All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss


Gold Member
Feb 5, 2014
Since 60s Fan started a propaganda thread where he posts links to Hasbara sites, I thought that there should be a thread that does the same thing from the opposite perspective. Articles from Electronic Intifada, Arab news sources, Muslim news sources are acceptable for this thread.

Here is one that is astonishing. Israeli soldiers in uniform are attacking American students in the U.S. This is unbelievable. Can you imagine any other country's soldiers going on an American university campus to harass Americnas?

Israeli soldiers harass students on US campus

Israeli Army Shoots 13-Year-Old Palestinian Girl at Checkpoint

Baraa Issawi, who was unarmed, was shot by Israeli troops in her legs for walking towards a military checkpoint.
Israeli troops shot an unarmed 13-year-old Palestinian girl at an occupation checkpoint in the West Bank on Wednesday. Israel claims she continued to walk toward the checkpoint after soldiers ordered her to stop.

Israeli Army Shoots 13-Year-Old Palestinian Girl at Checkpoint

Top Israelis Have Warned of Apartheid, so Why the Outrage at a UN Report?

the Israeli journalist Hirsh Goodman described how he returned home from the Six Day War in June 1967 to hear the country’s founding father and first prime minister, David Ben Gurion, speak on the radio. “Israel, he said, better rid itself of the territories and their Arab population as soon as possible,” recalled Goodman. “If it did not Israel would soon become an apartheid state.”

Goodman was born and raised in apartheid-era South Africa. “That phrase, ‘Israel will become an apartheid state,’ resonated with me,” Goodman wrote. “In a flash I understood what he was saying.”

Top Israelis Have Warned of Apartheid, so Why the Outrage at a UN Report?
The Avalon Project : Hamas Covenant 1988

Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).

Article Eleven:
The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up. Neither a single Arab country nor all Arab countries, neither any king or president, nor all the kings and presidents, neither any organization nor all of them, be they Palestinian or Arab, possess the right to do that. Palestine is an Islamic Waqf land consecrated for Moslem generations until Judgement Day. This being so, who could claim to have the right to represent Moslem generations till Judgement Day?
Largest Palestinian cultural event in Europe draws 15,000 people

Despite an extensive campaign to delegitimise and undermine the event, more than 15,000 visitors attended the largest Palestinian cultural event in Europe, perhaps in the world.

People from all nationalities and religions were united in celebrating Palestinian heritage and history. The atmosphere was electric, with food stalls serving fresh falafel, children dancing the dabke (a traditional Palestinian dance), countless renowned speakers and volunteers to answer your every question.

Greeted with mouthwatering dates and Palestinian biscuits on arrival, the crowds were then unleashed upon five floors of fascinating talks, events, debates, workshops, art displays, music and fun. To have such an event held in the heart of London was truly something to behold.

Acclaimed speakers included BAFTA award-winning journalist and filmmaker John Pilger, musician Dave Randall, former chief political commentator at The Telegraph Peter Oborne, Israeli author and son of an Israeli general Miko Peled, Exeter University professor Ilan Pappe, investigative journalist Asa Winstanley, analyst and author Ben White, professor of Political Science and co-author of the UN Israeli-Apartheid report Virginia Tilley, Professor Santiago Slabodsky, history lecturer Dr AbdoolKarim Vakil, MP for Edinburgh East Tommy Sheppard, Chief Executive of Medical Aid for Palestinians Dr Aimee Shalan, Executive Committee member of Jews for Justice for Palestinians Glyn Secker, Professor of Sociology at Bath University, filmmaker Farah Nabulsi, the 16-year-old winner of the Redbridge Regional “Speak Out” challenge Leanne Mohammed, Palestinian-American writer Mariam Barghouti and many more.

Largest Palestinian cultural event in Europe draws 15,000 people

BDS successes in 2017:

"A UN report established that Israel has imposed a system of apartheid on the entire Palestinian people and called for BDS measures to end this apartheid regime.

The Mennonite Church USA just voted by a 98% majority to divest from companies that profit from the Israeli occupation, following several mainline churches that have adopted similar policies in recent years, including the Presbyterian Church USA, the United Church of Christ and the United Methodist Church. The Mennonite resolution also urges church members to boycott products produced in illegal Israeli settlements built on stolen Palestinian land.

Right to Boycott wins: The Spanish parliament affirmed that the right to advocate for Palestinian rights through BDS is protected under freedom of speech and association. The UK government was defeated in court by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and its allies in a ruling that deems it unlawful for the government to restrict the right of local authorities to divest from companies complicit in Israel’s violations of Palestinian human rights. The Swiss parliament blocked Israel lobby efforts to criminalize support for BDS.

Norway’s largest trade union federation, representing close to one million workers, endorsed a full boycott of Israel to achieve Palestinian rights under international law.

The Lebanese doctors’ syndicate dropped G4S, the world’s largest private security company, following a campaign by boycott activists in Lebanon concerned with the company’s ongoing complicity in Israeli violations of Palestinian human rights.

G4S also suffered its first loss in Ecuador, where a research institute dropped its contract with the company following a BDS campaign. A California transportation board dropped its contract with G4S after a human rights and labor coalition, including BDS activists, highlighted the company’s role in violating human rights in Palestine and the United States.

These developments follow many BDS successes in previous years against G4S in Jordan, Colombia, Finland, UK, South Africa, the European Parliament, among other countries and institutions, which compelled the company to sell most of its illegal Israeli operations.

Israel’s largest public transportation operator lost a 190 million euro contract to run public transportation in the Netherlands.

The Barcelona city council adopted ethical procurement guidelines that exclude companies involved in Israel’s military occupation. In the past year, dozens of city councils across the Spanish state declared themselves Israeli “Apartheid Free Zones.”

A Palestinian coalition of Christian organizations called on the World Council of Churches to support the BDS movement for Palestinian human rights.

A wave of boycotts hit the Tel Aviv International LGBT Film Festival as artists from around the world showed respect for the Palestinian cultural boycott picket line. An award-winning South African filmmaker, whose film was scheduled to be the festival’s opening film, was among the artists who canceled their participation in the festival.

Two Chilean universities cancelled events sponsored by the Israeli embassy, and students governments in several US and other universities passed various BDS measures.

The Israeli government suffered an embarrassing blow after six out of eleven National Football League (NFL) players in the US turned down an all-expenses paid propaganda trip organized to improve Israel’s fast deteriorating image.

BDS campaigns grow among Palestinian citizens of Israel. In coordination with BDS partners in South Korea, the BDS Committee of Palestinian Citizens of Israel (BDS48) launched a campaign to boycott and divest from Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) until the company ends its complicity in Israel’s violations of Palestinian human rights, particularly in Jerusalem and the Naqab (Negev)."

10 Indicators of Success As BDS Movements Turns 12
A new United Nations report states definitively what human rights activists have been arguing for decades: "The weight of the evidence supports beyond a reasonable doubt the proposition that Israel is guilty of imposing an apartheid regime on the Palestinian people, which amounts to the commission of a crime against humanity."
Israel's 'Apartheid Regime' Is a 'Crime Against Humanity': UN Report

Former ICC official says Israel will be convicted of war crimes

May 31, 2017

The former prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) Luis Moreno Ocampo has said that the investigation being carried out by the ICC concerning the issue of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, will most likely result in condemnation of Israeli officials since the establishment of settlements is considered a continuing war crime.

He added that the settlements constitute a clear legal violation of the Rome Statute and the rules of international law, which prohibit an occupying power from transferring its civilian population to an occupied territory.

Former ICC official says Israel will be convicted of war crimes
Palestinian MP Khalida Jarrar given 6 months administrative detention


An Israeli military court has sentenced Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) member Khalida Jarrar to six months imprisonment. Without fair charge or trial.

Israeli forces arrested Jarrar during a predawn raid of her home in Ramallah on July 2. The sentence was levied on July 12 by Israel’s Ofer Military Court and confirmed at a hearing yesterday, Monday July 17.

Jarrar is a long-serving PLC member associated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a far-left socialist party. Her detention came just 13 months after she had been released from an Israeli prison; where she was imprisoned for over a year.

Israel’s system of “Administrative Detention” claims to be preventative in approach; aiming to detain those who may pose a threat in the future. Without trial, fair legal representation and full disclosure of the charges, the system is open to abuse and highly contentious. Administrative detention sentences can be renewed indefinitely every six-months and this policy is used almost exclusively on the Palestinian population.

Jarrar asserts that the allegations brought against her were “ridiculous” and related to completely legal activities; including social and political work as a member of the Palestinian parliament. Jarrar is also the head of the Prisoners’ Commission in the PLC and vice-chairperson of the Palestinian rights group Addameer. Following Jarrar’s detention, Addameer released a statement saying, “The arrest of Khalida Jarrar constitutes an attack against Palestinian political leaders and Palestinian civil society as a whole. It also constitutes one arrest in the context of continuous arrest campaigns against Palestinians.”

Palestinian MP Khalida Jarrar given 6 months administrative detention
Man whose father saved Jews from Nazis asks Israel to take his name off 'ethnic cleansing' memorial

Son of Dutch freedom fighter executed by Nazis has donated trees for a new olive grove in the West Bank 'to make amends for the way in which his family name was exploited' by Israel
  • Wednesday 23 November 2016 15:52 GMT
The son of a Dutch couple who hid Jewish people from the Nazisduring the Holocaust has asked for his father’s name to be removed from a monument built on the site of a destroyed Palestinian village.
Erik Ader, whose parents, Bastiaan Jan and Johanna Ader, are believed to have helped at least 200 Jews escape during World War II, said he considered the monument to be an abuse of his father's memory and that his family name has been exploited to cover up "an act of ethnic cleansing” of Palestinians.

Until a decade ago, Mr Ader said he had no idea a razed village lay underneath the trees.

Mr Ader told NOS that in addition to asking for his father's name to be removed from the site, he has donated 1,100 olive trees for a new forest, which will be named after his father, near a Palestinian village in the West Bank. He said he is gifting these trees to the village to make amends for the similar number of pine trees planted by the JNF in his family's name to conceal the remains of Bayt Natiff."

Man whose father saved Jews from Nazis asks Israel to take his name off 'ethnic cleansing' memorial
They definitive won't discuss the blatant racism and misogyny that lie at the base of their values.
Israel Caves to Misogyny

Sexism and the state of Israel

Womanless Israeli IKEA catalog designed for ultra-Orthodox Jews draws criticism

Anti-Black Racism Reveals Israel’s White Supremacy

While the Israeli state espouses multiculturalism and diversity, it oppresses not just the Palestinian population, but also any Black person within its borders.

From warehousing African asylum seekers in giant prison camps, to criminalizing and carrying out eugenics programs against its Ethiopian Jewish citizens, Israel’s treatment of Black people reveals that the Zionist project is not just about Jewish supremacy, but also white supremacy.

In this on-the-ground investigation, Abby Martin talks to Osman Ali, a refugee from Darfur, at Holot prison camp about the treatment of refugees by the government, and Tehune Maharat, an Ethiopian Jewish activist whose cousin was killed in an apparent hate crime by Israeli police, about the rampant and institutional racism in the country.

Since 60s Fan started a propaganda thread where he posts links to Hasbara sites, I thought that there should be a thread that does the same thing from the opposite perspective. Articles from Electronic Intifada, Arab news sources, Muslim news sources are acceptable for this thread.

Here is one that is astonishing. Israeli soldiers in uniform are attacking American students in the U.S. This is unbelievable. Can you imagine any other country's soldiers going on an American university campus to harass Americnas?

Israeli soldiers harass students on US campus

Why are Islamists allowed to attend American paid colleges in order to spread their hatred and lies? Deport all their asses!

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