"All the Danes and Jews must die"

Exactly, and more proof that the only agenda of the Muslim world is to exterminate all non-Muslims.

There's no such thing as a moderate Muslim. They're on the hit list, too.

Citation of anecdotal incidents is not a sound basis for conclusion that all Muslims desire the extermination of non-Muslims. In terms of the primary motivation for Muslim opposition to "America," I'd suggest looking at the policies of encroachment of U.S. political regimes in the Middle East. Zogby International's Impressions of America 2004: A Six-Nation Survey summarizes this well, noting that "[w]hen asked whether their overall attitude toward the US was shaped by their feelings about American values or US policies, in all six countries, an overwhelming percentage of respondents indicated that policy played a more important role."

Somehow the idea that policy disputes should result in suicide bombings and other acts of terror really doesn't square.
Somehow the idea that policy disputes should result in suicide bombings and other acts of terror really doesn't square.

It's resulted in CIA support for the removal of democratically elected officials and installation of strong-arm dictators in the past, hasn't it?
isnt the jihad shit suppose to refer to the battle one has internally...and has been bastardized into the meaning it has now...

Islam Question and Answer - The difference between jihad and qitaal, and the types of jihad for the sake of Allaah

The difference between jihad and qitaal, and the types of jihad for the sake of Allaah
What is the difference between "Jihad" and "Qitaal" ?.

Praise be to Allaah.
The word jihad is more general than the word qitaal (fighting). Jihaad may be with the tongue (by speaking out), or with weapons (which is qitaal or fighting) or with money. Each of these categories includes numerous subcategories.

Jihad with the tongue includes jihad against the kaafirs, as well as jihad against the hypocrites, jihad against the people of bid’ah (innovation), and jihad against the people of misguidance and whims and desires.

Qitaal may only be done with weapons; it includes fighting the kaafirs, fighting the wrongdoers and fighting the Khawaarij.

The greatest kind of fighting is fighting those who disbelieve, for Allaah has commanded us to fight them. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Fight against those who (1) believe not in Allaah, (2) nor in the Last Day, (3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allaah and His Messenger (Muhammad), (4) and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Islam) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued”

[al-Tawbah 9:29]

“O you who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are close to you, and let them find harshness in you”

[al-Tawbah 9:123]

Jihaad against the kuffaar with weapons is of two types: jihad talab (offensive jihad) and jihad daf’ (defensive jihad).

Jihad talab means attacking the kuffaar in their own lands until they become Muslim or pay the jizyah with willing submission and feel themselves subdued. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “I have been commanded to fight the people until they bear witness that there is no god but Allaah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah, and establish regular prayer, and pay zakaah. If they do that, then they have protected their blood and their wealth from me, except in cases decreed by Islamic law, and their reckoning with be with Allaah.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 25; Muslim, 20.

The purpose of this kind of jihad is not to fight the kuffaar and take their wealth, rather jihad is prescribed for a great purpose which is discussed in question no. 34637.

The second type is jihad al-daf’ (defensive jihad). If the enemy attacks a Muslim country or fights a Muslim country, then jihad is obligatory in that case. If the people of that country are able to undertake this obligation, then all well and good, and the others should support them, both financially and spiritually (by making du’aa’ for them). If the people in that country are not able to undertake this obligation by themselves, then those who are nearby must support them, each according to his ability, whether by giving money, speaking out, or going and fighting. And Allaah knows best.

See also questions no. 20214 and 34830.
Exactly, and more proof that the only agenda of the Muslim world is to exterminate all non-Muslims.

There's no such thing as a moderate Muslim. They're on the hit list, too.

Citation of anecdotal incidents is not a sound basis for conclusion that all Muslims desire the extermination of non-Muslims[/I]

Why not consult Islamic scripture to descern what a devout muslims attitude concerning genocide of non muslims should be?
That's not a response. Nor does it justify terrorist acts.

I'm merely pointing out that terrorism breeds terrorism. The state terrorism of the CIA and similar entities and financial support for the state terrorism of the IOF will unsurprisingly provoke reactive terrorism as a form of reciprocation.

Why not consult Islamic scripture to descern what a devout muslims attitude concerning genocide of non muslims should be?

Sir, the premise that passages that ought to be considered in their unique historical contexts can simply be cherrypicked to dismiss the acts of Muslims as theological irrationality rather than natural reactions to aggression is fallacious. We would not do the same with the Old Testament's proclamations that "he who sacrifices to any god, except to the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed" and "whoever would not seek the LORD God of Israel was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman" to dismiss Jews and Christians, presumably.
That's not a response. Nor does it justify terrorist acts.

I'm merely pointing out that terrorism breeds terrorism. The state terrorism of the CIA and similar entities and financial support for the state terrorism of the IOF will unsurprisingly provoke reactive terrorism as a form of reciprocation.

No i am sorry. "He started it" does not justify the murder of innocent men women and children. Ever. There is no justification for it. Ever. Islam does not condone such murder. And a person who does so is going straight to hell.
While the Arabs in the story, assuming it is true, are obviously worthy of having their butts kicked, I have to say I will not let the Danes off the hook here. They created a "tolerant" liberal society where no one is armed. Such a society produces weakness and makes it prey to stronger cultures. I somehow don't think you would find the same story playing out like this in say rural Alabama.

No you wouldn't---especially this time of year.

The Alabama natives would climb up in their tree stand, knock back a slab of beer, then wait for the Leb family to walk by and take out the Does and the Bucks. :D
That's not a response. Nor does it justify terrorist acts.

I'm merely pointing out that terrorism breeds terrorism. The state terrorism of the CIA and similar entities and financial support for the state terrorism of the IOF will unsurprisingly provoke reactive terrorism as a form of reciprocation.

Why not consult Islamic scripture to descern what a devout muslims attitude concerning genocide of non muslims should be?

Sir, the premise that passages that ought to be considered in their unique historical contexts can simply be cherrypicked to dismiss the acts of Muslims as theological irrationality rather than natural reactions to aggression is fallacious. We would not do the same with the Old Testament's proclamations that "he who sacrifices to any god, except to the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed" and "whoever would not seek the LORD God of Israel was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman" to dismiss Jews and Christians, presumably.

Pure unadulterated bullshit. :rolleyes:
That's not a response. Nor does it justify terrorist acts.

I'm merely pointing out that terrorism breeds terrorism. The state terrorism of the CIA and similar entities and financial support for the state terrorism of the IOF will unsurprisingly provoke reactive terrorism as a form of reciprocation.

Why not consult Islamic scripture to descern what a devout muslims attitude concerning genocide of non muslims should be?

Sir, the premise that passages that ought to be considered in their unique historical contexts can simply be cherrypicked to dismiss the acts of Muslims as theological irrationality rather than natural reactions to aggression is fallacious. We would not do the same with the Old Testament's proclamations that "he who sacrifices to any god, except to the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed" and "whoever would not seek the LORD God of Israel was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman" to dismiss Jews and Christians, presumably.

Pure unadulterated bullshit. :rolleyes:
Why do you say that??
I'm merely pointing out that terrorism breeds terrorism. The state terrorism of the CIA and similar entities and financial support for the state terrorism of the IOF will unsurprisingly provoke reactive terrorism as a form of reciprocation.

Sir, the premise that passages that ought to be considered in their unique historical contexts can simply be cherrypicked to dismiss the acts of Muslims as theological irrationality rather than natural reactions to aggression is fallacious. We would not do the same with the Old Testament's proclamations that "he who sacrifices to any god, except to the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed" and "whoever would not seek the LORD God of Israel was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman" to dismiss Jews and Christians, presumably.

Pure unadulterated bullshit. :rolleyes:
Why do you say that??

Cuz that's my opinion.
Exactly, and more proof that the only agenda of the Muslim world is to exterminate all non-Muslims.

There's no such thing as a moderate Muslim. They're on the hit list, too.

Citation of anecdotal incidents is not a sound basis for conclusion that all Muslims desire the extermination of non-Muslims. In terms of the primary motivation for Muslim opposition to "America," I'd suggest looking at the policies of encroachment of U.S. political regimes in the Middle East. Zogby International's Impressions of America 2004: A Six-Nation Survey summarizes this well, noting that "[w]hen asked whether their overall attitude toward the US was shaped by their feelings about American values or US policies, in all six countries, an overwhelming percentage of respondents indicated that policy played a more important role."

Where on earth did I say that all Muslims desire the extermination of non-Muslims?

I said there's no such thing as a moderate muslim.

Perhaps English is a second language for you?
Ok So lets see you said
Citation of anecdotal incidents is not a sound basis for conclusion that all Muslims desire the extermination of non-Muslims

I asked

Why not consult Islamic scripture to descern what a devout muslims attitude concerning genocide of non muslims should be?

Your responded with
Sir, the premise that passages that ought to be considered in their unique historical contexts can simply be cherrypicked to dismiss the acts of Muslims as theological irrationality rather than natural reactions to aggression is fallacious.
So I ask you what is the meaning of Fitnah
in the Quran?
Please give as much detail ask you are able.

Exactly, and more proof that the only agenda of the Muslim world is to exterminate all non-Muslims.

There's no such thing as a moderate Muslim. They're on the hit list, too.

Citation of anecdotal incidents is not a sound basis for conclusion that all Muslims desire the extermination of non-Muslims

Why not consult Islamic scripture to descern what a devout muslims attitude concerning genocide of non muslims should be?

Why not consult Islamic scripture to descern what a devout muslims attitude concerning genocide of non muslims should be?

Sir, the premise that passages that ought to be considered in their unique historical contexts can simply be cherrypicked to dismiss the acts of Muslims as theological irrationality rather than natural reactions to aggression is fallacious. We would not do the same with the Old Testament's proclamations that "he who sacrifices to any god, except to the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed" and "whoever would not seek the LORD God of Israel was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman" to dismiss Jews and Christians, presumably.
So I ask you what is the meaning of Fitnah
in the Quran?
Please give as much detail ask you are able.

It's a term associated with internal division, and often used to analyze violent intra-Islamic conflicts that have erupted in the past. But your reference to other theological doctrines that must be considered in their own historical context as a means of failing to consider the political complaints of persons that happen to be Muslims is simply fallacious on its face. As mentioned, I do not believe that you would analyze Christianity in such a manner despite the numerous promotions of doctrines considered to be barbaric by modern standards contained in the Bible.
August 30, 2009
Elisabeth Dreijer Sørensen, a representative of the 23 families, recounts: "Yes, I got a red cross on my door. And later we learned what it means - that we are infidels, and that we're on the death list.".

Thanks for the info !
I gotta run to the hardware and get a bunch of red paint!:cool:
14 doors in this lil shack.
GidRdun !:evil:

Thanks Ollie !:eusa_hand:


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