright, I suppose.
Squirrel Nut Zippers were like three for a penny. And they were high up on the list for barter, too. I think I ended up with darned near the whole Evil Knievel toy haul for just a few zips.
Let me see if I have this straight? ... you're going through some old boxes and come across some candy ... so you ate some ... and it didn't taste very good ... and this is China's fault? ... okay, boomer ...
Sugar is one thing that generally retains its taste when in a sealed package. Actually my bitch is with the worthless ftards that seem to think they can push their nasty crap off on the entire populace of the world; that includes the chinese people who are fed up with their nasty crap also because they are trying to push the same shit there off on them.

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